MCDM starts work on its RPG Monday!

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I crit!
If your going to Gameholecon a playtester is running a game.



B/X Known World
Some bits of that negotiation system might be useful, but on the whole it does sound overly designed. I like the idea of patience and I've been using things like goals, shortcuts, etc for NPCs for years. It just makes sense to do so. But yeah, that doesn't sound awesome as a full subsystem to play through.


New Publisher
Some bits of that negotiation system might be useful, but on the whole it does sound overly designed. I like the idea of patience and I've been using things like goals, shortcuts, etc for NPCs for years. It just makes sense to do so. But yeah, that doesn't sound awesome as a full subsystem to play through.
same thought. The 2d6 kind of makes sense though.....Most of what I've bought form MCDM is over engineered for my taste....(the monster book isn't mostly, though I've ignored the summoning stuff as it is pages and pages long)


Some bits of that negotiation system might be useful, but on the whole it does sound overly designed. I like the idea of patience and I've been using things like goals, shortcuts, etc for NPCs for years. It just makes sense to do so. But yeah, that doesn't sound awesome as a full subsystem to play through.
It seems like something that their playtesters will pick up on and provide feedback on.

Voidrunner's Codex

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