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Mad God's Key - Chapter One


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Urkulyr walks over to the prone half-orc, nudges him with a iron shod boot and then mutters a quick prayer. The index finger of his right hand becomes wreathed in faintly flickering, metallic looking flames. He stoops down and touches Irontusk's forehead.

OOC : Spontaneously convert one of my 0th level spells to cure minor wounds. I don't want our hard won prey dying on us.

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The metallic flames leap from Urkulyr's hand to encircle the brow of the fallen Irontusk.
Slowly, the unconcious half-orc's eyes begin to flicker open.
He starts to bolt upright, as if to flee again, but seeing that he is well surrounded, he slumps back to the dock in defeat.
He folds his arms over his chest, and set his jaw in a defiant manner. "Do yer wurst. I ain't talkin'."


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Urkulyr lets out a low chuckle. "Not talking, are you? Do you even know why we're here??"

He turns to Lluhna. "This here half-orc curr stole a valuable family heirloom from a local merchant. That merchant asked us to do him a little favor and get it back, which we're in the middle of doing. We've got reliable sources that say this THIEF here stole the heirloom and then bragged about it at a local dive."

Turning back to the half-orc.

"So what's it going to be, Irontusk? Are you gonna play like a nice boy and tell us where what we're looking for is or are yah gonna make me let my friends have a little fun?"

Turning to Nurressa and winking slyly. "I don't suppose you're in the mood to break a few knuckles, are yah? Yer so good at it." Turning to Lluhna and winking slyly again. "And you. Don't suppose you know anything that makes the dying long, slow and painful?"

OOC : I think I'm attempting an intimidate check here? Also, I'm assuming Nuressa didn't actually jump in the water?
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“I'm afraid, no. Only thing I can do is burn his flesh, but I doubt he has the constitution to sustain that long enough to be considered 'slow'. But it surely qualifies as 'painful'.”


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Irontusk's eyes flicker toward his kunckles. You follow his gaze, and realize that he is missing his little finger on his left hand.
Then his eyes catch yours and he slowly smiles. "If yer tryin' to scare me. You'll have to do better'n dat!"

OOC: I gave you a +2 bonus, as it seemed that Llhuna was trying to Aid Another, but it looks like Irontusk is a tough nut to crack.
Perhaps another angle?


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“I don't think he is going to talk. But there is another way to obtain this knowledge. Once he is dead, we can go to a local temple and ask them to perform a spell to extract the knowledge from his lingering soul, it won't be so difficult to deal with. We could just dump him into the water and later pick him up again. At least he won't have such an offensive odor at him afterwards, for a while, anyways. But I heard there are spells to fix that, too.”

Llhuna shrugs after having offered her 'wisdom'. Of course, she wouldn't kill Irontusk, just because, but at least she is trying to make it sound like she would not hesitate to do so.

OOC: Hope it's ok to assume, that Llhuna knows about Speak with Dead.


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"Do you have any suggestions as to which temple we should use? Also, are there any restrictions on how we need to kill him? Will slitting his throat be acceptable, or do we need to preserve his voice box? I could always just stave in his skull with the butt of my axe."

Urkulyr reaches up and starts unbuckling his greataxe.

OOC : This time I'll be aiding Lluhna on her intimidate check.


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Irontusk listens to Llhuna and Urkulyr discuss his future demise. His eyes slowly grow wider and wider. Suddenly he erupts in laughter!

"Haw! Haw! Haw! You two oughta take dat act on da road!" his eyes stream with tears as he rolls on the dock in obvious mocking laughter. He mimics Urkulyr's voice with uncanny accuracy "So I can just chop off his head and be done with it?" Oh that's good. That really is! But seriously. I ain't tellin' youse squat!"

OOC: Intimidation doesn't seem to be working on this hardened criminal. Maybe a different tactic is in order?

Voidrunner's Codex

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