[LPF] Uncertain Whereabouts

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"Is the heal magic drinkings not enoughs?" Daylily reaches into a pouch and pulls out a fistful of vials. "I am have many. You should taking some."

OOC: Daylily has 3xCLW. Drink as many as you need.


"My... my word." the halfling woman looks down at the blood and wear most of a brutal looking wound used to be. "That was some trap."

She looks to the others... "Many thanks to you all for your aid in keeping me alive." she bows to each.

She nods to Daylily, "While I am alive, the wound is still... something." She will take the offered potions. "Please, keep the others in case we run into more trouble. I will be sure to acquire more potions, so that you may all replenish what you have used."

[sblock=Saranna Surefoot's Actions & Stats]Move Action:
Standard Action:
Swift Action:
Free Action:
Miscellaneous Actions:

Saranna Surefoot (Songdragon)
Hallfing Rogue 1
Initiative: +3 Perception: +9
Conditions: n/a
AC: 17 (14 touch; 14 flat-footed)
HP: 11 of 14
CMB: +0 CMD: 13 Fort: +1 Ref: +7 Will: +3
In Hand: rapier (+6, 1d4, 18/x2) & shield[/sblock]
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"Is not to worry about the drinking magics, tiny hunter. There is place nearing-by where they trades the drinking magics for yellows metal." He snickers and shakes his head in amused disbelief.


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Phedilo rushes over, his eyes almost bursting out of his head at the sight of Saranna covered in blood. Stammering and shaking visibly, the halfling says, "A...are you al-alright?" It's clear to those new to the group that he's a scholar, unused to seeing the effects of battle. The gnome, meanwhile, follows behind the man, a look of concern on his face, but not overly so now that Saranna's been nursed back to health. Looking at the rogue, he asks, "Once you've recovered, lady, we must know: do you think it safe to proceed now?"

[sblock=OOC]Let me know what's next. Also, I'll need a marching order for when you do continue on, now that we've shuffled the group a bit.[/sblock]


She looks to the fellow halfling, "I will be fine, thank you."

She looks over the trap to determine what it was for. ((Did it hide something, or just moving of the holy symbol? One does not usually set traps for no reason...)) "Hmmm... so what is here..."


First Post
OOC: Sorry that wasn't clear - you were able to ascertain the presence of some sort of handle, which is clearly meant to be pulled/turned/whathaveyou, although you don't necessarily know the function of this handle. The trap is attached to this handle. The gnome, having already noticed your inspection of this handle, was asking you whether it was now safe to pull it.


Saranna will examine the handle one last time...

If all clear the halfling will nod, "It appears to be. I can attempt to open it and assume the risk." Unless anyone objects she does so, twisting/pulling the handle to open it...


First Post
"I shink you've asshumed enough rishk for now. Let me open the door. If shomeone ish to be shkewered it might ash well be me. *Hip*"

Still with more alcohol then blood in his veins Relic is feeling very courageous. He totters forward and kneels by the trap door. He waits until the others clear away a safe distance and then attempts to open the door, bracing himself for the impact of a second arrow.

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