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Mike Schley's MASSIVE Forgotten Realms Map From SCAG!

Cartographer Mike Schley has posted the enormous map of Northwest Faerûn from the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. It's poster sized (10,200 x 6,600 pixels, or a 34-page PDF) or you can get the Artists Print version shipped to you in the form of a poster map. "This new absolutely massive map of D&D's Sword Coast and Northwestern Faerûn was commissioned by Wizards of the Coast to accompany their 5th Edition D&D game supplement Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. lead your adventures through his exhaustive map of The Forgotten Realms' most Iconic lands and make sure to let it inspire some truly fantastic storytelling."

Cartographer Mike Schley has posted the enormous map of Northwest Faerûn from the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. It's poster sized (10,200 x 6,600 pixels, or a 34-page PDF) or you can get the Artists Print version shipped to you in the form of a poster map. "This new absolutely massive map of D&D's Sword Coast and Northwestern Faerûn was commissioned by Wizards of the Coast to accompany their 5th Edition D&D game supplement Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. lead your adventures through his exhaustive map of The Forgotten Realms' most Iconic lands and make sure to let it inspire some truly fantastic storytelling."
The print version ($10-$54, depending on size) is here, and the digital version ($10) is here.



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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
That perspective is basically what tells a company that it's ok to offer less for more. I know a lot of people like to just sugarcoat things and say "good job!" even when it's not a good job, but I'm going to tell it like it is (in my opinion). You're free to disagree.

You've made your opinion heard. It's either a persuasive and/or informative opinion, or it isn't. Repeating it over and over again isn't helping. We all get it - we understand where you are coming from.


Hardly. Anna's maps are of top-notch quality (just like Mike's, but in a different medium). The reason she isn't charging anything, is because she can't legally—her maps are not officially licensed, and are fan creations. That said, her work is extremely high quality (check out the PDFs).

I never said Anna's weren't top notch. However, I still think Mike's are better. I prefer the hand rendered feel of his maps over the computer generated feel of Anna's.

FYI, I download the jpeg files, didn't see an option for PDF.


That perspective is basically what tells a company that it's ok to offer less for more. I know a lot of people like to just sugarcoat things and say "good job!" even when it's not a good job, but I'm going to tell it like it is (in my opinion). You're free to disagree.

No, if you don't buy the book you are most definitely saying, "this is not enough (quantity or quality) for the price."

Personally, I like that I can buy the map separately from the book. I don't really have much use for the book, but I could for the map. To me it comes down to price for content. I think the book is worth the $24 sans large format map and I think the large res map file is worth the $10 (as a bonus I like that it more directly supports the artist as well).

Now would it be nice if one could buy the book with a large print out map for $34+/-? Probably, but that would be $24 more than I would want to spend for the map, and that is all I want. So it is good for me, but maybe not so much for you.
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I grabbed the map. It is really, really pretty. The biggest problem with it is that the file is so enormous that it breaks my dropbox app's mind a little, and so it only downloads a low-quality version to my iPhone. Not sure how to get around that. It was cool to be able to use it in a session last night: when my players asked "where is Mirabar?", I was able to show them the whole coastline, then zoom in to show the long road between Mirabar and Waterdeep. I love these fantasy maps - going to get the Plunging Torrents framed in a couple of days, just for living room art - and having such a huge quality map of the region is really nice for giving the players a sensation of the wider world.


First Post
Personally, I feel that a fold-out printed map could of came with the book. It would really of been a nice to have. Although it has always been included in the past, Sword Coast Legends isn't a true product of its type. I would compare it more to the 3rd edition Player's Guide to Faerun, and even then it only includes the Sword Coast.

If they do release a full Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (hopefully a boxed set), then yeah, I would expect it to include printed detailed maps. Then again, I would also expect to be more expensive then what has been released so far.

I can understand charging for the digital version though, most games don't even offer a digital version of the map, so I see it as a bonus. $10 for a full-res map that I can then modify as I feel and print at my leisure is a fair deal in my opinion.


That perspective is basically what tells a company that it's ok to offer less for more. I know a lot of people like to just sugarcoat things and say "good job!" even when it's not a good job, but I'm going to tell it like it is (in my opinion). You're free to disagree.

Your wallet speaks louder than your posts on a message board.


I'll point out that the perfectly valid complaints about the Map issue (which have not been made by me, but I'm sympathic), are against WotC not agianst Mike trying to make a living selling an inproved map, no one has a problem with Mike, its a problem with WotC's decisions. I just thought this deserved clarity.

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