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[Mature]Werewolf: The Forsaken PbP - Blood in, Blood out


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Faith uses 1 Willpower point, she is down to 3 now, and rolls a total of 5 successes! An Exceptional Success!

Faith lets out an impressive howl that echoes through the forest. There is a momentary pause as the gathered Blood Talons look on at the young uratha with her shocking pink mane and as she bounds off after the mighty stag spirit. Candace mirrors the howl and then follows Faith, the rest of the Blood Talons give chase howling in exultation of their youngest sister.

Foot Chase is engaged; Faith rolls 6 dice and gets 4 successes, meanwhile Buck with No Fear rolls 6 successes and is still ahead of the young uratha!

Faith leads the charge, and out of respect for her and her howl, they let her take the lead. She is the Alpha for this hunt, she has the chance for first bite… but that also means the failure of the hunt falls on her shoulders. Candace takes her rank as Beta giving off the scent and yelps that conveys, I have your back.

Buck with No Fear bounds through the woods majestic and regal in the moonlight of the Judge’s Moon overhead… the phase of the elodoth. Half in darkness, and half in light…

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Faith pushes her lupine form as hard as she can, pushing past the pounding of her heart in her ears. The new Blood Talon would not allow the stag spirit to get away, not even if she had to run her body into the ground, failure was simply not an option open to her. Her instincts screamed for victory and her pride was no less of a driving force as the other Uratha allowed her to lead the hunt. For one night, for this one night she wasn't the Omega, she was the Alpha and Candace was her Beta, she would not fail.

(Faith isn't going to allow herself to fail if its avoidable, she'll spend a will power point every turn until she runs out.)

The pink haired wolf speeds through the forest leaping logs and dodging trees. As she leaps a small stream her form shifts into an even larger one, a bestial monster from before man even thought to record history. Her immense form was the size of a pony, and she began to move even faster, the immense muscles pounding fiercly against the pungent forest earth. "This spirit is truly a worthy hunt, his speed is magnificent." Faith passes on howling her respect for it and her determination to bring it low.

(The moon phase makes the change a free reflexive one right? So she doesn't lose her action)


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Faith gets 7 successes on 10 dice, while the spirit gets 1 success; Faith has 11 successes and Buck with No Fear gets 7 successes total. Faith has caught the spirit! She also spends another Willpower point.

Faith shifts into her near wolf shape, and rushes the mighty spirit, drawing on her internal reserves of will. Faith pounces and draws first blood on the Buck spirit. The other Blood Talons gather around the young elodoth. They howl their approval of her. Buck with No Fear rises and then fades into the spirit realm.

Faith can still taste the blood on her teeth as the celebration kicks into high gear. She can smell food on the grill, raw meat, and copious amounts of beer and liquor. Her peers congratulate her, challenge her to combat, and in general get drunk under the Judge’s Moon.

Candace sits down with Faith, “You have come along way Faith. You led the hunt well… and surprised me with your prowess. How do you feel?”

Faith earns back 1 Willpower for her success.


toki said:
Rumor nods, “I guess it is, you think you or your pack could handle this thing? As much as I like to think this is just something mundane, my gut tells me that it might be far more then that. I know that you were looking for some kind of child hunting spirit… so hopefully you find this bastard.”

“We’ll find it. We’ll take care of it,” his voice comes out more normal.
Cool. Relaxed.

“If something comes up,” Camera
toki said:
Camera’s brother pulls up in the driveway, the garage door opening. He waves from the car with a smile, “Hey Camera.” He then drives into the garage.
Camera nods and rubs his throat.
Camera nods at his brother.
The herd can’t know.
Act normal.
Blend in.

Camera pushes his face into a peculiar smile and waves half-heartedly at his brother.
He manages a weak ‘hey’.

Camera looks back at Rumor, or at the dot on Rumor’s forehead anyway.
“Our turf, we’ll take our shots first.”

Research first.
Camera begins to make a mental report in his mind.
Think like Mulder.

Avenues of inquiry:
1. Identify other occurrences of presumed child-killer
1a. Time scale of attacks (may help identify future attacks)
1b. Similarities
1c. Relative locations
1d. Unreported incidences of similar nature

Check library for additional information
Ask Officer Ari for police reports, copies of statements

2. Spiritual Inquiry
2a. Identify nature and powers of spiritual attacker
2b. Also spirit’s Motivation, source of strength, openness to negotiation

Visit sites, observe spiritual landscape with Two world eyes.
Converse with local spirits (witnesses?)
-> need to transition through nearby locus

Camera realizes he’s still staring blankly at Rumor.
And has been for around a minute.

“Ok. We’ll uh, look into this. And take care of it.”


First Post
Faith threw herself at the majestic spirit stag ripping at its flank to draw the blood of the mighty beast and draw the hunt to a close. As the spirit disappeared back across the Gauntlet into the spirit wilds the pony sized wolf throws back her head and howls up at luna in victory and exhiliration. Mother Luna was shining down on her with the symbol of her auspice, completing the sense of complete rightness of the hunt. The new Uratha howled out her pride and slowly circled the place the spirit had disappeared before shifting back to her Urhan form to lead her tribe, HER TRIBE, back to the vehicles and the grill.

Faith felt more like she belonged to the Blood Talons this night then she felt she had belonged to anything ever in her life and she told that to Candace as they sat off to the side talking. The girl fairly glowed with pride in her accomplishment, and the glow deepened at the Ashen Rebirth Beta's compliment, especially because it came from her. "I feel like I made the right choice. I feel more like I belong here then I have ever flt with anything. It feels right. It makes me feel proud that I am good enough to be here, to have called the hunt and scored first blood on such mighty prey." The girl says, avoiding the alcohol, and going getting a bottle of water. She was too new to fully control her rage all the time and she didn' want to bear the shame of losing control which she knew she would if she drank.


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"Augury, huh?" Ari grins. "Well, far be it from me to turn down a free fortune telling."

She looks upstairs at the call, and nods.

"Okay then. You coming too, or is this one of those paths I must walk alone?"

Regardless of the answer, she starts to ascend the stairs.


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Tokiwong said:
“Answers questions?” Buzz replies, “and what questions did you have before you wolfed out and got to know the truth about just how @#$%*% everything is. I mean were they serious questions or were they the real kinds of questions… like why is it that President Bush is under the thumb of the Vampires, and is trying to usher in the final world war and summon the Dark Gods of the Abyss… now talk about weapons of mass destructions.”

Buzz grins wildly, “But a Menina? Damn dude you would have been an awesome Storm Lord… could have joined my pack… and you could hunt the blood suckers with us.”

Piotr laughed.

"Hunting. That was one of the questions. Always liked to hunt, and no small game either," he said, "So you hunt Vampires, what are real ones like?"

Piotr gave a moment's thought to Buzz' theory. All supernatural creatures' survival depended on maintaining a constant conspiracy, it's not a big stretch to think they'd use the skills they learn to survive for other activities.
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Graf said:
Camera realizes he’s still staring blankly at Rumor.
And has been for around a minute.

“Ok. We’ll uh, look into this. And take care of it.”
Rumor shrugs, “Yeah okay…” she waves and turns and walks back down to her car.

Jamil walks towards Camera, “So how are you adjusting to the neighborhood, Cam? I talked to Samantha earlier and she says that she might be able to get you a job at her work as an artist, they need some murals made and I figured since you are not doing much, you might want some extra spending cash?”


Buzz grins, “Vampires… suck heads? They are pretty tough, they got these crazy mind powers and the bitches don’t really bleed much. Guns don’t do $#!+ to them… I mean they hurt eventually but you are better off just putting the claws in them.”

She thinks for a long minute, “But I think they might bet getting wise to us, harder to catch them unaware now, bitches are scared of us. Vampires are weird man, they do totally suck blood, and they got freaky powers… I mean wicked freaky.”

“So you got yourself a girl?” Buzz asks, “I would have a guy, but most boys I meet just can’t handle the Buzz… they don’t understand that most men are just slaves. I mean most guys are just propagating the grand conspiracy… they are slaves to the machine-god.”


Kim sighs, “I wish I could, but I need to watch the store.”

Sun Ae sits at a table with a skull sitting upside, the interior filled with blood. There is a chair opposite her. She speaks in halting English, “Ariella, I am glad you come this evening. I have a dream, and I fear that you are apart of it.”

She pauses, “I fear that your destiny may be grave indeed.”


Candace nods, “You made a good decision Faith, and I am pleased that you feel apart of the tribe. You are a full blood sister now… You still have a long way to go though… but you have the will to survive.”


First Post
Ari plops into the seat across from the seer heavily and brushes her hair out of her eyes. She takes a deep breath, trying not to let her heart sink.

"All right," she says after a moment. "Lets hear it. Can't be TOO bad, right?"


First Post
"That's a pity, I like guns," Piotr responds, indicating the display cases behind him, "Hmm, I don't know vampires but I do know hunting. If the prey is flighty you must hold back until they feel it is safe. Do not put them in a corner."

Piotr took his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and offered Buzz one before lighting one up for himself.

"I have to stop smoking," he said, as though just saying it would magically make him stop.

He started smoking back when his nightmares were particularly bad, and hadn't been able to lose the habit once the nightmares eased.

Piotr wasn't sure how he'd respond to Buzz' question of a girlfriend. He was taking it slow and careful with Samantha, chatting briefly before her shifts and after he closed shop. He was always afraid of talking to her for long in case he said something stupid. Piotr hadn't yet got to the point of asking her out anywhere, but truth be told not much was different from a month ago. Most of the time had been spent training with the Menina.

"But yes, a girlfriend," Piotr scratched his head, "I thought I wanted kids before, I would say eventually but I'm at the age where it has to be sooner rather than later. But I'm an uratha now, and a family would be at risk to be near me. It makes things difficult, but that's one of the prices we pay, yes?

"Machine-god... more I need to learn. Is it some kind of greater spirit of technology?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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