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[LPF] Wreck Ashore


First Post
When Amien notices the little paddle boat moving back out and into the light of the sunrods, he asks a little confused, "Are they cowarding already? That can't be right." Again, entire ships were brought down in his mind. Are people really just that weak?

He sets his glaive down and pulls out a bullet and drops it into the sling as he's pulling it up. He eases the sailor in front of him aside so that he can get a better shot from where he's standing. He aims for one of the rowers in the back, closest to him and gives the sling a few spins as if it were a mechanism in an addictive game of chance, before finally flinging the tiny ball out to sea towards his target.

[sblock=Turn Actions]Drop Glaive into personal space as free action, load sling with Bullet as Move Action, Draw Sling as part of Move Action.
Attack with Sling, target is the rower at T19 (I think?)
Attack Roll: 1d20+3=12
Damage Roll: 1d4+3=6[/sblock]
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"Oh no, you wont" Galandra drops her Falchion in her place and brings out her Composite Longbow. She lets fly two arrows to the dwarf that is loading his crossbow.

Composite Long bow 1d20+4=6,
Rapidshot 1d20+4=23

Damage 1d8+2=8

[sblock=Actions] Drop Falchion + Quick draw Composite Longbow + Rapid Shot Dwarf[/sblock]

[sblock=Mini Stats]

AC: 18 (Touch 12, Flatfooted 16)
HP: 17/22

Initiative: +2
Perception: +7/+9 vs Humans, Sense Motive: +2/+4 vs Humans,
CMB: +5 CMD: 17 Fort: +4 Reflex: +5 Will: +2

Masterwork Falchion +6 [2d4+4] 18-20
Dagger +5 [1d4+3] 19-20
+2STR Composite Longbow +4 [1d8+2] x3 (110ft)

Effects: Killer
Combat Feats: Power Attack, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot

Conditions: None

In Hand: +2 STR Composite Longbow

Consumables: (18 Normal Arrows, 10 Masterwork Arrows, ), 4 days rations.



First Post
Parinon already in position simply lets fly a pair of arrows this time aimed for the robed figure thinking he may be either a caster or possibly in charge since he was dressed different than the others.

"I'm shooting for the robed figure." he called to his companions.

[sblock=Actions]Full round attack with long bow rapid shot, pointblank shot in effect.
Longbow rapid shot/pointblank shot at robed figure. (1d20+5+1=17, 1d8+1=4, 1d20+5+1=11, 1d8+1=6)[/sblock]
AC: 20 (Touch: 14, Flat: 16)
HP: 11/11
Perception: +1, Sense Motive: +1
CMB: +4, CMD: 18, Fort: +3, Ref: +5, Will +1

Longsword: Attack: +4 Damage: 1d8+3, Crit: 19-20/x2
Dagger: Attack: +4 Damage: 1d4+3, Crit: 19-20/x2, Range:10'
Mace,light: Attack: +4 Damage: 1d6+3, Crit: 20/x2

Longbow: Attack: +5 Damage: 1d8+0, Crit: 20/x3, Range
Increment:100'Effects: None Arrows:Common(60)

Combat Feats: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot


In Hand: Longbow

Consumables: 1 Waterskin, 14 Trail Rations[/sblock]

Satin Knights

First Post
Another shot comes raining down from the crow's nest, but the sailor's aim was a bit off as it thunks into the bottom of the dingy. The sailors who picked up belay pins throw them at the retreating boarders. One connects with the other dwarf who was maneuvering towards the ballista. The first mate's hand crossbow twangs instead of plinking, with the bolt harmlessly splashing into the water.

While the two half orcs row the dingy away from the ship, both dwarves return fire. The first, aiming for the archer who twice hurt his brother, he swivels the ballista around, takes aim at Galandra, and fires. With perfect aim, the heavy bolt hits her square in the chest, knocking her off her feet and back on the deck. With Galandra down, the black robed figure returns fire at Parinon, striking his armor, but not piercing through with his crossbow bolt.

When he sees Galandra take the horrendous hit, Captain Ironjaw rushes forward. "Anya, lass take the wheel!" Anya moves and grabs the wheel, but knows not what to do, other than hold it so it does not spin.

Dyre is dumbfounded by the carnage that is going on around him. He tries to help Galandra, but is unsuccessful.
??/?? ~ AC 14 ~ Sailor 1 ~ lit a sunrod, searching the other side for any more row boats
??/?? ~ AC 19 ~ Captain IronJaw ~ steering ship, non-combatant, running fore deck
15/15 ~ AC 15 ~ Anya ~ moved, holding the wheel
-7/22 ~ AC 18 ~ Galandra ~ Unconscious and bleeding out
..9/9..~ AC 15 ~ Dyre ~ failed heal check
10/10 ~ AC 17 ~Umralar ~ climbing down
11/11 ~ AC 20 ~ Parinon ~
15/15 ~ AC 15 ~ Amien ~ (your sling shot missed by 2)
??/?? ~ AC 14 ~Sailor 2 ~ in crows nest,crossbow shot (1d20+2=13)
??/?? ~ AC 14 ~ Sailor 3 ~ thrown club (1d20+2-2=15) club damage (1d6+1=2)
??/?? ~ AC 14 ~ Sailor 4 ~ thrown club (1d20+2-2=3)
??/?? ~ AC 14 ~ First Mate ~ hand crossbow (1d20+4=6)

-21/?? ~ AC 16 ~ dwarf with crossbow, black robed figure, crossbow attack (1d20+5=19) crossbow damage (1d8=6)
-2/?? ~ AC 14 ~ dwarf with battle axe and leather armor, Light Ballista shot (1d20-1=19) Ballista crit confirmation (1d20-1=19) light ballista crit damage (6d8=24)
-3/?? ~ AC ?? ~ half-orc with battle axe and leather armor, rowing
??/?? ~ AC ?? ~ half-orc with battle axe and leather armor, rowing


-Oh, Fu-!...- was the last thing Galandra managed to think when she saw the ballista get fired at her. The world suddenly was pulled from under her feet and she landed in blackness.

Constitution check for next round (don't know if I'll be on) 1d20+4=20

[sblock=Mini Stats]

AC: 18 (Touch 12, Flatfooted 16)
HP: -7/22

Initiative: +2
Perception: +7/+9 vs Humans, Sense Motive: +2/+4 vs Humans,
CMB: +5 CMD: 17 Fort: +4 Reflex: +5 Will: +2

Masterwork Falchion +6 [2d4+4] 18-20
Dagger +5 [1d4+3] 19-20
+2STR Composite Longbow +4 [1d8+2] x3 (110ft)

Effects: Killer
Combat Feats: Power Attack, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot

Conditions: None

In Hand: +2 STR Composite Longbow

Consumables: (20 Normal Arrows, 10 Masterwork Arrows, ), 4 days rations.



First Post
While loading a new bullet into the sling, fumbling with the object, his head jerks to blur and whiss that he felt to see what just happened. He stands now in a blanket of gray that had covered the desolate surrounding of buildings that chill, frosty morning, looking over the body of a kid, around his age somewhere in the teens laying on the floor, broken while his brother kneels over him, screaming aloud his begging and pleading for the body to hang in there. He doesn't know who this kid is, but seeing the full extent of the damage these battles his brothers fight beyond concepts only known to him like pride or valor changed him somehow.

He turns his eyes away from the scene and looks down from the wall he and his clan are standing on, looking to the distance where his enemies are disappearing in the fog and firing back from their wagon as they paddle it.. Paddling a.. wagon? That doesn't matter. They are to blame for what had just happened. He remembers what he was told: They are animals, they kill competition to control their habitat. This is a battle, and he's part of one. He can't back down now, he has to fight just like everyone else.

Amien sharpens his senses with determination to fire another sling shot at the one that had just shot the kid, hoping to take out the biggest threat.

[sblock=Turn Actions]Load Sling with bullet as Move Action, Controlled Rage (I choose +4 Dex) as Free Action, attack whichever Dwarf has the Ballista.
Attack Roll: 1d20+5=18
Damage Roll: 1d4+3=6[/sblock]


First Post
Parinon also fires two shots at the ballista wielding dwarf hoping to avenge his fallen comrade. He lets fly his arrows in a calm silent manner as if he were at the target range instead of in the midst of a missile war. Pull aim release, pull aim release.

[sblock=actions]Full round attack fire long bow twice with rapid shot at ballista dwarf unless he is dropped prior. If he goes down shift fire to the robed figure once more.Two arrows from long bow (1d20+5=14, 1d8=5, 1d20+5=17, 1d8=3)[/sblock]

AC: 20 (Touch: 14, Flat: 16)
HP: 11/11
Perception: +1, Sense Motive: +1
CMB: +4, CMD: 18, Fort: +3, Ref: +5, Will +1

Longsword: Attack: +4 Damage: 1d8+3, Crit: 19-20/x2
Dagger: Attack: +4 Damage: 1d4+3, Crit: 19-20/x2, Range:10'
Mace,light: Attack: +4 Damage: 1d6+3, Crit: 20/x2

Longbow: Attack: +5 Damage: 1d8+0, Crit: 20/x3, Range
Increment:100'Effects: None Arrows:Common(58)

Combat Feats: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot


In Hand: Longbow

Consumables: 1 Waterskin, 14 Trail Rations

Satin Knights

First Post
The sway of the ship is too much for the sailor in the crows nest to get a clean shot, as another bolt slices into the water short of the rowboat. Captain IronJaw rushes forward, pulling a wand as he approaches. The sailor standing to where Galandra was picks up her bow and an arrow. Drawing, he tries, but the feel is uncomfortable and the shot sails wide. The other sailor pulls another belay pin from the rail and throws. This one only makes it halfway before plopping in the water. Umralar is trying to climb down from his crows nest. Not accustomed to the sway of the ship, he looses his footing and is dangling from a rope above the deck. Dyre starts tearing his sleeve to make a bandage for the fallen lady. The first mates hand crossbow is feeling more like a worthless toy in his hands than a weapon. After he misses again, he ducks below the rail of the ship.

On the rowboat, both of the dwarves are quite bloody, but still standing. The leader reloads his crossbow, takes aim and pierces Parinon's armor, sticking him in the belly. The other dwarf is busy reloading the ballista for another shot. Rowing out into the darkness appears to be the only thing on the half-orcs minds.

They are in dim light now. 20% miss chance. (forgot before, but not rolling back your damage.)

??/?? ~ AC 14 ~ Sailor 1 ~ lit a sunrod, searching the other side for any more row boats, non-combatant
??/?? ~ AC 19 ~ Captain IronJaw ~ steering ship, non-combatant, running fore deck, double moved, pulled wand
15/15 ~ AC 15 ~ Anya ~ moved, holding the wheel
-7/22 ~ AC 18 ~ Galandra ~ Unconscious and Stable
..9/9..~ AC 15 ~ Dyre ~ making bandages
10/10 ~ AC 17 ~Umralar ~ climbing down
.8/11 ~ AC 20 ~ Parinon ~ (hit twice)
15/15 ~ AC 15 ~ Amien ~ (hit)
??/?? ~ AC 14 ~Sailor 2 ~ in crows nest, crossbow shot at ballista dwarf (1d20+2=8)
??/?? ~ AC 14 ~ Sailor 3 ~using Galandra's longbow (1d20+2=7)
??/?? ~ AC 14 ~ Sailor 4 ~another belay pin thrown (1d20+2-8=1)
??/?? ~ AC 14 ~ First Mate ~ hand crossbow (1d20+4-2=6)

-21/?? ~ AC 16 ~ dwarf with crossbow, black robed figure, crossbow attack (1d20+5=21) crossbow damage on Parinon (1d8=3)
-16/?? ~ AC 14 ~ dwarf with battle axe and leather armor, reloading
-3/?? ~ AC ?? ~ half-orc with battle axe and leather armor, rowing
??/?? ~ AC ?? ~ half-orc with battle axe and leather armor, rowing


First Post
Amien reaches to his pouch for another bullet, but they are starting to disappear into the distance. He doesn't think he can reach that far with a shot, even if he moved to close the distance. He remains in the fantasy of the battle, watching the movements of the men with a cold glare to know when they will shoot at him.

[sblock=Turn Actions]Remaining enraged, Total Defense this round[/sblock]


First Post
Parinon glances quickly at Dyre and sees that Galandra has been stabalized. He was probably going to simply waste two arrows but he was intent on ending atleast one of the brazen attackers. He lobs two arrows into the night at the shadow that remained outlining the rowboat and their assailants.

[sblock=actions]Full round action:Fire two arrows at the robed figure.Two arrows with percent to miss (1d20+5=17, 1d8=1, 1d100=39, 1d20+5=22, 1d8=5, 1d100=36)[/sblock]
AC: 20 (Touch: 14, Flat: 16)
HP: 11/11
Perception: +1, Sense Motive: +1
CMB: +4, CMD: 18, Fort: +3, Ref: +5, Will +1

Longsword: Attack: +4 Damage: 1d8+3, Crit: 19-20/x2
Dagger: Attack: +4 Damage: 1d4+3, Crit: 19-20/x2, Range:10'
Mace,light: Attack: +4 Damage: 1d6+3, Crit: 20/x2

Longbow: Attack: +5 Damage: 1d8+0, Crit: 20/x3, Range
Increment:100'Effects: None Arrows:Common(56)

Combat Feats: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot


In Hand: Longbow

Consumables: 1 Waterskin, 14 Trail Rations [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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