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M&M 3e Re-recruitment - (closed)


Sorry if I sounded a bit snippy, was posting from my cell at work and didn't have a lotta time to be succinct.
I didn't mean to come down on you, It's just that I've seen the whole 'electric power = win' thing in several games, and it's always bothered me that Electric Hero's tend to so insanely powerful and versatile. Any one of those powers can be enough to base an entire character around, so having a half dozen just makes me raise eyebrows.

But I'm not the GM this time, so it's VV's call. :)

No offense taken. I welcome constructive criticism. I will be more than happy to edit my build to make it more reasonable. I'll admit I wasn't 100% sure about adding some of those powers. I'll make some edits and repost my build in the next day or so.


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Here is an edited version of Dynamo. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

Dynamo - PL 10
James (Jim) Galen
Age: 32 Height: 6' 2" Weight: 200lbs Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown

Strength 1, Stamina 2, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 4, Intellect 2, Awareness 1, Presence 1

Close Attack 6, Contacts, Defensive Roll 2, Evasion 2, Ranged Attack 8

Athletics 4 (+5), Expertise: Electrician 6 (+8), Expertise: Streetwise 4 (+6), Insight 2 (+3), Intimidation 4 (+5), Investigation 4 (+6), Perception 6 (+7), Persuasion 4 (+5), Technology 4 (+6)

Electrical Form: Insubstantial 3 (Energy) 15pp
Electromagnetic Field: Force Field 6 (+6 Toughness) 6pp
Energy Control: Energy Control 10 (DC 25, ranged damage, 250/500/1000 feet) 24pp
Alt: Electrical Arc: Dazzle 10 (Alternate; Affects Sense: visual, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 20, ranged damage, 250/500/1000 feet)
Alt: Static Electricity: Move Object 10 (Alternate; 25 tons; Limited Material: Ferrous Metals, ranged 250/500/1000 feet)
Alt: Taser: Cumulative Affliction 10 (Alternate; 1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 20; Cumulative, Close Damage Attack)
Alt: Teleport: Teleport 10 (Alternate; 4 miles in a move action, carrying 50 lbs.; Accurate; Medium: Electrical wiring)
Immunity: Immunity 10 (Common Descriptor: Electricity; Limited - Half Effect) 5pp
Immunity: Immunity 2 (Disease, Poison; Limited - Half Effect) 1pp
Senses: Senses 1 (Low-light Vision) 1pp

Initiative +2
Electrical Arc: Dazzle 10 (Ranged Damage), +10 (DC Fort 20)
Energy Control: Energy Control 10 (Ranged Damage), +10 (DC 25)
Grab, +10 (DC Spec 11)
Static Electricity: Move Object 10, +10 (DC 20)
Taser: Cumulative Affliction 10 (Close Attack), +10 (DC Fort 20)
Throw, +10 (DC 16)
Unarmed, +10 (DC 16)


Dodge 10, Parry 10, Fortitude 10, Toughness 10/2, Will 9

Power Points
Abilities 30 + Powers 52 + Advantages 19 + Skills 19 (38 ranks) + Defenses 30 = 150


Power Loss: Dynamo loses his powers when immersed in water or covered in an electrical insulator such as rubber.

Relationship: Ex-Wife Lisa Galen and children Jeff and Amanda.

Identity: Dynamo’s real identity is known by law enforcement and the hero community.


Jim was just a regular guy, married with 2 kids, and working as an electrician. Everything changed one fateful day when he was working at a job site. There was a fight going on nearby between Captain Incredible and the villain Dr. Photon. Most of the other guys on the job site had gone to watch. Jim had no desire to goof off like that. He was being paid to work and that's what he did.

Jim continued to work even when the sounds of battle drew closer. He had just finished completing the wiring and had turned the main breaker on when Captain Incredible came crashing through the building and into Jim, knocking both of them into the live electrical box. As the electricity coursed through his body, Jim watched as Captain Incredible simply got up and went back to continue the fight.

Minutes later, the fight was over and the rest of the guys came back into the building. When they saw Jim laying on the floor, near death, they called emergency services. Jim was rushed to the hospital where he eventually recovered. While he recovered, he developed an intense hatred for Captain Incredible. Not only had the hero caused the accident in the first place, he didn't bother to stay around and make sure he was okay. To add to the insult, the hero never bothered to visit him in the hospital.

Within weeks after his release, Jim began to discover he had some new and powerful abilities. He was scared of these new abilities and they frightened his family. Jim wanted nothing more than to get rid of these abilities and have his life return to normal.

Through sheer luck, he came into contact with a Dr Markus. He told Jim that he could help him with his problem but it would take time and a lot of money. Jim agreed and, in desperation, robbed a bank to get enough money for a down payment on the treatments. After that initial theft, Jim decided he needed a better disguise in order to protect is family. He created the identity of Dynamo.

Over time, he started robbing more and more banks, ATMs, and armored cars. During one of these heists, he encountered Captain Incredible. Jim's hatred for the hero took over and the two battled. Jim was able to escape the hero by turning himself into living electricity and entering nearby power lines.

The two would clash a couple more times before Jim was captured and put into a special jail cell. His family found out what he had been doing. They were devastated. His wife left him and filed for divorce. Not only that, she got a restraining order against him.

As Jim sat in jail, awaiting trial, his hatred of Captain Incredible grew even more. He blamed the hero for the loss of his family, believing that if he had not caused the accident that gave Jim powers, then his wife would never have left him.

Jim was broken out of jail one day by Dr. Photon. Even though the man was a villain, Jim was grateful. After all, this would give Jim the chance to continue with his treatments and hopefully be cured. What he didn't know was that Dr. Markus and Dr. Photon were the same person. Dr. Markus was not trying to cure Jim, he had been working on increasing his power for the sole reason of defeating Captain Incredible once and for all.

Not long after, the aliens came. Everything changed after that day.

During another robbery, this time of a diamond shipment, the aliens grabbed Jim. He found himself powerless and restrained on some sort of spaceship. His fate unknown, Jim could only hope his family was safe. [/sblock]
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First Post
I would be interested if you are still recruiting.

I am still kind of a noob to M&M (sort of, it is complicated) so bear with me as I try to conform the rules to my imagination.

The character I am thinking of is:

Jack of all Trades

This is a skills as powers character who, up until the world was taken over used his abilities to amass a fortune, but all of that is now ruins. He was not a villian, but he certainly wasn't a hero... until now... maybe. Well someone has to put this world back to where people can take advantage of their god given gifts

Walking Dad

First Post
is this still recruiting or complete for now?
I was originally looking for a group of 5-6 players, meaning I have 2-3 slots to fill. The recruitment is still open, as no new submission was chosen yet. Post background and stats and I will decide who will be in the game.

No new submissions after Easter. On a related note, my own posting will be a bit sporadic until then. I'm going to visit my parents with the kids.


First Post

Hero Lab® and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc.
Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition is ©2010-2012 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.


Raised in low-income inner-city projects, Malik Clark was doomed to a future of crime. Which he found before reaching high school. Picking-up the local street "hustle", Malik became a half-way decent gangster, although deep down he was only doing what the concrete jungle demanded for survival. His mother was ill and his "activities" generated money for medication, bills or whatever else the city demanded of them. Malik would stand on trash-ridden rooftops overlooking rows of project-housing resembling the gargantuan tombstones of fallen and forgotten gods.

Then. That day.

The massive explosion of two superhumans battling shattered the normal evening calm of the projects. Tenements held together by dust and hope shook with the terrible force of the combatants attacks. Neither would fall. Neither seemed to care panicked families watched from mere yards away, too frightened to run or even move. Everyone fled the courtyard between four buildings - except Malik. He had to see. He wasn't afraid. He was drawn to the display of incalculable power.

The bad guy struck a horrific blow, dropping the good guy. It was over. The glowing villain gazed around, then flew away. Malik watched the downed hero, smoking with pain. He approached, maybe to help or gawk. He'd never se---

As Malik paced forward, the mortally-wounded hero exploded with the force of 100 suns, showering the entire block in blinding light! The wild, organic, quantum forces of a slain superhuman whipped across the area. Searching. Finding a host, Malik was struck by the earth-shattering energy, charging his atoms with mind-rending power. When he stopped glowing moments later, Malik looked around. Everyone was wondering outside and staring at him. And? Surveying himself, Malik realized he was now much bigger. Much stronger. Much more powerful.

This would go somewhere.

Malik put his name in the criminal underground's "hat", letting prospective terrorists and run-of-the-mill crooks know his services were available. He liked the name Bonecrusher. It fit, especially after what Malik had done to local thugs who tried to threaten the new super-villain. The Fatal Five needed a fifth, so Malik filled. Then the Wizards of War needed muscle. Okay. Later, local mob bosses wanted protection from national mob bosses. Bonecrusher took on any job and established himself as one of the more capable bruisers on the street. Then, Malik became a papa.

Bob was the apple of his dad's eye and Malik slowly found himself changing. He wanted more. A life for his son that he'd never had. Something meaningful. With Bob's mother (part-time thief, Evangeline) in prison, Malik was a single-dad facing all the demands of a parent. Meanwhile, the alien forces fell upon the Earth, the whole world watching as a new cosmic terror appeared!

The heroes rose against the alien forces and fell almost as quickly. Governments tumbled. Except for the aliens, it was wonderful. But, in the aftermath, everyone watched as the conquerors began marching across the Earth. Before long, everyone would be in chains. Or dead. Malik made contact through the normal circles of criminals and learned many of them were launching an offensive against the invaders. The villains had long outnumbered the heroes, but greed and arrogance always proved our downfall.

This time we'd unite. Malik would do it for Bob. Bob was all that mattered. Bonecrusher would do whatever was necessary to set things right on his planet. Even work with the most dangerous scum imaginable. For Bob.

Age: 26
Height: 7' 1"
Weight: 800 lb.
Eyes: Black
Hair: None

Power Level 10, 150 PP; Abilities 34 + Powers 92 + Advantages 15 + Skills 9 (18 ranks) +
Defenses 0

Strength 12 Agility 0 Fighting 8 Stamina 12 Dexterity 0 Intellect 0 Awareness 5 Presence 4

Initiative: +8
Back Up!: Cone-Area (120') Damage 10, DC 25, Limited: Knockback only
Stomp: Burst-Area Affliction 10, DC 20, Limited: Ground-based
Throw +8, DC 27, Bludgeon, Crit 20
Unarmed +8, DC 27, Bludgeon, Crit 20
Now I'm Mad: Grab-Based Affliction 10, +8, DC 20 (vs. Parry), Power Attack, All-Out Attack,
Crit 18+

Super-Damn-Dangerous (85 PP);

- Built for Whatever: Immunity 15 (8 PP)
Quantum Forces, Interaction Skills, Life Support; Limited - Half Effect (Personal - Permanent)

- Not a Scratch: Enhanced Stamina 12 (24 PP)
Quantum Forces, +12 STA (Free - Personal - Sustained)

- Hard-Headed: Enhanced Trait 6 (6 PP)
Quantum Forces, Will +3 ( +8), Advantages: Fearless, Second Chance 2: Mind & Emotion Control
(Personal - Sustained)

- Flying's for Suckers: Leaping 10 (5 PP)
Quantum Forces, Leap 1 mile at 250 miles/hour in 12 seconds; Distracting (Move
Personal - Instant)

- He's Quick Too: Enhanced Trait 8 (8 PP), Dodge +8 ( +8) (Personal - Sustained)

- Don't You Know Who I Am?: Impervious Toughness 12 (12 PP)
Quantum Forces (Free - Personal - Continuous)

- Feel My Flex: Enhanced Strength 12 (29 PP)
Quantum Forces, +12 STR (Free - Personal - Sustained)

  • Back Up!: Damage 10 (alternate; 1 pp)
Quantum Forces, DC 25; Cone Area 2: 120 feet cone, Resisted by Toughness; Limited: to Knockback only, Quirk: shatters nearby glass (Standard - Close - Instant)

  • Now I'm Mad: Affliction 10 (alternate; 1 pp)
Quantum Forces, 1st degree: Impaired, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Paralyzed, DC 20,
Advantages: Improved Critical 2 Alternate Resistance: Parry, Distracting, Grab-based
(Standard - Close - Continuous)

  • Stomp: Burst-Area Affliction 10 (alternate; 1 pp)
Quantum Forces, 1st degree: Vulnerable, Hindered, 2nd degree: Defenseless, Prone, DC 20;
Alternate Resistance: Dodge, Burst Area 2: 60 feet radius sphere, Extra Condition; Limited:
Bonecrusher & targets must be in contact w/ ground, Limited Degree (Standard - Close -

  • Where You Want This?: Enhanced Strength 24 (alternate; 1 pp)
Quantum Forces, 400 k-tons; Limited: to Lifting (Standard - Close - Sustained)

  • I Can Pound You To Dust: Enhanced Trait 9.5 (alternate; 1 pp)
Quantum Forces, Intimidation +11 ( +15), Advantages: Daze (Intimidation), Fascinate
(Intimidation), Skill Mastery (Intimidation) (Personal - Sustained)

Dodge 8/0
Parry 8
Fortitude 12
Impervious: +12
Toughness 12
Will 8/5

All-out Attack
Benefit: Ambidextrous
Fast Grab
Improved Critical 2
Improved Grab
Improved Hold
Improved Initiative 2
Improvised Weapon
Power Attack
Prone Fighting
Second Chance 2 (Mind & Emotion Control)
Weapon Break

Enemy: Alien invaders
Motivation: Survival
Relationship: Son
Reputation: Criminal
Responsibility: Son

Languages: English

Acrobatics -
Athletics - (+12)
Close Combat: Unarmed - (+8)
Deception - (+4)
Expertise: Streetwise 5 (+5)
Expertise: Crime 5 (+5)
Insight - (+5)
Intimidation - (+4/+15)
Investigation -
Perception - (+5)
Persuasion - (+4)
Ranged Combat: Throw 8 (+8)
Sleight of Hand -
Stealth -
Technology -
Treatment -
Vehicles -
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Alright, my two cents on Bonecrusher:

First off, for history/Complications:
Just want to point out : Good history, but what happened after the aliens invaded? Did he immediately turn to fighting them or did he spend a bunch of time trying to continue his search for money? Did he try working for the Invaders for a while before turning against them or falling out of their good graces and switching back to the human side?

For Complications, the Law enforcement/criminal aspect is non-existent, and I highly doubt greed is playing much of a part anymore. Remember, the premise for the campaign is that the alien invasion whipped out all the super heroes/governments/law enforcement, so our super-villains are basically guerrilla freedom fighters.

Power Level 10, 150 PP, 0 PP left to spend ; Abilities 36 + Powers 93 +
Advantages 14 + Skills 7 (14 ranks) + Defenses 0

Strength 12 Agility 0 Fighting 8 Stamina 12 Dexterity 0 Intellect 0 Awareness 5 Presence 5
Only problem I'm having with this is the presence 5.. that's like super-star celebrity stuff, and even higher than the beautiful Atlantean princess who can charm people with a song.. I have trouble understanding how unlucky someone that charismatic would have to be to get forced into a life of crime instead of becoming famous and/or wealthy.
Unless the presence(And, I presume, Awareness) was a part of his empowering.

- Built for Whatever: Immunity 15 (8 PP)
Quantum Forces, Interaction Skills, Life Support; Limited - Half Effect (Personal - Permanent)
Why is he super-resistant to interaction skills? Also I don't think that it's even necessary, I very rarely see GM's ever use interaction skills against players.
Also on a personal level I just dislike Half-effect Immunities, they just seem odd to me. :p

- Not a Scratch: Enhanced Stamina 12 (24 PP)
Quantum Forces, +12 STA (Free - Personal - Sustained)
- Don't You Know Who I Am?: Impervious Toughness 12 (13 PP)
Quantum Forces (Free - Personal - Continuous)
- Feel My Flex: Enhanced Strength 12 (29 PP)
Quantum Forces, +12 STR (Free - Personal - Sustained)
- He's Quick Too: Enhanced Trait 8 (8 PP), Dodge +8 ( +8) (Personal - Sustained)
- Hard-Headed: Enhanced Trait 6 (6 PP)
Quantum Forces, Will +3 ( +8), Advantages: Fearless, Second Chance 2: Mind & Emotion Control
(Personal - Sustained)
Reorganized to put these altogether so I could address them at the same time. Keep in mind that having enhanced traits as sustained means you need to be capable of acting each round, they'll shut off the instant you aren't, so this character isn't ALWAYS super-strong/tough/fearless, he has the ability to be. Also non-permanent means that they can be turned off/countered/ nullified by other effects.

  • Rock The Mic: Concentration Perception-Area Affliction 5 (alternate)
Mind, 1st degree: Entranced, 2nd degree: Compelled, 3rd degree: Controlled, Resisted by:
Will, DC 15; Perception Area, Concentration, Innate, Reversible; Check Required 10: DC 15 -
Expertise: Rapping, Limited: to NPC civilians (Standard - Close - Concentration)
will Siren be getting a disciple?
[sblock=Siren's Song]
-Siren Song: Affliction 10 (Area Perception(Hearing)+1, Selective+1, Cumulative+1, Limited: Singing -1, Alternate save: Will+0, Insidious) *3/rank+1=31*
**Affliction: Will save, causes Entranced; Compelled; Controlled**
OK, mechanics: "Check required: 10" would be a DC of 20, not 15. Check required is DC 10 + Ranks in check required. Also, with check required, the amount you BEAT it by is the amount of ranks you get to use, so you would need a 25 expertise check to use your affliction at full power.
My math says that this power only costs 7, so I'm guessing you meant to write check required: 5, which would make the total cost of the power 12 (Same as the base power). In that case remember that you still need a total of 20 on the expertise check to get the full effect of this power.

Also, I'm not sure how this makes any sense whatsoever as an alternate effect of impervious toughness..

  • Back Up!: Cone-Area Move Object 8 (alternate)
Quantum Forces, 6 tons; Cone Area 2: 120 feet cone, Custom: Resisted by Strength; Limited
Direction: away from Bonecrusher, Reduced Range: close (Standard - Close - Sustained)
I like the idea, I've tried several methods myself of coming up with a 'knockback' attack, but they all have their own problems. This one, for example, still technically allows you to do all of the normal TK 'grapple/disarm/pick stuff up' effects, so long as you only move things away from you. Might I suggest instead an Enhanced strength that adds the area to it with a limit of 'only usable for pushing' or something like that? (Considering that's VERY limiting, it might be worth a -2 even, if WD likes it)

  • Now I'm Mad: Affliction 10 (alternate)
Quantum Forces, 1st degree: Impaired, 2nd degree: Prone, 3rd degree: Paralyzed, DC 20,
Advantages: Improved Critical 2 Alternate Resistance: Parry, Custom 3: Permanent effect;
Distracting, Grab-based (Standard - Close)
Can you crit on an affliction? I'd never even considered that before...
Also, what's the description behind this? Looks like a form of grapple/knockdown attack?

  • Stomp: Burst-Area Affliction 10 (alternate)
Quantum Forces, 1st degree: Vulnerable, Hindered, 2nd degree: Defenseless, Prone, DC 20;
Alternate Resistance: Dodge, Burst Area 2: 60 feet radius sphere, Extra Condition; Limited:
Bonecrusher & targets must be in contact w/ ground, Limited Degree (Standard - Close -
Only problem I see with this is that 'must be in contact with ground' is one of the least limiting limiters available unless flight is very common in the campaign, which doesn't seem to be the case in this game.

  • Where You Want This?: Move Object 24 (alternate) 
 Quantum Forces, 400 k-tons; Grab-based, Limited: to Lifting, Reduced Range: close (Standard
- Close - Sustained)
If you want to be able to lift more, just go with an extra 12 ranks of enhanced str limited to lifting, as the close range flaw on move object is generally not a good idea unless the GM decides that the ability makes sense as a form of 'tactile telekinesis'. It's also more simple.

  • You Ready to Die?: Enhanced Trait 9 (alternate)
Quantum Forces, Intimidation +10 ( +15), Advantages: Daze (Intimidation), Fascinate
(Intimidation), Skill Mastery (Intimidation), Startle; Sense-dependent: visual or aural (Personal -
I don't believe Sense dependent can be used on interaction skills/advantages, as they're already dependent on the ability to interact with the target. Even if you could somehow make an intimidate check against someone who can neither see NOR hear you, I'd see that as a power loss complication or quirk at the very most.
It's POSSIBLE to scare someone through only touch, smell, and taste, but I don't think you'd be able to accurately convey enough of the purpose behind what you're doing to use the intimidate skill or to daze/fascinate/startle them.

  • Flying's for Suckers: Leaping 10 (5 PP)
Quantum Forces, Leap 1 mile at 250 miles/hour in 12 seconds; Acrobatics Check Required (Move
Personal - Instant)
Keep in mind that with 5 points in check required you gain 1 rank of leaping for each point by which your acrobatics exceeds 15. With a 0 acrobatics bonus, the best you can do is 5 ranks of leaping with a rolled 20.

All-out Attack
Fast Grab
Improved Critical 2
Improved Grab
Improved Hold
Improved Initiative 2
Improvised Weapon
Power Attack
Second Chance 2 (Mind & Emotion Control)
Skill Mastery: Expertise (PER; Rapping)
Weapon Break
just pointing out that the imp crit is only on while your 'now im mad' affliction power is your active effect.
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First Post
Thanks for the quick reply, Jemal!

Game setting: totally botched that, sorry. I'll touch it up.

Complications: Swap Greed for Survival & Aliens for Law Enforcement.

Presence: easy to lower, but: I'd give Shaq (the former basketball player) Presence 5, because he's huge & a celebrity. Malik got 5 because he's Hulk-size & a talented performer to boot. 7'1, 800 lbs. of rock-solid muscle gets immediate attention & respect with most people. Plus, Bonecrusher's an established villain with a rep. Presence isn't limited to beauty or charm, but reflects the overall impact appearance & attitude has on others. But, again, it can be lowered. No problem.

Immunities: He's not immune, just highly-resistant. That's part of his power-set, combined with his cultural experiences dealing with crooks. But easy to change as well.

Enhanced Traits: the only one that's an AE is his Intimidation bump. The rest are stand-alone powers. I'll fix the format.

Rock the Mic: yeah, that needs fixing. Thanks & Siren can certaining sing hooks for BC - anytime ;) Impervious is another stand-alone power. Format issue.

Back Up!: Thanks for the suggestion. Maybe I'll use the textbook "Shockwave" instead. I'll weigh both options.

Now I'm Mad: As designed, it's a Grab attack that permanently maim targets. Any attack with an effect rank qualifies for Imp. Crit., following the logic.

Stomp: It's the textbook "Groundstrike" basically, which uses that limitation. More mechanical than anything, I think.

Where You Want This: Move Object was way cheaper (reduced range & making it Grab-based), plus if Bonecrusher decides to lift a skyscraper, MO lifts the entire mass, where Strength alone would have the immense structure fall apart. More mechanical, again.

Are You Ready To Die?: Agreed. Easy fix.

Flying is for Suckers: Missed that. Thought it was an Athletics check. Easy fix & thanks.

Imp. Crit.: Noted.

Great review & the changes will be documented (I'm still on the fence w/ his Presence, though: it fits).


Thanks for the quick reply, Jemal!
NP hope you don't mind some more?
Presence: easy to lower, but: I'd give Shaq (the former basketball player) Presence 5, because he's huge & a celebrity. Malik got 5 because he's Hulk-size & a talented performer to boot. 7'1, 800 lbs. of rock-solid muscle gets immediate attention & respect with most people. Plus, Bonecrusher's an established villain with a rep. Presence isn't limited to beauty or charm, but reflects the overall impact appearance & attitude has on others. But, again, it can be lowered. No problem.
Well, personally I was just confused by how someone with such a commanding presence would become a mere 'muscle for hire'. And the 'higher than siren' thing is just a personal gripe "NO damnit I'm the pretty charismatic one!" . :p

Immunities: He's not immune, just highly-resistant. That's part of his power-set, combined with his cultural experiences dealing with crooks. But easy to change as well.
Well that's up to WD, I was just curious why.

Enhanced Traits: the only one that's an AE is his Intimidation bump. The rest are stand-alone powers. I'll fix the format.
Hmm.. So then what are the extra 5 pts on your str for? It should only cost 24 pp but you have it listed as 29. I figured that and the extra 1 pt cost on your toughness corresponded to the 6 things you had listed as alternate..
Also if the intimidate's the only AE, I count you as being about a hundred points over..

Now I'm Mad: As designed, it's a Grab attack that permanently maim targets. Any attack with an effect rank qualifies for Imp. Crit., following the logic.
Not sure permanent on an affliction is possible, or even a good suggestion. In the cases it matters, it would seem too powerful, and for the cases where it doesn't matter (Single-time opponents), it's inconsequential.

Where You Want This: Move Object was way cheaper (reduced range & making it Grab-based), plus if Bonecrusher decides to lift a skyscraper, MO lifts the entire mass, where Strength alone would have the immense structure fall apart. More mechanical, again.
Super hero games rarely take real-world structural integrity into account b/c it just doesn't work together with super-power physics. And as far as the cheaper - that's kinda part of the problem. Using multiple overlapping flaws to make one power into a cheaper version of another is a widely frowned upon exploit. Also there's the fact that 'grab-based' is only supposed to be used for ATTACK effects, which a power that's only for lifting things most assuredly is not, even if the base power started out that way. It'd be like adding innacurate flaw to it to save points. Sure they technically can, b/c its a close ranged effect that WOULD require an attack check if you could use it on people, but since you've already used one limit to make that a non-issue, adding those flaws is a double-tap with no actual further limitation on the power.

Also, Power lifting (Str limited to lifting) is only 1pp/rank, so 24 ranks of it would cost 24pp, same as your normal str, and would make a perfect alternate power for said strength. You would have str 24 for lifting things and str 12 for anything else.


First Post

- story & complications adjusted for alien invasion

- dropped Presence 1 rank

- right, Enhanced Strength is part of an array, but I've seen a few "Powerhouse" builds that work that way. Strength 12 is his default power, until he switches to another. The cool thing is you can switch between powers with only a Free action.

- dropped the "rapper schtick" & "Rock the Mic"

- Changed "Back Up!" to Cone-Area Damage, limited to Knockback only. If the Toughness check is failed, no damaged Conditions occur. It's more like the comic book version of "non-damaging force".

- dropped Sense-Dependent from "Are You Ready to Die?"

- dropped the check from Leaping

- shifted the non-alternate effects to the top of Powers

- picked-up a few Advantages & the Streetwise skill

should be street-legal, depending on WalkingDad's review.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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