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Meet a Professional Game Master

I've written about the mythical professional game master before, but for the first time I got an opportunity to interview one at length. Meet Timothy James Woods (Timm) who currently has a Master's degree in English literature and is working towards his PhD in the same (with a focus on games and learning). 2017 is the first year that he will be relying on RPGs for his income full-time, having locked down four regular games and two afterschool programs.

I've written about the mythical professional game master before, but for the first time I got an opportunity to interview one at length. Meet Timothy James Woods (Timm) who currently has a Master's degree in English literature and is working towards his PhD in the same (with a focus on games and learning). 2017 is the first year that he will be relying on RPGs for his income full-time, having locked down four regular games and two afterschool programs.


Michael Tresca (MT): What's your gaming background?

Timm Woods (TW): I'd say my gaming background is simultaneously considered thorough to some, and sparse to others. I first discovered D&D when I was around 10 or 11 (when Magic the Gathering and Warcraft were fresh to me), and played with my siblings, but never really got to play all that much through high school and college. Being "inside" the hobby in terms of following it (I received Dungeon magazine and read every rulebook cover to cover from 2nd edition onward) while being "outside" the hobby in terms of playtime (I don't think I ever properly finished an adventure as a GM until I was in my 20s) had a weird result. I felt that it equipped me to see another side of the hobby: the "lost players". A large part of going into this business, for me, hinged on the idea that there are a great number of D&D enthusiasts who are still under-served by the volunteer GMing available amongst their friend circles and in their area, and that these individuals are happy to pay a professional as a way to reengage their lost hobby in a comfortable way.

MT: What are you working on currently?

TW: At the moment, I'm still working out the details of my dissertation and publication, although I do have a chapter available for viewing in the collection The Role-Playing Society (you can check out details here). That chapter covers a lot of the same ideas I have about gaming (albeit dated now).

MT: What's your dissertation about?

TW: My dissertation is about the potential importance of games to the learning process, particularly in the context of the language-learning and writing classroom. I'm detailing the ludic and pedagogical history of TRPGs (which, I argue, were historically almost always considered as educational tools FIRST and leisure activities SECOND), investigating potential uses for TRPGs as learning tools, and designing concepts for what a TRPG-based curriculum would look like.

MT: What gaming activities have you participated in?

TW: I've run university courses with game-based mechanics, including one first-year writing course in which I used The Quiet Year to encourage motivational roleplaying and in-character collaborative writing. In my after-school programs aimed at younger students, I use TRPGs like D&D as a tool for facilitating social interactions between students (some of whom are on the special needs spectrum). Even in the ordinary adult games I run, I use my classroom tactics as a way to keep the play flowing, and to bring new players quickly up to speed.

MT: How did you become a professional game master?

TW: I definitely stumbled into this career, in a sense, and it's primarily my background in education and English language that has allowed me to pursue it this way. I was originally looking for opportunities in the RPG industry when I started working retail at a large Manhattan comic book shop, basically selling the boxed sets and books for D&D 4e and Pathfinder and meeting people within the hobby. The most common response I got from customers regarding TRPGs was "huh, D&D, I always wanted to try that game," to the point where I was receiving that answer roughly once a day. It put into perspective how much of the hobby is transferred on a very personal level. For so many of us, the story is the same: we played their first RPG by some fluke or accident, at a young age, and now either play regularly or, more likely, currently have no point of access to the hobby. I started handing out business cards, then started working with a local gaming cafe, organizing and running D&D Encounters and my own games. Since early last summer, I've moved on to running my own freelance games and afterschool programs through a variety of Manhattan learning institutions like Winston Prep and the Quad Prep.

MT: What tips do you have for other aspiring professional GMs?

TW: A lot of what I feel a professional GM, and any GM, needs is less about running the game and more about setting the context for the game. I try to bring to the game-table what I bring to my classroom: a sense of fair play, of making sure everyone gets equal attention, of getting everyone comfortable in their roles. A GM is always part referee and part narrator, but a professional is also part host, part businessperson, part teacher, and part paid performer. You're creating an experience, and you're responsible for that experience in a sense that really transcends the game rules. If a player is a jerk in my game, it's at least partly my responsibility to handle the situation. In a sense, this is unlike a regular GM, although I argue that a big issue with TRPGs is that almost all GMs end up getting saddled with this role of "meta-facilitator" whether they realize it or not; essentially a human-resources role that GMs are not always prepared to tackle. Even just classic Dungeons & Dragons means so many different things to so many different people, and with a paying group you want to ensure that you run the game they had in mind (while still surprising them), which is not necessarily the game you learned to play. It's made me think of RPGs differently, and in some ways allowed me to more fully adopt the role of "showrunner"-- albeit with the knowledge that, like a showrunner, my "ratings" pay my rent. TL;DR, Recognize what makes your sessions fun, and focus and highlight those elements while clearly communicating with the group and basing the campaign around them.

You can follow Timm on Twitter.

Mike "Talien" Tresca is a freelance game columnist, author, communicator, and a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to http://amazon.com. You can follow him at Patreon.

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Michael Tresca

Michael Tresca


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I have at least one game running per day, usually 2 and Fridays even 3. Granted, I can only do that because I'm disabled and unable to work and need something to do to not be depressed. But I reckon more people would GM if there would not be all those high standards nowadays, thanks to the interwebs. At least on my German forums, a lot of potential GMs confess they are turned off by all the talk about railroading vs sandbox etc, fearing they will be less than perfect.

I've said the same thing, but, overall, I think live-play role playing games help people get in the game.

It may set the bar high for professional GMs. I don't expect, or even want, a GM to be a professional voice actor. But newer players whose only exposure is Critical Role, may have different expectations.

I think professional GMs just need to be clear about what their style of play is. May be good to have some videos of one or two of the play sessions available for prospective customers to watch, so that expectations are set.

Much depends on the price asked for. I've I'm paying a lot of money, my expectations are higher than if the amount comes out to be an impulse purchase.

But what profession isn't like this? Those who are new still need to prove themselves and build a customer base. As they do, they will be able to charge higher rates and will be better prepared to deal with higher expectations.

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A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I have at least one game running per day, usually 2 and Fridays even 3. Granted, I can only do that because I'm disabled and unable to work and need something to do to not be depressed. But I reckon more people would GM if there would not be all those high standards nowadays, thanks to the interwebs. At least on my German forums, a lot of potential GMs confess they are turned off by all the talk about railroading vs sandbox etc, fearing they will be less than perfect.

Lwaxy, if you are interested in trying to get paid for GMing, one thing you may want to consider is a language-learning angle. Learn German through RPG. You would mix in language training. There would be less expectation on being the perfect DM as long as you are willing to put together vocab lists that and be willing to take time for some initial time spent on familiarizing students on the common terms and phrases.

Remote language course are quite a thing now. I've had a number of friends and family make side money on this. I would have LOVED it if I could have practiced Chinese in a D&D game instead of the boring topics of most courses.


First Post
If we go to a convention, we are in a way, paying the DM.
How much are we paying the DM?

If one day costs you $20 for a badge, then each game costs you $6.50 or so. 6 players, each paying $6.50 is $39 per game for the DM. So that DM is performing a service that people are paying around $11-13 per hour for.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
If we go to a convention, we are in a way, paying the DM.
How much are we paying the DM?

If one day costs you $20 for a badge, then each game costs you $6.50 or so. 6 players, each paying $6.50 is $39 per game for the DM. So that DM is performing a service that people are paying around $11-13 per hour for.

GM's don't get paid to run the games, in general, at conventions. At Gen Con, I believe that they get free attendance for 72 hours of running games and free hotel for 800 hours. Hopefully someone with actually experience DMing for a large convention can give more insight into this. I'm assuming that "hours" is based on player hours. So a four-hour game with six players would be 24 hours. This is the only way the 72 and 800 hour figures that I've heard make sense. So two six-hour games with six players would earn you free attendance. Assuming this means the four-day pass, that is worth $90/$120, depending on whether you go by the pre-registration or standard rate. We'll assume the standard rate. So you get $120 worth of value for 12 hours of work—not including prep time and travel, room, and board if you don't live near the venue. That's 10 and hour.

That's still kinda close to the mflayermonk's 11-13. 10 and hour isn't great, but well above minimum wage. If you could make $10 an hour running games live and on VTTs, you could make a living, assuming, though you would want to be running the same material many times with different groups to get the most out of your investment in prep time and gaming material. And that is only asking players to pay about 1.60 USD per hour, or $5 for a four hour game.

I would easily pay $5 for a four hour game with an experienced DM and would not expect any above professionalism, reliability, and competence. I wouldn't expect a professional voice actor and top-notch production values for that. At that rate, I could afford a weekly game.

But I would pay more. Especially for a one-off or mini series. My schedule is more of an issue that my budget at this level.

$10 is as much of an impulse game as $5, hell, I may pay the $60 for me and five friends so I know I'm playing with people I like.

$20? For a one-off 4-hour. Maybe. If there were reviews or I had other info to convince me that the DM is decent.

$50...hmm...maybe for an in-person game.

>$100 maybe for a live game, with a DM I liked, with nice table setups. Much more above 100 for a 4-hour game should come with food.
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Cute but dangerous
Heh in my case, Germans learn English as a byproduct of playing non-German games, as I refuse to deal with the bad translations available (exception, Shadowrun, the German material is superb). As a result my young players usually do very well in English (and often science/history classes) due to playing.

Paying for a GM feels wrong because it should be an exchange between friends. The comparison with musicians is problematic, because not everyone can sing or has the talent for an instrument whereas most people can play RPGs and most people could also GM if they ignore the need to be perfect. Then there is the case of the people who have time to play most and need those games most usually have no money at all, often not even enough for food. The kids I used to game for at the local youth house had families living on €400 a month, most of my constant online players are either out of work, often for health reasons, or can barely make do. The few exceptions usually pitch in for books, food, etc as we don't have much money anymore either.

Asking anyone to pay would also mean to do even more to meet the need of the gamers. I GM to get my ideas out there, not to bend over to meet the ideas of customers. I think I am usually a bad GM for styles which don't match mine much - I had a hard time finishing the game of another GM recently because of that. It is ok to do that once or twice but all in all, my main goal is to have fun myself, which I do not think I'd be able to do once "meeting people to have fun" turns into a customer relationship. I see it obviously works for some, but I can't imagine doing that.

Over here on most cons you get free entry on days you run at least one game. Sometimes there are GM packages with food vouchers or backpacks with books, games, dice etc (and lots of advertising). But you need to register your game weeks in advance in most cases.


(He, Him)
The comparison with musicians is problematic, because not everyone can sing or has the talent for an instrument whereas most people can play RPGs and most people could also GM if they ignore the need to be perfect.
Hiya. Could I suggest that to make your argument fairly, you have to demand the same things? If the bar for GMs is not "perfect" then the bar for performing music must also be not perfect. Anyone can perform music imperfectly. When I am asked to pay for a professional to exert their craft, regardless of if they are musicians or GMs I can demand the same level of expertise.

Then there is the case of the people who have time to play most and need those games most usually have no money at all, often not even enough for food. The kids I used to game for at the local youth house had families living on €400 a month, most of my constant online players are either out of work, often for health reasons, or can barely make do. The few exceptions usually pitch in for books, food, etc as we don't have much money anymore either.
This is a false dichotomy, right? I can be paid by people who can afford to pay and still make exceptions for those who can't pay. The fact that I am paid makes it more possible for me to donate my time.

Asking anyone to pay would also mean to do even more to meet the need of the gamers. I GM to get my ideas out there, not to bend over to meet the ideas of customers. I think I am usually a bad GM for styles which don't match mine much - I had a hard time finishing the game of another GM recently because of that. It is ok to do that once or twice but all in all, my main goal is to have fun myself, which I do not think I'd be able to do once "meeting people to have fun" turns into a customer relationship. I see it obviously works for some, but I can't imagine doing that.
I agree that to GM for money one would have to love ones craft and enjoy meeting the needs of gamers. Like you, I GM strictly for fun. But nothing about our personal desire to work as a paid GM constitutes an objection to a GM who is willing to do so being paid. Or if it did, aren't we dictating to others what they should want or not want to do based on our own desires?


Cute but dangerous
Believe me, I can't perform any kind of music anymore. My voice sounds like... well it's been described a choir of burning goblins, screeching gremlins, rabid hyena, burglar alarm, torture device etc and the neighbors asked me kindly once not to sing while they had prospective buyers for their house over, as it would devalue the property. I :):):):) you not. Unfortunately, I love to sing, so my family keeps shouting at me to shut up, with various bad words added. My dex for instruments is non-existing nowadays, due to various health issues, although I used to play the flute, guitar and keyboard, except for drums (which I am ok with but I don't own any) but that in itself is not music, it's rhythm. Nowadays, no one will believe I used to be in a reggae band. And I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who couldn't ever learn an instrument to begin with and have even worse voices.

And well if someone wants to spend money for a GM, nothing in the world to stop them. Although it still feels wrong to me. Maybe I'm just old fashioned. My family tells me that there's a lot more work involved in GMing nowadays than back in the 80s, and despite all the tools I have this is actually true, so I guess I see why people who GM much would want to be compensated.

In any case, I don't think you could even do that in Germany - so many rules and regulations on anything that I had to stop something else I did for money because the new regulations weren't workable for me. I could only imagine the looks I would get if I would try to find out what paragraphs cover GMing haha.


Cute but dangerous
This project sounds weird when reading about them wanting people to take the role of (bad) player archetypes. Doesn't sound like much of a game could come out of it. It sounds promising otherwise.

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