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Mike Schley's MASSIVE Forgotten Realms Map From SCAG!

Cartographer Mike Schley has posted the enormous map of Northwest Faerûn from the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. It's poster sized (10,200 x 6,600 pixels, or a 34-page PDF) or you can get the Artists Print version shipped to you in the form of a poster map. "This new absolutely massive map of D&D's Sword Coast and Northwestern Faerûn was commissioned by Wizards of the Coast to accompany their 5th Edition D&D game supplement Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. lead your adventures through his exhaustive map of The Forgotten Realms' most Iconic lands and make sure to let it inspire some truly fantastic storytelling."

Cartographer Mike Schley has posted the enormous map of Northwest Faerûn from the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. It's poster sized (10,200 x 6,600 pixels, or a 34-page PDF) or you can get the Artists Print version shipped to you in the form of a poster map. "This new absolutely massive map of D&D's Sword Coast and Northwestern Faerûn was commissioned by Wizards of the Coast to accompany their 5th Edition D&D game supplement Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. lead your adventures through his exhaustive map of The Forgotten Realms' most Iconic lands and make sure to let it inspire some truly fantastic storytelling."
The print version ($10-$54, depending on size) is here, and the digital version ($10) is here.



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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Would you buy a car without tires? No. You do expect it though.

A car without tires doesn't function as a car. A campaign setting book with a map, that doesn't fold out, still functions as a campaign setting book. Bad example.

Thanks for the (largely unconstructive) input, however. Have fun paying extra for something that should've been included already! Glad everyone has extra cash laying around for $136 maps! Even at staples, a poster-sized map is gonna run you $30 extra bucks! Gee, $40 (SCAG) + $10 (digital map) + $30 (Staples) = $80 for a $40 book. Nice. I love my hobby, and buy books when I can afford to, but this is a little ridiculous. Flame on, folks, tell me how wrong I am s'more.

I thought $23 on Amazon, plus $10 for the digital map, plus $30 at Staples for a blown up map, was a pretty fair deal. You don't, but that's definitely the realm of "constructive" advice on how to save off the $176 you mentioned earlier. If you want to be bitter at people trying to offer constructive advice then don't complain in the future if people ignore your requests for advice in the future.

I also think you CAN get a return from WOTC. If they don't respond try Mike Mealrs and Crawford on twitter. Explain the book was sealed, you thought it had a map, you cannot return it at your store but have a receipt and really want to return it. I bet they will work with you, or point you to someone in WOTC who will work with you to get a refund somehow.

Personally I would be really angry at a store that shrink wraps books and then doesn't allow returns. I've never heard of anything like that, and I think WOTC requires returns in their distributor agreements.

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First Post
I "expected" a fold out map. I however do not think I was entitled to one. Anecdotally, my six gaming friends were also surprised there wasn't a pull out map.
So I think it is fair to say that a lot of people were surprised by this, which is natural after having had them provided before.

Doesn't mean WotC "had" or was "required" to include one. And doesn't have any bearing on how people react when they find out there wasn't one. But expectations were there, in an understandable way.

I think we are having an entitled versus expected mismatch in this thread.

"Entitled" was a term someone else had applied to my expectations in an earlier post. I don't think it's my God-given right to have a map included, but I did expect one. Most of my posts say "expected", if I said "entitled" it was in error.


First Post
A car without tires doesn't function as a car. A campaign setting book with a map, that doesn't fold out, still functions as a campaign setting book. Bad example.

I thought $23 on Amazon, plus $10 for the digital map, plus $30 at Staples for a blown up map, was a pretty fair deal. You don't, but that's definitely the realm of "constructive" advice on how to save off the $176 you mentioned earlier. If you want to be bitter at people trying to offer constructive advice then don't complain in the future if people ignore your requests for advice in the future.

I also think you CAN get a return from WOTC. If they don't respond try Mike Mealrs and Crawford on twitter. Explain the book was sealed, you thought it had a map, you cannot return it at your store but have a receipt and really want to return it. I bet they will work with you, or point you to someone in WOTC who will work with you to get a refund somehow.

Personally I would be really angry at a store that shrink wraps books and then doesn't allow returns. I've never heard of anything like that, and I think WOTC requires returns in their distributor agreements.

$23 (+ shipping) + $10 digital map + $30 Staples is not a good deal for a $40 book. And a map without a scale (as a campaign resource) is about as worthless as a car without tires. As I said before, they could've, at the very least, included a scale if they were going to screw us out of a fold up map. So, in fact, I think it's an excellent example.
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First Post
Wow. Some people just don't realize when they're getting ripped-off. I'm actually quite surprised that some of you are OK with all this. It's curious how the quality of many products have diminished over the years, but people will keep on buying them. Maybe it's because you have no choice if you want to continue to pursue your interests. Maybe it's because you just don't care. Maybe it's because you're too young to know the value of what you're really getting, compared to how things once were.


First Post
Again, why would I hold myself responsible for expecting something that's been included in virtually every other setting product since when I started playing back in the days of 1e? I shouldn't have to check and make sure that something like that is included. Imo, it's an essential part of a campaign setting sourcebook. As I said before, they could've at least included a scale on the map so I can calculate travel times.

For the sake of argument, say I didn't have access to the internet. I go and buy the book, discover that there's no pull-out map and that the map included has no scale. How am I supposed to calculate how long it's going to take the PC's to travel from Baldur's Gate to Waterdeep?

Can anyone answer this question?

Cody C. Lewis

First Post
Honestly, I have not read through all 17 pages so far of comments, but am I the only who values a 30+ some-odd pdf page's worth of a digital map more than a, IMO, poorly executed tear away?

I just keep thinking about how a tear away may not separate evenly; and then I would have to find a place to put it; and when I wanted to use it I would have to have space to unfold it; and when I folded it back enough I would start to see wear; etc etc etc.


Wow. Some people just don't realize when they're getting ripped-off. I'm actually quite surprised that some of you are OK with all this. It's curious how the quality of many products have diminished over the years, but people will keep on buying them. Maybe it's because you have no choice if you want to continue to pursue your interests. Maybe it's because you just don't care. Maybe it's because you're too young to know the value of what you're really getting, compared to how things once were.

No... it's actually just that some of us actually pay attention to what we're buying before handing over our money, so we know exactly what we're paying for. And we don't assume that what we're buying now is the same as something we bought 7 years ago, and rather we double-check first like the intelligent shoppers that we are. And if the product they present us is worth the money the company is asking of us, we give them our money gladly. If it isn't... then we don't. Or at the very least we don't go to a place that won't return it on the off-chance we did feel ripped off after the fact.
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Can anyone answer this question?

Yes. You make it up. It's all made up.

What difference is it if a book says that the distance is 700 miles but you instead tell your players it's only 300? I decide things like that arbitrarily all the time, and I already have a poster map.

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