Monarch legacy of monsters

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the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
Watching this and so far it has held my interest, but it has to stick the landing. I like the idea of building up a mystery lurking in the background of the Godzillaverse, but the flashbacks and nonlinear storytelling can be overdone if they are not careful. It's also possible all the buildup may lead to a letdown. I don't care for stories that overly connect disparate elements together (like some Star Wars stories for example), but I did like them springboarding off John Goodman's character from Kong: Skull Island. His cameo was a nice surprise.

Great casting kudos: Kurt Russell was born to play an older Wyatt Russell! :ROFLMAO:


Great casting kudos: Kurt Russell was born to play an older Wyatt Russell! :ROFLMAO:

I won't be watching the show, but I'm definitely intrigued this - there haven't been very many times that two generations of a family have played the same character, and I can't think of any where it was more than just a simple cameo.


A suffusion of yellow
I won't be watching the show, but I'm definitely intrigued this - there haven't been very many times that two generations of a family have played the same character, and I can't think of any where it was more than just a simple cameo.
So far the character is one of the leads with flashbacks between 1950s and modern era. So if they maintain the flashbacks they'll both be getting a bit of screen time. If they stay modern then it is the younger Russel who was the cameo...

episode 4 felt like a bad episode of primeval

May really came of as a very unlikeable character and the idea of them being stuck there in Alaska was poor. They aren’t even dressed for an overnight hike in Maine Nevermind the mountains of Alaska


A suffusion of yellow
episode 4 felt like a bad episode of primeval

May really came of as a very unlikeable character and the idea of them being stuck there in Alaska was poor. They aren’t even dressed for an overnight hike in Maine Nevermind the mountains of Alaska
I thought May was accurate - she was relunctantly pulled in by the ex that broke up with her and almost dies, she’s justifiably peeved at him really.

I suspect they werent intending to crashland in the wilds of Alaska and well I have no context of what clothing to survive in those conditions would look like. It was episode 3, so dont mind it being a filler. The monster design was fun.

I wasnt sure what the stuff hallucinating Kentaro found on the snow was - looked like flower petals to me, do they have any significance?
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New Publisher
episode 4 felt like a bad episode of primeval

May really came of as a very unlikeable character and the idea of them being stuck there in Alaska was poor. They aren’t even dressed for an overnight hike in Maine Nevermind the mountains of Alaska
They had just escaped from Asia, and didn't have time to stop for clothes.....and probably even if they had time didn't want to given they were on the run and searching for someone that crashed in AK.

I didn't love May screaming for no reason because she's cold and wet. Just seemed dumb, and she's not dumb.


New Publisher
I thought May was accurate - she was relunctantly pulled in by the ex that broke up with her and almost dies, she’s justifiably peeved at him really.

I suspect they werent intending to crashland in the wilds of Alaska and well I have no contect of what clothing to survive in those conditions would look like. It was episode 3, so dont mind it being a filler. The monster design was fun.

I wasnt sure what the stuff hallucinating Kentaro found on the snow was - looked like flower petals to me, do they have any significance?
pencil shavings. Like a trail laid by his dad.

Voidrunner's Codex

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