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M&M - Chosen (Recruiting Closed)

Walking Dad

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@Jemal: I will reduce impervious. Would 8 be ok?

Any suggestion for the drawback?
What point level is needed? 3, 5 10?

Your Daredevil example suggest a rather weak drawback.

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@Jemal: I will reduce impervious. Would 8 be ok?

Any suggestion for the drawback?
What point level is needed? 3, 5 10?

Your Daredevil example suggest a rather weak drawback.

This question was already fielded...

Well, if I had a better idea of the link between the drawback and the powers you are aiming for, it might give me inspiration.

As is, it's a little confusing. For example, you say you want a major Drawback but you give Daredevil as an example for disability. Daredevil has a radar sense and his blindness hardly affects him at all. The book suggests that for such a character, blindness is an uncommon/minor drawback worth just 1 point, not 5. It isn't much of an inconvenient for him. About the only thing he misses out is the ability to see colours.

So can we get this sort of disabilities that are more flavours than serious hindrances? I could get behind my character being blind but having blindsight because he uses his telekinesis to 'feel out' things around him.

Mal - Perhaps Daredevil was a bad example, I was merely trying to give an example of a super-hero with a disability. Perhaps Professor Xavier's Weelchair would be more appropriate..
The purpose of the Major Drawbacks is that everybody who develops a power will have some sort of Achiles Heel. Be it a major disability (Either before or because of their power), or not having powers all the time (Normal Identity), or something that affects them greatly (Weakness/Vulnerability, either due to their powers or something else).


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Jemal: The reason I kept the device is because I was going for a hybrid approach. Losing the device not only loses me the powers that the device has (the striking capabilities) but losing the device also loses most of my attack bonus, defenses, and combat-feats. I know the Power Loss drawback doesn't work, but I thought the Normal Identity might. The MM2ed description of the Normal Identity Drawback specifically says that "To qualify for this drawback there must be some reasonable means of preventing you from changing from your normal to your super identity. For example, you might require access to a Device (which can be stolen or disabled)" and that "Your Normal Identity must also be built on fewer points than your super-identity."

I thought that having a sword that I had to have in hand to have access to not only my powers, but also most of my feats, defenses, and attack bonus would certainly qualify me for this. I did mean to, and then forgot, to buy the power feat for the device that restricts who can use the sword--and leave the who up to you (Chosen Ones). I'm going back to edit that.

I guess I got confused because the Power Loss drawback is the one that specifically bans devices from working because that is built-in, the one you didn't want us to take, where as the Normal Identity drawback specifically cites devices as being a potential source of the drawback.

My proposal: I can take the 4 point version of Normal Identity and the change-over would take a full round action (including the drawing of the sword.) So when in Normal Identity, as I have it written now, I fall to a PL 4, 33 pp character. That would mean any unexpected fight I would lose a round while I drew my sword, and any place I wanted to go that wouldn't let me take my sword would pretty much screw me over. Disarming attacks would also hurt pretty badly. I also will buy the power feat: Restricted (Chosen Ones or Bloodline of Arthur) and leave it up to you who else has been chosen to be able to use it.

As far as my other power choices: I know that it takes standard actions to use Block/Deflect. I will likely use Deflect as I slowly approach any enemies with ranged attacks, and then use my strikes when I get up close. The Redirect powers basically turn me into a ranged attacker with the same type of attacks as my enemies.

Does this work?
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H4H - Thank you for posting that.

WD - You can make it whatever you want so long as it's something 'major' (And by major I don't mean worth a specific number of points, I mean something that AFFECTS your character, not just somethign that 'could, conceivably, somewhere along the lines, have an effect').

This isn't supposed to be about minimizing your weaknes, it's about having an achiles heel that has a major effect on your character when it comes into play. As H4H allready reposted from what i said to Mal earlier when he asked a similar question:
Jemal said:
Perhaps Daredevil was a bad example, I was merely trying to give an example of a super-hero with a disability. Perhaps Professor Xavier's Weelchair would be more appropriate..
The purpose of the Major Drawbacks is that everybody who develops a power will have some sort of Achiles Heel. Be it a major disability (Either before or because of their power), or not having powers all the time (Normal Identity), or something that affects them greatly (Weakness/Vulnerability, either due to their powers or something else).
I don't think a +1 dc vs heat would fall into that category. With impervious 8, a minor vulnerability would still leave you immune to flamethrowers(Base 6 + 1 = 7).. does that make sense for an ice-man who's supposed to be weak against fire?

I'd suggest the following: Common, Moderate Vulnerability, Plus a limit on your protection: Not Impervious vs fire. Or perhaps just a major vulnerability without the protection limit, and we could reduce it to Uncommon instead of common.

TO ALL - You WILL all encounter situations where your drawback comes into play. The weaker it is, the more often you will encounter it. The more debilitating it is, the less often you will encounter it.
*By this I mean more or less often that I will attempt to put you in situations where you SHOULD encounter it. If planning/roleplaying/quick-thinking on the PC's parts allows you to bypass it, then kudos*

Shaggy - Ah, I understand. That actually DOES make sense to me, allright your proposal's good for me. Please post an Update to the character thread.

(Same goes for anybody who hasn't posted their character there yet, I'd like to not have to scroll through this entire thread while looking them over).

Bialaska - We need to discuss the properties of this alien metal... Is it magnetic? Does it show up on scanners? Is it detectable my metal detectors? Does it give off a specific radiation signature revealing it's alien nature to those who know what they're looking for?
Depending on the answers may be worth complications, extra points for minor drawbacks, or require you to add an additional point for 'features'.

ALSO, what is it like when it's not active? Obviously there's some mass displacement going on if you gain density when it comes out of you, even though the 'blue stuff' is allready a part of your body.

Shalimar - What's carly's drawback?

ALSO, just a side note to everyone - sooner or later (Probably sooner unless you try to prevent it from happening), your 'powers' will come out, whether linked to your true identity or not, your 'super' identity will most likely become known to the public. At that time, if you don't have a super-name, the Media will create one for you.


First Post
Oops, I must have left out her drawbacks, she has two.

Allergy to gold (4pts): Carly takes a cumulative -1 penalty to all stats every 20 minutes while she has gold touching her skin or is in her system. This can kill her through anaphylactic shock. The allergy isn't a new thing, she has had it since she was a child.

She also loses access to Reflex Memory (1pt) when she is being affected by gold, but thats more due to the fact that her body is in shock then some magical weakness to gold or anything like that.


First Post
Bialaska - We need to discuss the properties of this alien metal... Is it magnetic? Does it show up on scanners? Is it detectable my metal detectors? Does it give off a specific radiation signature revealing it's alien nature to those who know what they're looking for?
Depending on the answers may be worth complications, extra points for minor drawbacks, or require you to add an additional point for 'features'.

ALSO, what is it like when it's not active? Obviously there's some mass displacement going on if you gain density when it comes out of you, even though the 'blue stuff' is allready a part of your body.

The idea is that when she transform the alien metal in her body absorbs her own materials (flesh, organs, etc) to alter it into an equal amount of much higher density metal (the mass remains the same, but the metal has a much higher density). When it withdraws it de-transforms the body back into flesh, thereby giving a lower weight once again.

It is like most common metals, so when in metal form, she's going to show up on metal detectors, be magnetic like steel, lead, gold, etc. And I guess it would give off it's own unique signature, but most would likely believe it to be an allow of some sort. I guess someone who knew what to look for would be able to detect it.

When it's inactive, she's not more magnetic than your average human and would on a blood sample show up as having a bit more metal in her body, but wouldn't set off any metal detectors, unless they were somehow far more sensitive as usual.

Voidrunner's Codex

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