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[Miniatures Handbook] Thoughts on New Core Classes?


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So, I've been reading through this and I'm intrigued, but what do the rest of you think?

One thing I liked in 3.5 was seeing a few more classes brought up to (or at least towards) the level of the all-pervasive Cleric. Barbarians rock. Rangers are way spiffier. Even bards picked up a little speed. The Cleric still remains my sort of 'bar for what classes should strive for but not exceed. With that in mind...

Favored Soul - The Western Shugenja, able to cast divine spells on the fly. I love having the spellcasting stat split inot two abilities. Reason to actually spread your best scores around. The diety's weapon stuff is very nice. The energy resistance is interesting, and the wings are a nice touch. Overall I like it as is. Anyone have immediate ideas for tricking one out to the max?

Healer - Wow. Cast on the fly from a fixed spell list. Other than having to import some third party spells to the list (I'm thinking adding the phrase "and any divine Conjuration [healing] spell at the same level as gained by a Cleric" and moving on. With the introduction of this class, I'm seriously moving forward with my house rule for Clerics of choosing one Domain and being able to spontaneously cast from that list rather than always being able to pull cure/cause spells out. If you want a medic, get medic, and don't saddle the cleric with the job. The endless list of automatic restoratives as class abilites was a little boring given the singleminded monotony of their spell list, but the Unicorn Companion is a big ol' FIST of a class ability and will pretty much ensure that you can hang in a pitched fight. Effortless healing is also a winner. Pick up Mobility, and you sould be able to ride in and render support anywhere on the battlefield. Pretty much ready to use this as is.

Marshal - Oh lookie! The D&D version of the Pointman ;). I really dig this class as an idea - I've wanted something else for my L5R tactical commander types for a while and this really does fit the bill... for a few levels. Basically I'm not sure that as a d8, medium BAB combat oriented class, this guy is getting quite enough stuff to see him though. His auras, while continuous, AREN'T really comparable to the spellcasting support availible at the similar level, over the amount of time most groups are involved in combat in a single day. What do other people think of this class? I'm already envisioning a "fan of Command" iten that lets them project an extra minor aura or some similar item-based buff. I'm also pondering adding... something to them. Don't know what yet. Possibly a bonus to ambushes/detecting ambushes or some other "tactical thinker" ability. May come up with a few feats that use auras as prerequisites, but that'll go in the House RUles forum :).

Warmage - OMG. The age of Sorcerer turrets is at an end. These guys are slick arcane batteries of firepower, again using cast on the fly with a set spell list. I love the use of light and medium armor over time - great class ability. Split casting stat again. No cause to pump them up at first glance.

The spells were intriguing too. My Sorcerers will almost always be drawn to Greater Slide as the coolest tweak with the battlefield 2nd level spell going. I'd love to send an enemy sailing over a cliff or wall (too many fights up in battlements to not see possibilites...).

Interesting spread of feats. I'm not sure I agree that all "sudden" metamagic is equal (since the number of levels they normally increwase things is clearly different and a guide to comparative benefit), but Distracting Attack and Shieldmate both really appeal to the team player in me.

My biggest hope - that this stuff goes Open Content. There's some genuinely new ideas in this book and I'd love to see them go out and cross polinate with the work of other companies and players. The Sudden action in particular should become an OGL stapple.

Feedback or ideas?

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Rather than making marshals always commanders, I've thought about this class as being also for standard-bearers. They were there to boost the moral of the troops by merely waving their big flag, which also served to guide and rally tactically the soldiers. Killing them was a priority for the ennemy, as it disrupted tactical coordination and lowered morale.

In other words, it fits the class to a T.

Based on this reasonning, I had planned to introduce magic standards, minor and major, that would allow to project one additional aura.


So, I've been reading through this and I'm intrigued, but what do the rest of you think?

Don't care for 'em. See nothing here that seems compelling enough to warrant new core classes.

Favored Soul - The Western Shugenja, able to cast divine spells on the fly.

Eh. Gimme the Avatar or Shaman instead if a spontaneous divine caster is what you are looking for. I find this one a bit bland by way of comparison.

Healer - Wow. Cast on the fly from a fixed spell list.

A very limited fixed spell list. And has wizard BAB. I'm not seeing why I would want this class in a party instead of a cleric. Good luck holding out till 8th level until your super-pokemount arrives to steal the show.

Marshal - Oh lookie! The D&D version of the Pointman .[/qoute]

I thought it was the D&D version of the Diablo II paladin.

Warmage - OMG. The age of Sorcerer turrets is at an end. These guys are slick arcane batteries of firepower, again using cast on the fly with a set spell list. I love the use of light and medium armor over time - great class ability. Split casting stat again. No cause to pump them up at first glance.

Okay, but didn't see enough of a reason for it.

Overall, I found the favored soul a bit strong (split stat notwithstanding -- standard stat block array gives you a 14 and a 15 to work with.)

The spells were intriguing too. My Sorcerers will almost always be drawn to Greater Slide as the coolest tweak with the battlefield 2nd level spell going. I'd love to send an enemy sailing over a cliff or wall (too many fights up in battlements to not see possibilites...).

The spells were okay. Seeing the lesser orbs reappear (with a juiced up die type for all but the sonic) had me thinking "what about the greater orbs!?"

Interesting spread of feats.

Feats were okay, but not compelling to add to the game.

The prestige classes I generally liked, e.g., the skull clan hunter. The big glaring exception here is the warhulk. Would never allow it, nor use it against my players.
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First Post
Gez said:
Based on this reasonning, I had planned to introduce magic standards, minor and major, that would allow to project one additional aura.

Gez - you may want to check out the Avatar's Handbook from Green Ronin Press. A new category of spells, Banner spells, serve a very similar purpose.

OT for the thread:

I like the Marshall. Watching the Two Towers last night, Aragorn's scenes at Helm's Deep, where he is shouting commands to the Elven archers and rallies them to charge the Orcs after the dike is blown up -- those seem like good examples of a Marshall-type in action.

This discussion has occurred before, in another thread (might be on the D&D rules board).

I basically think:
the Favored Soul is overpowered
the Marshall sounds cool but I need to see one in play to really evaluate it
the Healer is a class for Cohorts
the War Mage needs to be seen in play; seems like an overly-focused Sorc.

Crypt King

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diaglo said:
The Mini Handbook is the biggest waste o money on the rpg market to date.
The hell you say, it's a great book with good additions.

I really like the new Core Classes, found they fit nice niches quite well, and served the purpose they are supposed to. The Marshell is defiantly a cool 5th character, great support and non support role. The healer is a simplified cleric, that people were yammering about, a less militant healing class, that works even better as an NPC.
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Oops. forgot to edit.

actually the worst rpg product to date is:

AC1 The Shady Dragon Inn.

but The Minis Handbook runs a close second. it is worth about 1/10 the price listed.

the pamphlet in the starter set has all you really need to play the minis game.

Crypt King

First Post
Well have to disagree again, I enjoy the Shadey Dragon Inn, the quick characters are interesting (remove the aweful stats) and I have used both the Inn Map and Inn itself, plus it had the write ups for the D&D figure lines.

A self expressed OD&D is the best proponent his hardly a person to take suggestions from for a new product. The mini book has it's faults, but it had a lot of interesting monsters, feats and spells along with interesting core class additions.


Crypt King said:
A self expressed OD&D is the best proponent his hardly a person to take suggestions from for a new product.

all the more reason. i have all the stuff from beginning til present...

i give my opinion freely. i'm not a sellout like some reviewers ;) .

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