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Malvoisin's War of the Burning Sky PbP


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(ARGH! I lost my post! Trying again.)

Idea 1

Aridha has lived her life in the wilderness areas outside of Gate Pass, daughter of a druid though she herself follows a different calling. She tended to the woods and mountainside, protecting it from the occasional overzealous trapper or logger, and in turn helping to help find citygoers who were lost, and guiding people through the pass, especially when winters made it dangerous. This life of balance was destroyed when the Ragesian Empire invaded though. Its armies ravaged the natural places; burning and cutting down trees, diverting rivers, and killing her father; forcing Aridha to flee to the city or perish as well. Whatever differences Aridha may have with humankind in general, she now sets it aside for the chance to strike back at Ragesia.
Human Scout/Ranger. Focusing on TWF and Animal Companion Tactics.

Idea 2

Lily was a refugee of a fire that swept through one of the cities in the Ragesian Empire. Taken in by a religious orphanage, she began to evidence unusual, unnatural abilities that one day proved dangerous. Afraid and guilty, Lily left the temple orphanage behind to live a hard life on the streets. When the Scourge came, she was forced to flee and take refuge in the farmlands. Here she bounced from place to place, never able to settle long before being forced to display the strange powers lurking within her...and then once again flee the pounding bootsteps of the oncoming Inquisitors. Finally she fled to Gate Town itself, only to find herself trapped by the Imperial Army. Now, desperate to escape what's become a deathtrap for her, Lily is willing to take just about any risk for the chance to escape the Scourge just one more time...
Human Warlock.


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I'll be updating my original post #27 with character information. Thanks and if I am missing information or if you need clarification just let me know.


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Definitely interested but before putting forward concepts I just wanted to check what materials were viable. Can we use Magic of Incarnum? I know nothing of the setting apart from the little I've just gleaned from the sales blurb but I'm guessing psionics might not fit but incarnum should make sense in the campaign. (?) Perhaps a hidden off-shoot (I'd like to run a dwarf soulborn ironsoul forgemaster), or just another magic type to be persecuted, or perhaps actually approved of in its 'proper' forms (i.e. the right alignments) and one of the magic types allowed.


1) Yorn Applebee, a halfling wizard (nonspecialist) who intends to become a very wealthy merchant. He believes that trade and business benefit society as a whole. He is lawful neutral, and has a strong sense of honor. He is estranged from his brother Charlie, who he suspects is a thief, and with whom he has a longstanding rivalry. They once courted the same woman, who chose neither.

Quote: "One hundred years from now, magic will allow a common man to live like a baron. And men of vision, like me, will get rich making that happen. That is, unless a war screws it all up. I don't plan to let that happen, which is why I study magical fighting techniques."


2) Charlie Applebee, a halfling rogue who intends to live life to the fullest. He believes that private property too often fails to benefit society as a whole. He is chaotic neutral, and often acts on a whim. He is estranged from his brother Yorn, who suspects he is a thief, and with whom he has a longstanding rivalry. They once courted the same woman, who chose neither.

Quote: "Ah, isn't this wine great, babe? This is the life. But there are dangerous days ahead. War is coming, and I shouldn't tell you this, but I've been given an important mission to help save people. I don't mind risking my life, but it would sure be a shame to die without enjoying our last night together to the fullest. Shall we?"

Edit: Both halflings are native to Gate Pass.
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Ok, posting a different character concept. Will see later what to cut, numer 1 or number 2

3) Seenos Dreims, elf dragon shaman (PHBII). He was born in Shahalesti and was the third son of one of the high elven wizards. The most important event in his life was a metting with a silver dragon, named Ateralaxis the Silver Flame. That happened when he was really young and was going to study wizardry according to his family tradition. He met the old dragon when he was coming back home after the first session of 3-year study, and spend several months with him. His family though that he has disappeared and searched him for a while.

When he came back, whe rejected to return to the wizard's tower, thus losing the favor of his parents. He spend some year over there, but he felt that wasn't his place and left, after gathering his few personal belongings. The only parent that still helped and liked him after the incident was an old aunt.

He regrets his years spent in elven homeland, as he feels that his race is taking a bad road.

Nowdays he is travelling across the mountains and happened in Gate Pass.


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stonegod said:
Heh, heh.

Mal does not use Taint, so Tainted Scholar won't fly.
stonegod knows from experience.... ;)

I just prefer not to needlessly complicate things with a new rules variant that impacts only one character.
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Rhun said:
Mal, I updated my original post (#14) with my two character concepts.
Rhun you may have missed the part of post #8 that said we won't be using psionics for this game.

However...before you go and trash your psychic warrior, I have to say that there are some things in the DMs guide for the game that have me rethinking that stance. Your psychic warrior will receive consideration after all, so please go ahead and leave him as is.


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Gli'jar said:
I'll be updating my original post #27 with character information. Thanks and if I am missing information or if you need clarification just let me know.
I enjoyed reading the story of Baba'Mal, very much. I think that may just be the very first ever Wu-jen submission I've seen.

Is there anything further you wish to add for your second idea? It certainly need not be as long as the first, but as it is, it doesn't offer much to go on.


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Thramzorean said:
Definitely interested but before putting forward concepts I just wanted to check what materials were viable. Can we use Magic of Incarnum? I know nothing of the setting apart from the little I've just gleaned from the sales blurb but I'm guessing psionics might not fit but incarnum should make sense in the campaign. (?) Perhaps a hidden off-shoot (I'd like to run a dwarf soulborn ironsoul forgemaster), or just another magic type to be persecuted, or perhaps actually approved of in its 'proper' forms (i.e. the right alignments) and one of the magic types allowed.
I'm not averse to the Incarnum stuff, but I want to offer the same caveat as I did earlier for material from the Book of 9 Swords. That is, I don't actually own Magic of Incarnum, so I'd need you to pretty much explain everything to me. If you're comfortable with the degree of hand-holding that would be required, go for it.

I definitely think that a user of incarnum would be persecuted by the Inquisitors as much as a more traditional user of arcane magic. Perhaps even more so.


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@ALL: Okay, I've updated post #1 with all the submissions I've received so far. If you see something that looks factually incorrect, please let me know, and I'll correct it.

I want to also say that with so many terrific submissions coming in so quickly, the recruitment drive will definitely not stay open too much longer. If you're considering throwing your hat in the ring, I'd do it pretty soon.

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