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Meta Essence


I'd like to share a house rule that I have used for past campaigns - I call it "Meta Essence"

I based it mostly on Christopher Perkins's suggestion of "Hero Points" a while back. Meta Essence is a system of points that characters gain which they can use basically for an extra boost of power when things are bleak.

How is Meta Essence gained? Each newly formed character starts with one point. Then, they gain one per character level gained. A PC can also gain Meta Essence by performing an act that is truly heroic, and let me say right now that simply succeeding at the plot of an adventure doesn't always cut it. It has to be an act that scores a blow against the forces of evil, at least on the power level of the PCs. It is rare for a PC to have more than three points of Meta Essence.

Meta Essence can be used in two ways, both usable in accomplishing tasks. A PC can use a point to make an improbable task an automatic success. For example, if the PC had to make a Fort save with a DC of 20, and his save bonus was +6, he'd have to role at least 14; the odds are against him, but certainly it is within the range of possibility. If he used a point of Meta Essence in this case, the save would automatically succeed.

Now, lets say that the DC of the save was instead 30. Here the PC could only succeed on a natural 20. In this case, Meta Essence could not ensure success, but it could make it easier. It might, for example, cut the DC of said save in half. A PC might even have a chance to do something that would otherwise be impossible by using them.

Naturally, a DM should be very stringent on giving out these precious points, as they can unbalance a campaign if used too much. However, they are nice rewards for a job well done.

And by the way, NO, monsters and NPCs do not get them, which makes them all the more special.

- A'Kin

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First Post
There are many similar rules like this:
- Action Points (D20 Modern)
- Fate Points (some Middle Earth d20 Conversion)
- Courage Points (Decipher LotR RPG, non d20 but similar)
- Force Points (Star Wars d20)

The reason for which I like Force Points while I dislike things like D20 Modern's Action Points is that FP have some deeper meaning in the setting, they aren't just "luck points"; also, giving few of them is important to make them special (Action Points or Courage Points are usually a lot, and become rather ordinary)

Anyway, considering the fact you gave them a complex name, I suppose they have a good background in your campaign.

Other suggestions of things that could be done with Meta-Essence:
- be able to act while at negative hp (you still die at -10, and you might still be bleeding)
- instantly heal some of your hp (such as enough to reach 1hp, or similar)
- use them to power some particularly powerful item or spell (for example you could need to sacrifice two points to revive a lost artifact that you need to use to fight evil)


I am aware they sound similar to Force Points and Action Points, but Meta Essence is more powerful. A 10th level fighter might even be able to smash through a wall of force if he uses one (well, maybe two). Force Points merely make the improbable more likely - meta essance can do that AND possibly make the impossible possible.

But thanks for your suggestions (even though those first two are already acceptable uses for meta essence).

- A'Kin


First Post
Hm.. not a fan of American McGee's Alice, are we? Lord, I hope you don't hand out vorpal kitchen-ware to your players... ;)

More on the subject, I'd like to say that this is a very interesting idea, and one I've been toying with myself. That and using the previously mentioned Fate/Action/Courage/Force/whatever points. The main problem I had with the action point system was that I didn't think it embodied the whole feel of a truely epic, heroic type uh... thingy.
One thing I think I'll disagree with you on is NPCs getting these points. Of course, I'm not saying every Tom, Dick, and Orlof should get em, but what about BBEGs?

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