• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Marked by Destiny, Marked by Tragedy (Erekose13 Judging)

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(OOC: I thought she only CDG'd the kobold, but, in any case, thats why he checked to make sure the halfling was fully out ;) Ahhh, nevermind, I confused the kobold with the halfling...you already tied the halfling up.)

Noticing Silvanon take out his rope to bind the halfling, he changes paths towards the kobold, with his own rope, to tie it up.
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First Post
As you begin to search through the loot, the familair pitter patter of water signifying one of Sharn's trademark rainstorms begins, much to the relief of the assembled dockworkers. Within minutes the drizzle matures into a downpour, the fire should be undercontrol long before sunrise. The remaining members of the crowd begin the scatter for dryer climbs, while the few watchmen supervising the dock workers are more concerned with keeping the water coming until the rain does it's business than with confronting heavily armed adventurers such as yourselves, especially after the violence subsided so quickly. All in all, as long as you don't mind getting soaked you have at least a few minutes to search the scene before more watchmen arrive.


The box itself is magical and quite powerful, it seems to enchanted with effects from multiple schools but the auras give no clue as to it's function. While it's powerful and the dragonshards alone would be worth a decent amount of money it would take an expert to assess its true price.

Everyone else

Most of the kobolds have little of value: Their shortspears and leather armour are about the only things anyone would pay gold for. That said, one of the kobolds, the one that charged Arvin, has two items of interest. The first is some kind of golden talisman around it's neck. It is of crude craftsmanship, little more than a disc of gold with some kind of rune carved into it and doesn't appear to have any magical power. It's doubtful it will be worth more than the gold it's made of (about ten gold pieces you'd guess). The second is a potion of some description.

The halfling's goods are scarcely more interesting. A simple rapier, studded leather armour a set of thieves tools and a money pouch containing 24 gold pieces.

When asked about the kobold's cry, Arvin appears to mull it over in his head "I am not entirely sure... their mode of speech is unfamiliar to me, though he appeared to be invoking the blessing of some sort of prophet."


Treasure accumulated:
6 sets of small leather armour
6 small short-spears
1 golden talisman (10 gp)
1 potion (unidentified)
1 small rapier
1 small studded leather
1 set of thieves tools
24 gp
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First Post
Bennit looks up, blinking into the downpour of rain droplets.

"That's lucky, eh? We should get outta this, though, and drag these two along." He indicates the two prisoners, and then glances towards the steaming, hissing building as the rain dampens the fire.

"Maybe we should go inside, take a look before any authorities have the chance to mumble about and wreck things, o'course, if somethin's still in there we might lose our prisoners. We could take em along, and go talk to that gnome, o'course, but it might give these two a chance to try n' finish what they started, course speakin' with the gnome might be smarter than just rushin' in that warehouse."

He cracks his knuckles, looking down at the unconscious prisoners with business-like assessment.

"At any rate, we'll need to question them."

Rystil Arden

First Post
"It will be hours before they awaken from their naps. It should be safe to bring them along. The real question is what to do with the box. How about this--someone who is good at hiding objects on their person pretend to hide it in a safe place, but carry it along anyway just in case...although if the aura is strong enough, such a bluff might be detected. It may be useful to have the box in a safe place as collateral in dealing with the gnome--we don't know how helpful he will be."


First Post
Brelach shrugs after his quick examination of the box. "Beats me." he mutters. "I like the idea of getting out of here... dead kobolds are just dead kobolds, but the watch likes to stick it's nose in things. Let's grab a cab, fly out to some near-dead tavern, and set up a plan of attack. Or, better yet, we find ourselves a fence and see if there's anything we can learn about this box... like a price."

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Tell you what--you do that, and bring the prisoners too for questioning. I'll accompany the gnome and Warforged and see what I can discover from them. If necessary, I'm sure you won't mind if I play good cop, to the effect of 'Oh my friend, I would like nothing more than to just give you back your box, but my companion Brelach insists on worrying about things like costs and profits, so he's probably going to get it appraised elsewhere.' Things like that can help if we need to negotiate with him. Just make sure not to actually sell it until you hear from me."


First Post
"I'm always stuck with bad cop." Brelach scowls. "Fair enough. I'm not particularly good at interrogation, though. I think we just dangle them from a suitably high tower until they tell us everything they know."

Upon seeing people's reaction to this, his face crumples up in disgust. "I was joking. Just getting into the 'bad cop' part."

"I know a few fences and appraisers... but does anyone know of a good place to hole up for a few hours?"

Knowledge (Local) check (1d20+2=17) (hoping to find a good appraiser, and maybe a hiding place or two)


First Post
Rystil Arden said:
(OOC: Alys also got a 17 on Knowledge local, albeit with a much lower roll. Make yours an Aid, if possible, and we total 19)

Sure, fair enough. Let's do that.

"I can't think of any places... what about Flynn's? Wait, no, it closed. But didn't Flynn move to that new place...?" Brelach says softly to Alys.

Voidrunner's Codex

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