Modified Swashbuckler Archetype (3 musketeers genre)


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Swashbuckler Archetype

Here are up a new modified archetype: the Swashbuckler, in a 3 Musketeers genre, based on Quickleaf's Seafaring archetype. ( Your opinion ?


A Bard, Fighter or Rogue can choose the Swashbuckler archetype when they reach 3rd level and would select a bardic college, martial archetype or roguish archetype.

One of the main appeals of the Swashbuckler archetype are the Swashbuckler Tricks (think the warlock's Eldritch Invocations, only muskeeters-themed and less magical). In fact, your character doesn't need to take one of these archetypes to gain access to Swashbuckler Tricks; simply take the Crafty Gentleman feat, which is to Swashbuckler Tricks what the Martial Adept feat is to Battle Master Maneuvers.

Crafty Gentleman (New Feat)

You gain the following benefits:

  • Gain proficiency in one of the following: Thief's tools, disguise kit (especially courtier's clothes and accessories) or land vehicules.
  • Gain 2 Swashbuckler 's Tricks.

Multiclassing Rule: As the PHB Spellcasting rule- Your capacity for the swashbuckler abilities depends partly on your combined levels in all your swashbuckler classes and partly on your individual levels in those classes.

A character may substitute an ability if it is already taken and the combined levels are still enough for the class ability one just gets a level in.

ex: swashbuckling step instead of underhand tactics at combined 10th for a fighter of 7th level than just turn barbarian 3th level.


The Swashbuckler archetype represents a consummate gentleman, and a nimble warrior who fights with panache. More at home in a tavern or at the court than he or she is a dungeon, the Swashbuckler adopts an underhanded and mobile style of fighting known as swashbuckling. The myriad dangers of the city – coup d’état, courtesans, thugs, false beggars - are well known to the Swashbuckler, who can handle anything the city throws his or her way.

Bards, Fighter and Rogues can all take the Swashbuckler archetype. The exact progression of features depends on the class.

3. Swashbuckler Tricks
3. Unarmored Defense
6. Underhanded Tactics or Taunter (choose one)
14. Freestyle Fighting or Swashbuckling Step (choose one)[/SBLOCK]


[SBLOCK]3. Swashbuckler Tricks
3. Unarmored Defense
7. Underhanded Tactics or Taunter (choose one)
10. Swashbuckling Step
15. Freestyle Fighting or Improved Underhanded Tactics (choose one)
18. One Against Many[/SBLOCK]


[SBLOCK]3. Swashbuckler Tricks
3. Unarmored Defense
9. Underhanded Tactics or Taunter (choose one)
13. Swashbuckling Step
17. One Against Many[/SBLOCK]


Swashbuckler Tricks

Gain 2 Swashbuckler Tricks of your choice (see below). Gain 2 additional Swashbuckler Tricks at levels 7, 10, and 15.

Unarmored Defense

While you are wielding a finesse weapon, wearing no armor, and not wielding a shield, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, provided you are proficient with the finesse weapon.

Underhanded Tactics

When you hit an enemy granting combat advantage with a weapon attack, you may initiate a Shove against them as part of that attack. Likewise, if an enemy misses you while they had disadvantage on their attack, you may use your reaction to initiate a Shove against them.

Swashbuckling Step

On the first turn of combat, when you act before other creatures, your movement does not provoke opportunity attacks from creatures you act before. Also, when you successfully Overrun, Tumble, or Push Aside a creature, you do not provoke opportunity attacks from that creature.

Improved Underhanded Tactics

Your Underhanded Tactics work without requiring you to have advantage, nor your enemy to have disadvantage. In addition, instead of initiating a Shove you may opt to initiate a Disarm or a Grapple (provided you have a free hand).

Freestyle Fighting

Your checks against being Disarmed, Grappled, Overrun, Shoved, Tumbled past, or Pushed Aside are advantaged, as are your saving throws against Battle Master maneuvers.

One Against Many

When 2 or more enemies are adjacent to you, you may adopt a fighting strategy which uses your opponents against each other. When an enemy misses you with an attack (melee or ranged), as your reaction you may redirect their attack against one of the enemies adjacent to you. They must re-roll their attack against the enemy you choose.


You can be a real pest with your tongue. As a bonus action, one creature who can hear and understand you will attack you with a disadvantage (like Dragonlance's Kenders) for the next round. The creature should disengage from any other fight as if affected by a magical suggestion. A saving throw is allowed to disregard this effect, with a dc equals to 8+ performance skill modifier. A creature who succeeds her saving throw is immune to the Swashbuckler's Taunt for 24 hours.

Swashbuckler Tricks

Alleycat. (prerequisite: Acrobatics proficiency) When you fall and there is some object nearby on which you could conceivably slow your fall, you can use your reaction to reduce your failing damage by an amount equal to five times your character level.

Remove the Swash keep Buckler. You are proficient with buckler, I tiny wrist shield. A buchler cost 1GP and grants AC bonus only againt melee , and does not impede the archetype unarmored defense bonuses; it is not considered a shield for other considerations. The hand used with that arm can handle a dagger or be used as a second hand for a two handed weapon.

Cat Burglar. You can climb at your normal movement speed, you climb unimpeded while holding something in one hand, and you don't grant advantage to attackers while you're climbing or balancing.

Cloak and Dagger. You are proficient with cloak usage in combat. A cloak is considered a shield for this usage and grants AC bonus , and does not impede the archetype unarmored defense bonuses; it is not considered a shield for other considerations. The cloak can be thrown as a net, but has only 1 HP. The cloak should be discarded after one to a few combats, DM's call.

Distracting Yarn. (prerequisite: Performance proficiency, 7th level) As a bonus action, you can spin a quick tale intended to distract one intelligent creature who can hear you within 30 feet. Make an opposed Charisma (Performance) versus Wisdom (Insight) check, and if you succeed the creature cannot use either bonus actions or reactions (your choice) until the end of its next turn.

Favored City. Select a particular city in your campaign world. When at that city, you gain three benefits. First, you can traverse the city using secret alleys and passages that allow you to avoid detection, and you have some kind of secret safe house. Second, you have advantage on any Charisma checks to gather information in the city, thanks to a network of contacts there. Third, you can secure free passage aboard any land vehicule departing from that city for yourself and your companions, though you must be flexible about being hidden among refuse or the like.

Panache. You have style and you know it. You may add your charisma bonus (minimum 1) to your attacks or defense for your next round. You can claim this advantage once before needing a short or long rest.

Perfect Balance.
When fighting on a unstable platform, when you roll initiative you may Dash or Use an Object for free so long as you're not surprised. Also, you ignore disadvantage from unstable or moving platform (tables, land vehicule) to your Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks or Strength (Athletics) checks.

Swinging Assault (prerequisite: Cat Burglar). If you move at least 10 feet from a rope or chandelier swing immediately before taking this bonus action, you can push the target up to 10 feet away from you (if you chose to shove and you succeed).

Brawny Tavern fighter You are also proficient with Improvised Weapons and such objects are considered one size level less. For example, heavy improvised weapons are considered as normal for you. Large items like tables are just heavy, etc.

Who’s Who You have advantage on Intelligence checks to recall lore, heraldry and gossip about your country and neighborhood nobility and high society, from contacts or books. [/SBLOCK]


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Nice! Imitation is the finest form of flattery, so they say :)

A few quick observations... Your SBLOCK tags have a space where there shouldn't be any, omit the space and they will work fine. Also, it's "thieves' tools" not "rogue's tools" (language difference between English & French maybe?). And I'm not sure exactly how proficiency with courtier's clothes and accessories is supposed to help a PC?

I think your multi classing rule about feature substitution is well conceived.

You can be a real pest with your tongue. For charisma modifiers rounds (minimum 1), Any creature who can hear and understand you will attack you with a disadvantage (like Dragonlance's Kenders), and should disengage from any other fight as if affected by a magical suggestion.
I like the ide! However this is overpowered and needs reworking. Compelling someone to attack you AND imposing disadvantage on those attacks is very very powerful.

I would change it like this... First, I would make it a bonus action that only affects one creature. Second, I would apply disadvantage on the creature's next attack against you only. Third, I'd allow a Wisdom saving throw against the suggestion effect (or better yet come up with languaging that doesn't reference spells at all) to attack the Musketeers at the exclusion of others. Fourth, I'd make a creature who succeeds their saving throw immune to the Musketeer's Taunt for 24 hours.

Panache. You have style and you know it. You may add your charisma bonus to your attacks or defense for your charisma bonus rounds (minimum 1) as there is a crowd around (minimum 1 NPC non-combattant watcher) to admire you. You can claim this advantage once before needing a short or long rest.
I love the name "Panache", however this is exploitable and ridiculously overpowered. 5e works on bounded accuracy. With your current version, a Dexterity 16 and Charisma 20 Musketeer of 4th level could double their attack bonus (+5 to +10) for 5 rounds (effectively the entire fight in 5e). And they could do this after every short rest!!!

The only thing constraining this is the requirement to have a crowd of NPCs viewing you. So, narratively, how do you explain a character fighting in front of a crowd suddenly hitting way more often? The idea that their morale is bolstered by the crowd so they become more accurate me.

Don't get me wrong, the basic idea of a feature involving "fighting for the crowd" is intriguing. My thoughts are to reorient this toward 1-on-1 Dueling, as in the Codo Duello.

Swinging Assault (preq Cat Burglar). If you move at least 10 feet from a rope or chandelier swing immediately before taking this bonus action, you either gain a +5 bonus to the attack’s damage roll (if you chose to make a melee attack and hit) or push the target up to 10 feet away from you (if you chose to shove and you succeed).
Love it. However, this is essentially the Charger feat by another name isn't it? IMO class or archetype features should not duplicate feats.

Tavern fighter You are proficient with unarmed attacks and do 1d4 damage with them. You are also proficient in Improvised Weapons.
Same goes here. Tavern Brawler is already a feat.


First Post
Nice! Imitation is the finest form of flattery, so they say :)

Of course! I contributed to your archetype, i'll be glad you do the same!

I changed a few things... (see cloak and dagger, buckler trick).
I posted an update for Rogue Archetype- Scoundrel as well (100% social interactions).
I posted a new scout meta-archetype
Do you want me to try another genre ? And my suggestions on the improved seafarer tricks (son of a gun, underwater fight and ?).

So you think Musketeer is a valid term for all 3 classes, not only for fighters ? Unlike real historic musketeers, Dumas' seems only adepts with rapiers and pistols... But this is a game...
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