Mad God's Key - Chapter One


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helium3 said:
OOC : Does the barge right in front of the dock look like it could be easily moved just by pushing? Additionally, does the water here look particularly deep or is it fairly shallow. IE, do I stand a good chance of sinking to the bottom and drowning if I fall in the water? Do I have enough time to note these things?

All the barges have been securely tied up. You could stop and make a Use Rope test to untie them, but that would take far too much time.
It would be possible to jump from barge to barge to pursue Irontusk. You're pretty sure that's what he's going to try.
The water here is relatively calm, and about 10 feet deep. A DC 10 Swim check would allow someone to move at half speed by swimming. And even if you're well armored, you could manage to keep your head above water if you fell in.
You can absorb all this information in seconds, so you can still take your action this round.
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Urkulyr roars "SSSTTTAAAAWWWWPPP!!!" and runs out onto the dock. He takes a hard right about halfway down and picks up speed before gathering himself and leaping wildly into the air in an attempt to get to the dock Irontusk is on.

OOC : Move to I3, Move to I6, Jump to I9.


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Stiffing the merchant she so recently accosted, Nuressa mustles back to the main street, trying desperetly to head Irontusk off at the pass.

OOC: We'll say you're off the map at (-/11)

Catching sight of his pursuers, Irontusk chooses the better part of valor, and flees. He leaps from barge to barge, clearly quite at ease in this environment. A pair of watchdogs begin barking as he scampers over the first barge. Moving to the second barge, there is an audible SNAP! It seems Irontusk has triggered on of the merchant's security measures! Looks like he triggered an arrow trap which struck him for a glancing blow
Undaunted, Irontusk keeps running, hopping quickly over a ricketing raft, and into a fishing boat. Unfortunately for him, the boat's nets had been hung up to dry. Trying to barrel through them, the becomes
tangled in the nets. He's stuck, but for how long?

Urkulyr roars "SSSTTTAAAAWWWWPPP!!!" and runs out onto the dock. He takes a hard right about halfway down and picks up speed before gathering himself and leaping wildly into the air in an attempt to get to the dock Irontusk is on. His powerful half orc muscles propel him into the air, over the water , and he easily
clears the gap between boats.
Unfoirtunately, this barge apparently belongs to a chicken merchant. Urkulyr's jump landed him right in the middle of the coop. The half orc vanishes from sight under a cloud of feathers.

OOC: In game effect, you have concealment as long as you are on this boat. There might be some laughter later when you emerge covered in white feathers! Also, I think you counted your movement wrong. You could have actually made it to (I/10), so that's where I put you.

Kel runs out on to the dock at a quicked pace to get towards the half-orc known as Iron Tusk. Kel weaves in and out of the ropes, crates and other debris, like he has lived there his whole life.
The barge at the end of this dock is stacked ten feet dep with an odd assortment of crates. Kel easily climbs to the top of the pile and contiinues the chase.

OOC: I gave you a +2 circumstance bonus on the climb check, since you're playing up the whole "river pirate shtick" so well. :D

Eldred comes out of his navel-gazing stupor long enough to realize that their quarry is escaping. Forming the complex patterns required with his hands he utters a single word or power and a bolt of force flies from his eyes to strike Irontusk!

OOC: Good job all around guys!
As you now see, the boats are a little tricky. :cool:
Carry on with the same initiative order.


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Within the dense cloud of slowly settling chicken feathers, Urkulyr can faintly be seen to be fumbling at the straps of his Greataxe. After mouthing a few curses, he gets the thing unstrapped and moves purposefully out of the cloud towards and towards Irontusk's position while taking a few measured half-swings with his axe to limber up his shoulders.

OOC : MEA to unstrap my greataxe and then move to J15.


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"Arrgh that bilge rat be runnin!"

Kel takes off in a run and runs to the end of the dock attempting to jump to the dock.

occ: Kel will attempt to jum the water at 08 and then move to m16 and jump the 5 gap there. No mods or ranks to my jump roll; DC20 for the first job and DC10 for the second.

Good thing Kel can swim! Man I never thought playing a riverman would would be useful, I thought this was going to be dungeon crawl. hehe ;)

Lobo Lurker

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Time to pick up the speed, thinks Nuressa as she sprints through the streets, heading around the warehouse.

"Out of the way!"

"Watch it!"

"Ohh, lookin' good cutie!"

"What did you just say to me?"

"Oops! Sorry about the fish!"

OOC: Nuressa runs (20 ft. x 4) for as long as she it able.
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helium3 said:
Within the dense cloud of slowly settling chicken feathers, Urkulyr can faintly be seen to be fumbling at the straps of his Greataxe. After mouthing a few curses, he gets the thing unstrapped and moves purposefully out of the cloud towards and towards Irontusk's position while taking a few measured half-swings with his axe to limber up his shoulders.

OOC : MEA to unstrap my greataxe and then move to J15.

OOC: You realize you can draw a weapon as a part of a Move action, right? You could still take a standard action.
Don't shortchange yourself! :D


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OOC: Actually, you have to have a BAB of +1 in order to do that. Otherwise, it's a move equivalent action. Trust me, I have it all planned out. :)


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Lowering her shoulder, Nuressa barrels through the crowded docks. As she passes the center dock, she sees Irontuck passing. She continues on to the last dock in this area, her boots slipping on the wet wood of the dock as she rounds the corner.

OOC: At full speed, you wind up at (C-25).

From deep in his entangling pile of nets, Irontusk utters an inhuman roar of fury and bursts free. His red eyes gleam with anger as he takes in his surroundings.

Shaking himself clean of chicken feathers, Urkulyr draws his enormous weapon and strides purposefully across the docks, closing in on Irontusk. Approaching another barge (J-15), Urkulyr is surprised to see a trio of dogs leap to attention as he steps onto the boat.

OOC: Can't believe I missed that +1 BAB requirement until now! (J-15) it is. The dogs will act next round on initiative 4

"Arrgh that bilge rat be runnin!" shouts Kel.
Gauging the distance between boats, he leaps and lands right in the water. Fortunately the salty riverman swims like a fish. He paddles over to the next barge, climbs up quickly, and continues his pursuit!
Sadly, he doesn't jump as well as he swims, and he's back in the water.

OOC: You lost some movement swimming and then pulling yourself out of the drink the first time. You wind up at (M-14).

Eldred brings his crossbow to bear on the fleeing felon. But a prophetic vision blurs his real vision, and the bolt sails harmlessly over Irontusk's head.

OOC: Good round. Things continue to be interesting.
Llhuna is standing at (C-27), and can act normally on this coming initiative pass.

Here's an updated initiative order for next round
Llhuna - 21
Nuressa - 20
Irontusk - 15
Urkulyr - 14
Kel - 8
Eldred - 5
Dogs -4


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The feather covered hulk looks at Irontusk, at the three dogs and at his pal Kel bobbing in the water. He looks back at Irontusk. Then he looks at Kel. Then he looks at the dogs. Then at Kel. Then at Irontusk and then at Kel.

OOC: I ready an action to attack the first dog that attacks me.

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