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Metropolis - The World in Waiting (Chapter Two)


Ok, this place looks like fun! Not just the world but the characters so far. I'll take a stab at this.

Jovik was born in the worst back-alley's in Metropolis. His mother sold the scrap that she could find carrying Jovik on her back. His father was rumored to be a guardsman, but Jovik's mother didn't talk about that much, which didn't matter to Jovik since he never saw him anyway. As soon as he could walk, Jovic was put to work sorting sellable trash from just plain trash. The few coppers this brought in barely bought them any food and they lived under an old blanket in the alley behind a ramshackled old tavern. Jovik's mother tried the best she could to provide for him. She would go without any food often to let Jovic eat, pretending she wasn't feeling well. Pretty soon she wasn't pretending and began to fall sick. Jovik had no idea what to do, he was still young and only knew the alley ways. When you got sick in an alley, you died in that alley. So at the tender age of 10 Jovik found himslef alone, hungry and one blanket tied to a building his only possession.

Another alley-dweller found him the next day, sorting trash as he always did. Gralden often stopped by to buy interesting scrap from Jovik's mother. This morning he asked why she was still sleeping there next to Jovik. Jovik replied that she wasn't sleeping she was dead. Horrified, Gralden asked why he still sat there and sorted trash. "This is all I know how to do" replied Jovik. "Well" said Gralden, "why don't you come live with me?". With nothing left to keep him here, Jovik left his mother's corpse in the alley and followed Gralden back to a dilapidated old house by one of the canals. Inside where 4 other young boys. Gralden taught young Jovik his trade, theivery. Gradlen was a faganist and had had his eye on Jovik for some time. Jovik's time with Gradlen was tough. He learned how to steal and did it well. He ate better than before, although they had to eat the scraps from Gralden's plate. He grew into the leader of the gang of boys and coordinated many of their capers. Jovik earned the nickname of the Jackal, because he could strip away goods so quickly. But Gralden drank, heavily and often abused the boys. But they were all orphans and felt they had no other place to go. So in many ways they felt liek prisoneers. Often as the boys talked at night, they would ask Jovik questions like "what lies beyond the city walls" or "what would you do if you found a purse with 100 gold?" Jovik's response was always the same. "let me be able to see more than one nights supper and I'll think on it". One day, Jovik couldn't take it any more, Gradlen has just beaten him for only bringing back 20 silver from a job, Jovik ran crying to find solace in the comfort of his beloved alleys.

That night, hiding in the dark, hating Gradlen, he witnessed a event that would change his life. Two men entered the alley, as Jovik hid himself deeper in the shadows he listened as the two men argued. He wan't sure if it was about a debt, a woman or honor, but it resulted in one man dying. As the victor walked away, Jovik was struck by the power of this event, all his life he had hidden and cringed away. These men didn't though. It was the sword, it must be the key. If Jovik had a sword, Gradlen would have to treat him better. So out of instict he approach the man and went through his pockets in an instant and was about to leave, when the moonlight glimmering on the dead man's sword caught his eye. Almost without thinking he picked it up. It was a huge sword, almost larger than he was. He mindlessly walked back to the hideout, as he opened the door, Gradlen sneered and said "well, come crawling back have you". Jovik raised the sword and brought it down on Gradlen and fulfilled his vision of power from a sword. Most of the boys ran away, scared of the boy, turned man in front of them. Jovik was alone again. But a quick ransacking of the house left him no longer poor.

Jovik has lived the last two years since that fateful night in his backalleys. he now has a small apartment at least and eats at least twice a day (such luxury!) He still pulls small jobs here and there, but also engages in back-alley hold-ups in better quarters. The sword has freed him. He practices with it daily to be better. He will fight those smaller than him and run away from those larger than him. Honor and pride mean little to Jovik, survival is what matters. He has avoided the organized guilds who often try to recuit him or threaten him away from their turf. After Gradlen, Jovik the Jackal wants no master though.

As he has gotten a little older and a little wiser, and most impotantly a little richer. Jovik has mellowed a bit. he still steals for a living, but tries to kill only in self-defense now, and does most of his stealing from those who can "afford it" namely anyone with more than him. But Jovik has finally also allowed himself to have a few friends at the local tavern he likes to frequent. He often thinks back to the other boys with Gradlenand where they are and about the questions they used to ask him. He can now look beyond tommorrows supper and his mind wanders to their questions.

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First Post
jkason said:
I took "see more" to mean "stat up the character." Hope that's all right. A few notes:

* I figure Ru was on the road to be some kind of brawler, and had gained enough experience in Ari's employ to warrant a level of it before meeting Gis. "Street thug" seemed more like a type of barbarian than a fighter proper. Gis' comments about "never focusing" made sense here, too, as Ru had to change alignment to become a monk, giving up rage for discipline.

* Hit point rolls here. I went with full hit points at first level, so they have no roll. Let me know if that's wrong and I'll roll that level.

* +1 added to Wisdom for being 4th level

* If you're doing skill point math, I had him start with 4 ranks each in Climb, Intimidate, Jump, Survival, and Ride.

* I'd like to interpret Survival a little differently given the environment. Mostly, "in the wild" would apply to the rough city streets instead. Growing up like he did, Ru knows how to find food without paying for it (what's safe to trash pick from, where to look for unattended sewer gardens, that sort of thing), how to avoid wandering gangs and corrupt guards (on the streets, these would be your "natural hazards," yes?), and so on. To the same extent, I'd apply this to the Track feat, so Ru's knowledge of how to navigate and hide in the city helps him find people trying to do the same. All of which, of course, would be pending approval.

* Ru's the primary source of income for his family. I figure he leaves about half his take with his family "just in case." If I did my math right (feel free to check it, as math hates me in general), Ru has 487gp, 7cp left after equipment. He's got 200gp for himself, leaving the rest wherever his family stores their emergency funds.

Let me know if I need to change anything. :)


From memory your hps are just going to be set per level. Max hp for first, average for each level after....so yours would be 14+6.5+6.5+6.5=33 assuming that barb was your first level ;)

There is a Metropolis thread on the Rogue's Gallery, feel free to update it with your character.


First Post
Fenris said:
[sblock]Ok, this place looks like fun! Not just the world but the characters so far. I'll take a stab at this.

Jovik was born in the worst back-alley's in Metropolis. His mother sold the scrap that she could find carrying Jovik on her back. His father was rumored to be a guardsman, but Jovik's mother didn't talk about that much, which didn't matter to Jovik since he never saw him anyway. As soon as he could walk, Jovic was put to work sorting sellable trash from just plain trash. The few coppers this brought in barely bought them any food and they lived under an old blanket in the alley behind a ramshackled old tavern. Jovik's mother tried the best she could to provide for him. She would go without any food often to let Jovic eat, pretending she wasn't feeling well. Pretty soon she wasn't pretending and began to fall sick. Jovik had no idea what to do, he was still young and only knew the alley ways. When you got sick in an alley, you died in that alley. So at the tender age of 10 Jovik found himslef alone, hungry and one blanket tied to a building his only possession.

Another alley-dweller found him the next day, sorting trash as he always did. Gralden often stopped by to buy interesting scrap from Jovik's mother. This morning he asked why she was still sleeping there next to Jovik. Jovik replied that she wasn't sleeping she was dead. Horrified, Gralden asked why he still sat there and sorted trash. "This is all I know how to do" replied Jovik. "Well" said Gralden, "why don't you come live with me?". With nothing left to keep him here, Jovik left his mother's corpse in the alley and followed Gralden back to a dilapidated old house by one of the canals. Inside where 4 other young boys. Gralden taught young Jovik his trade, theivery. Gradlen was a faganist and had had his eye on Jovik for some time. Jovik's time with Gradlen was tough. He learned how to steal and did it well. He ate better than before, although they had to eat the scraps from Gralden's plate. He grew into the leader of the gang of boys and coordinated many of their capers. Jovik earned the nickname of the Jackal, because he could strip away goods so quickly. But Gralden drank, heavily and often abused the boys. But they were all orphans and felt they had no other place to go. So in many ways they felt liek prisoneers. Often as the boys talked at night, they would ask Jovik questions like "what lies beyond the city walls" or "what would you do if you found a purse with 100 gold?" Jovik's response was always the same. "let me be able to see more than one nights supper and I'll think on it". One day, Jovik couldn't take it any more, Gradlen has just beaten him for only bringing back 20 silver from a job, Jovik ran crying to find solace in the comfort of his beloved alleys.

That night, hiding in the dark, hating Gradlen, he witnessed a event that would change his life. Two men entered the alley, as Jovik hid himself deeper in the shadows he listened as the two men argued. He wan't sure if it was about a debt, a woman or honor, but it resulted in one man dying. As the victor walked away, Jovik was struck by the power of this event, all his life he had hidden and cringed away. These men didn't though. It was the sword, it must be the key. If Jovik had a sword, Gradlen would have to treat him better. So out of instict he approach the man and went through his pockets in an instant and was about to leave, when the moonlight glimmering on the dead man's sword caught his eye. Almost without thinking he picked it up. It was a huge sword, almost larger than he was. He mindlessly walked back to the hideout, as he opened the door, Gradlen sneered and said "well, come crawling back have you". Jovik raised the sword and brought it down on Gradlen and fulfilled his vision of power from a sword. Most of the boys ran away, scared of the boy, turned man in front of them. Jovik was alone again. But a quick ransacking of the house left him no longer poor.

Jovik has lived the last two years since that fateful night in his backalleys. he now has a small apartment at least and eats at least twice a day (such luxury!) He still pulls small jobs here and there, but also engages in back-alley hold-ups in better quarters. The sword has freed him. He practices with it daily to be better. He will fight those smaller than him and run away from those larger than him. Honor and pride mean little to Jovik, survival is what matters. He has avoided the organized guilds who often try to recuit him or threaten him away from their turf. After Gradlen, Jovik the Jackal wants no master though.

As he has gotten a little older and a little wiser, and most impotantly a little richer. Jovik has mellowed a bit. he still steals for a living, but tries to kill only in self-defense now, and does most of his stealing from those who can "afford it" namely anyone with more than him. But Jovik has finally also allowed himself to have a few friends at the local tavern he likes to frequent. He often thinks back to the other boys with Gradlenand where they are and about the questions they used to ask him. He can now look beyond tommorrows supper and his mind wanders to their questions.[/sblock]

Hmmmm, very good...i think i see potential for me there as well. I'd like to see more chieftan.


First Post
Phoenix said:
From memory your hps are just going to be set per level. Max hp for first, average for each level after....so yours would be 14+6.5+6.5+6.5=33 assuming that barb was your first level ;)

There is a Metropolis thread on the Rogue's Gallery, feel free to update it with your character.

Works for me. I'm not about to object to a few more hit points. :)

I'll stick a copy up in the Rogue's Gallery shortly. Thanks.



Phoenix said:
From memory your hps are just going to be set per level. Max hp for first, average for each level after....so yours would be 14+6.5+6.5+6.5=33 assuming that barb was your first level ;)

There is a Metropolis thread on the Rogue's Gallery, feel free to update it with your character.

I thought I remembered from one of your old threads that it was average + .5 per level, so that's what I used. Shall I correct to average?

Edit: Yup found it. Post #28 from the old recruit thread

Phoenix said:
Well for the three that have submitted histories, pop on over and put on your characters. Give hps as average +1/2 (ie: d4=3, d6=4, d8=5, d10=6, d12=7). Looking forward to seeing them all.
Last edited:


First Post
hafrogman said:
I thought I remembered from one of your old threads that it was average + .5 per level, so that's what I used. Shall I correct to average?

Edit: Yup found it. Post #28 from the old recruit thread

Oh yeah *shucks*, feel free to update then....


First Post
Okay. My math brain is itty bitty, so help me out here. Then should Ru have 7 hp per level past 1st? All those levels are monk, which is a d8. So is that 5 +2 Con per level, or was all that figured into the 6.5 value you gave me earlier?



Alright here is an expanded background (slightly) as well as the character sheet. Need anything else just let me know. Thanks to Hafrogman for a template :)

Jovik the Jackal

Jovik was born in the worst back-alley's in Metropolis. His mother sold the scrap that she could find carrying Jovik on her back. His father was rumored to be a guardsman, but Jovik's mother didn't talk about that night much, which didn't matter to Jovik since he never knew him anyway. As soon as he could walk, Jovic was put to work sorting the sellable trash from the just plain trash. The few coppers this brought in barely bought them any food and they lived under an old blanket in the alley behind a ram-shackled old tavern called the Randy Gargoyle. Jovik had a simple life, get up, tight your belt and sort through the pile of junk from mom. He sat in the alley all day basically sorting trash as his mother went peddling. As he grew older he would often leave his pile and go exploring a bit and came to know every nook and cranny of the alleys in the slums the formed the seedy district. Jovik's mother tried the best she could to provide for him. She would often go without any food to let Jovic eat, pretending she wasn't feeling well. Pretty soon she wasn't pretending and began to fall sick. It was a fever summer and Jovik's mom was already weak when she got the fever. Jovik had no idea what to do, he was still young and only knew the alley-ways. When you got sick in an alley, you died in that alley. So at the tender age of 10 Jovik found himself alone, hungry and with one blanket tied to a building as his only possession. The only thing worthwhile on his mother was an old necklace she had. Something about that locket made her never sell it and keep it hidden, no matter how desperate things were, she couldn't sell it. She had often told Jovik that in it lay their future and happiness. When he asked what was inside, she said her love for him.

Another alley-dweller found him the next day, sorting trash as he always did. Gralden often stopped by to buy interesting scrap from Jovik's mother. This morning he asked why she was still sleeping there next to Jovik. Jovik replied that she wasn't sleeping she was dead. Horrified, Gradlen asked why he still sat there and sorted trash. "This is all I know how to do" replied Jovik. "Well" said Gradlen, "why don't you come live with me?". With nothing left to keep him here, Jovik left his mother's corpse in the alley and followed Gralden back to a dilapidated old house by one of the canals. Inside were 4 other young boys about his age; Aelg, Orn, Misur, and the youngest Luprin. Gradlen taught young Jovik his trade; thievery. Gradlen was a faganist and had had his eye on Jovik for some time due to the boy's quick hands and eye. Jovik's time with Gradlen was better than on the street, but very difficult in other ways. He learned how to steal and did it well, he learned how to cut a purse, open a lock, who to bribe and who to run away from. He ate better than before, although all the boys had to eat the scraps from Gradlen's plate. He grew into the leader of the gang of boys and coordinated many of their capers. Jovik earned the nickname of the Jackal, because he has a knack to picking out the marks and could strip away goods so quickly. But Gradlen drank, heavily and often abused the boys. But they were all orphans and felt they had no other place to go. So in many ways they felt like prisoners. Often as the boys talked at night, they would ask Jovik questions like "what lies beyond the city walls" or "what would you do if you found a purse with 100 gold?" Jovik's response was always the same. "let me be able to see more than one nights supper and I'll think on it". One day, Jovik couldn't take it any more, Gradlen has just beaten him for only bringing back 20 silver from a job and thought Jovik was holding out on him, Jovik ran crying to find solace in the comfort of his beloved alleys.

That night, hiding in the dark, hating Gradlen, he witnessed an event that would change his life. Two men entered the alley, and, as Jovik hid himself deeper in the shadows he listened as the two men argued. He wasn't sure if it was about a debt, a woman or honor, but it was violent, bloody and resulted in one man dying. As the victor walked away, Jovik was struck by the power of this event, all his life he had hidden and cringed away. These men didn't though, they confronted their fear and their enemy. It was the sword, it must be the key to such courage, such power. If Jovik had a sword, Gradlen would have to treat him better, treat all the boys better. So out of instinct he approach the dead man and went through his pockets in the blink of an eye and was about to leave, when the moonlight glimmering on the dead man's sword caught his eye. Almost without thinking he picked it up. It was a huge sword, almost larger than he was, but it was beautiful. Jovik had never seen such a beautiful object. This would make a fine token to Gradlen. He mindlessly walked back to the hideout, and as he opened the door, Gradlen sneered and said "Well, come crawling back have you. You worthless garbage picker!". Something in Jovik changed, maybe it wasn't Jovik at all but the sword it self that willed Jovik's arm. Without a word, without an expression, Jovik raised the sword and brought it down on Gradlen's head and fulfilled his vision of power and freedom from a sword. Most of the boys ran away, scared of the boy turned man in front of them. Jovik was alone again. But a quick ransacking of the house left him no longer poor.

Jovik has lived the last two years since that fateful night in his back alleys. He now has a small apartment at least and eats at least twice a day (such luxury!) He still pulls small jobs here and there, but also engages in back-alley hold-ups in better quarters. With more and better food he grew a last few inches. But still looks rail-thin, though no longer emaciated. His black hair lies limp over his head, and he wears simple clothes, patched often, but has a warm woolen cloak that he keeps meticulously clean. His mother's locket he keeps tucked away, next to his heart, the only trace of his family. He still visits his old alley where he grew up. And leaves a bottle of wine and a loaf of bread on the spot where his mother died.
The fateful sword that freed him, he has kept. It is his second most cherished possession. The sword freed him from Gradlen, it freed him from hunger and freed him from his prison. He practices with it daily to be better, imaging himslef fighting dragons and monsters.
He would kill those weaker than himself and run away from those stronger or more powerful than he. Honor and pride meant little to Jovik, survival was what matters. He avoided the organized guilds who often try to recruit him or threaten him away from their turf. After Gradlen, Jovik the Jackal wants no master though. He has so far escaped the notice of the guards, but in reality Jovik is still a petty criminal, nowhere near the scale of the organized guilds.

As he has gotten a little older and a little wiser, and most importantly, a little richer. Jovik has mellowed a bit. He still steals for a living, but tries to kill only in self-defense now, the thrill of killing has waned, the power of the threat sufficient. He does most of his stealing now from those who can "afford it", namely anyone with more money than him. He no longer lives hand-to-mouth, but has a few coins to spend here and there. He has finally also allowed himself to have a few friends at the local tavern he likes to frequent under the small apartment he rents. He often thinks back to the other boys who lived with Gradlen and where they are and about the questions they used to ask him. He can now look beyond tomorrow's supper and his mind wanders to the questions they used to ask him. Jovik has started to take on a few apprentices of his own now, teaching them to cut a purse and work a crowd. He won't let them live with him though. He knows that they can make him a lot of money, but fears that he would himself turn into Gradlen. He also gives them a full cut of what they bring in so that they can support their families properly. So the Jackal's Pack roam the streets of this district, much to the distraught of many a distracted merchant. Recently though the local guild has grown suspicious over all these pickpockets working this area and suspect they have a leader. they are trying to find out if this "Jackal's Pack" is a budding guild and if so who is behind it and will apply some "pressure" to him.

Jovik the Jackal

Human Male
Rogue 3/Fighter 1
6,000 / 10,000 xp

Str 14 (+2) [6 pts]
Dex 16 (+3) [8 pts + lvl]
Con 10 (+0) [2 pts]
Int 14 (+2) [6 pts]
Wis 10 (+0) [2pts]
Cha 12 (+1) [4pts]

Size: Medium (5'10", 150 lbs)
HP: 20
BAB: +3
Init: +7
Move: 30'

AC: 18 (10 +5 armor + 3 dex ) Dodge 19

Fortitude: +3
Reflex: +6
Will: +1

Greatsword +1 (+7 attack, 2d6+4 dmg, 19-20/x2)
Comp Shortbow Mighty (+2) (+6 attack, 1d6+2 dmg, 20/x3)
Dagger melee (+5 attack, 1d4+2 dmg, 19-20/x2)
Dagger thrown (+6 attack, 1d4+2 dmg, 19-20/x2)

Improved Initiative (1st level)
Dodge (Racial Bonus)
Mobility (3rd level)
Weapon Focus: Greatsword (Fighter Bonus)

Skills (bonus/ranks):
Appraise (+3/1)
Balance (+6/1 + Synergy)
Bluff (+6/5)
Climb (+3/1)
Diplomacy (+4/1 + Synergy)
Disable Device (+9/5 + MW tools)
Gather Information (+9/6 + Synergy)
Hide (+7/4)
Intimidate (+4/1 + Synergy)
Jump (+9/5 + Synergy)
Knowledge (local) (+8/6)
Listen (+4/4)
Move Silently (+7/4)
Open Locks (+9/4 + MW tools)
Search (+5/3)
Sense Motive (+2/2)
Sleight of Hand (+11/6 + Synergy)
Spot (+3/3)
Tumble (+10/5 + Synergy)
Use Magical Device (+3/2)
Use Rope (+4/1)

Languages Known:
Common, and 2 others

Class Features:
Trap sense +1
Sneak Attack +2d6
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Martial Weapon Proficiency
Light Armor Proficiency
Medium Armor Proficiency
Heavy Armor Proficiency
Shield Proficiency


+1 Greatsword {2,350gp} This was the sword that Jovik found in the alley.
+1 Mithral Chain shirt {2,100gp} Jovik found this on Gradlen and took it as his own
Comp Mighty (+2) short bow {275 pg} Jovik "shopped" for this for a while before stealing it.
Quiver with 20 arrows
Peasant's outfit
Woolen cloak
Mother's locket
4 daggers concealed about his body
grappling hook
50' of silk rope
10 gp 25 sp and 30 cp


First Post
Phoenix said:
Fantastic. Just one question, did you buy MW books and put the bonus into ALL of your knowledge skills, or just one of them? Personally I'd think that MW books for seperate Knowledge skills should be on the card.

Otherwise, I love him!

BTW, post this baby on the Rogue's Gallery if'n you'd like.


First Post
jkason said:
Okay. My math brain is itty bitty, so help me out here. Then should Ru have 7 hp per level past 1st? All those levels are monk, which is a d8. So is that 5 +2 Con per level, or was all that figured into the 6.5 value you gave me earlier?


Yes. 7 per level past 1st.

Voidrunner's Codex

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