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[Miniatures Handbook] Thoughts on New Core Classes?


Gez said:
Rather than making marshals always commanders, I've thought about this class as being also for standard-bearers. They were there to boost the moral of the troops by merely waving their big flag, which also served to guide and rally tactically the soldiers. Killing them was a priority for the ennemy, as it disrupted tactical coordination and lowered morale.
Hadn't thought of it that way. At least it gives some reason for a 1st level Marshal to exist. I like the idea of the class, but I think it should be a PrC, not core.

My gut reaction is that it is a bit underpowered, too. Maybe invert what they did with the Ranger. Give it a d10 hit die and a Rogue's BAB. Don't think that'd completely take care of it, but it's a neat concept. It works, conceptually, too, because a commander would focus on commanding, not attacking. He'd have to keep his head screwed on straight and avoid getting gacked, though.

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diaglo said:
all the more reason. i have all the stuff from beginning til present...

i give my opinion freely. i'm not a sellout like some reviewers
Wow, that is incredibly insulting.


Be polite, gang.

Psion, I really like the warhulk. The loss of the BAB seems to cancel out the massive strength increases, and I think it's a prestige class with style and interesting crunch. I'd definitely use this in my game.


First Post
Piratecat said:
Be polite, gang.

Psion, I really like the warhulk. The loss of the BAB seems to cancel out the massive strength increases, and I think it's a prestige class with style and interesting crunch. I'd definitely use this in my game.

Overwhelming power without focus.

If this PrC doesn't make you think of the Cave Troll in LoTR wildly flailing around, I don't know what does!

Gotta love it.

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I was discussing the new classes in the MH with a friend today, and he made the point that many of them had simpler abilities and more focused than the core classes, and thus made good classes for someone new to the game. He would be able to understand and play them without being overwhelmed by choices. The War Mage and Favored Soul in particular seem well-suited for a beginner who wants to try out a spellcaster.

Cam Banks

I'm very fond of the new classes, feats and PrCs in the Miniatures Handbook. I'm running a Dragonlance campaign, and one of the players had been playing a half-kender mystic with the Sun domain. He'd been having a lot of trouble getting it down, so when I had everybody revisit their characters and tweak anything they had been frustrated with (after the first few sessions) the half-kender switched mystic out for favored soul of Habbakuk.

I let him choose his spells known from the druid spell list instead of the cleric one, and replaced Jump with Survival in the class skills. The end result is a really interesting character, something like a ranger god's paladin.

I'm definitely going to have a healer or two show up at some point, now that Mishakal is on the rise again, and the marshal is just too interesting a class to pass up as an ongoing lieutenant for a villain.



Emirikol said:
Is that a comprehensive review ;)

this is one of the very few times i agree with Psion. read his review. it is probably a bit more comprehensive.

and probably i bit less insulting.

but pretty much right on target.

even tho he is a sellout. :eek:


Well have to disagree again, I enjoy the Shadey Dragon Inn, the quick characters are interesting (remove the aweful stats) and I have used both the Inn Map and Inn itself, plus it had the write ups for the D&D figure lines.

Well, while I have to agree with Diaglo on the MHB thing (it's the first time I feel I wasted my money in a long time), I'm with you here. I got a lot of use out of my old beat up shady dragon map, and some of the NPCs I nicked from the book remain in my campaign today (Gwynn Cutpurse, anyone?)

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