[LPF] Wreck Ashore

Satin Knights

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Grabbing the edge of the cloth and slicing upwards with the dagger, the cloth opens, she remembers why Rieanne always had a set of smoked goggles around her neck. Turning away and shutting her eyes, she is not blinded by the light intended to be seen for miles. Amien, having never met the pretty Reianne gets caught off guard by the brightness of the light.

[sblock=ooc]Galandra's Reflex (1d20+5=18) saves
Amien Reflex (1d20+2=8) fails, blinded 3 rounds, dazzled next hour[/sblock]

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Amien gahs and immediately covers his eyes, but it's too late to prevent the damage. During the less than a half minute duration which his vision is on fire, he stumbles backwards and spews a large variety of Orcish phrases, none of which should be said in common to a child, before finally the white in his vision is unseen. "That thing's brighter than the sun! I thought it was going to be broken!" Rubbing his left eye and barely looking with his right, he complains, "Blah..! It's going to itch for awhile.."


Galandra chuckles and helps Amien to get down the stairs. "I don't think there's anything else we can do here. Don't worry about them, there has to be another raft by the shore, the one they came in" she pats him in the should. "We should be in our way with them then"


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Amien just lifts Galandra's hand from his shoulder in silent indication that he'll be fine, and responds while carefully descending down the stairs, "Let's just take Siren with us.. I don't think the city will care about the muscles."

Satin Knights

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Making it back down stairs, you realize Tirithon never actually came along on the hike over to the lighthouse. With the light back in proper functioning, the only thing left to do is clean the outside. A glaive and bow are not going to be any use in that endeavor, so you decide to leave that up to which ever villager takes over the lighthouse keeper position.

Walking back, you find Tirithon trimming his toenails and keeping a lazy eye on the captives. Since he was there, the birds have not been able to swoop in for a miraculous rescue of their mistress. "Umm, this is on the wrong side. Gimme a hand." With a bit of elbow grease, the three of you are able to drag the rowboat across the sand to the other side.

[sblock=ooc]All six of you will fit in the rowboat, but it will be a tight fit. The muscle may not be worth much, but they should increase the bounty payout a bit.[/sblock]


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After spending how ever many minutes it must have took to shove the life boat to the other side of the strip of sand, Amien remains unsure sure of the capacity of the lifeboat yet, so he will pull Siren from the lighthouse first by her upper arm, and force her to keep up with him if she's awake, or sling her over his back if she's unconscious still. He'll go back for the henchmen next.

[sblock=OOC]Hopefully this is taking long enough to scrape some time off the dazzled condition.[/sblock]


Galandra has enough muscle to share and will move another of the guys and help put with the last one. "We shouldn't leave them around. Otherwise, they might get their own stupid crew and try again" she unceremoniously throws the guy into the boat. "I guess that's it, the captain should be waiting for us"

Satin Knights

First Post
The ship takes its leisurely time making its way around the reef, leaving you with a bit of time before it gets close to you. You patiently wait for it to get most of the way towards you before rowing out to it. After you climb up on deck, the seamen scamper down and hook ropes on to the rowboat. Using winches, they bring the dingy aboard.

"Well, thanks for the dingy, but why'd ya bring back prisoners? They be more trouble than thar worth most da time." Captain Ironjaw seems unimpressed. The first mate speaks up. "But Captain, if they sank as many ships as suspected, Sebenius Caritono will want some live prisoners to interrogate." "Ah, suppose so." "Ya did good kids. Let's get em below."

[sblock=ooc]Yeah, Amien is fine by the time he gets back on ship.[/sblock]


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Amien just shrugs, and hopes that the extra pay ends up being worth it. He'll try to find some way to relax now that there isn't any pressing matter on the table.


Galandra will follow them down to make sure they are secured. "She's a caster" she warns the first mate to take precautions on Siren.

After that's done, Galandra will go upstairs and look for the cook. "Sir, I'm starving."

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