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Monitor Duty (Freedomverse OOC)

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Okay, here's my telepath/telekinetic, probably who I will play, though I wouldn't mind working up some of the (simpler) concepts I mentioned, just for the heck of it. Heather is originally from a more X-Men universe type storytelling simm, so not sure if her background and motivations/complications will fit into your world. Let me know and I will tweak.


Hero: Astral
Identity (Secret): Heather Stephanie Todd
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 115 lb
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Group Affiliation: ???
Base of Operations: Apartment
Power Level: 10 (150p)
Power Point Totals: Abilities: 32 + Powers 103 + Advantages 5 + Skills 10 + Defenses 0 = 150
Power Points Earned: 0
Unspent Points: 0

Skill Modifier (20): All skills open.
Attack/Effect (Unarmed)(20): 4/0 = 4
Attack/Effect (Mind Reading)(10): NA/10 = 10
Attack/Effect (Mental Blast)(10): NA/10 = 10
Attack/Effect (Illusion)(10): NA/8 = 8
Attack/Effect (Mind Control)(10): NA/6 = 6
Attack/Effect (Concealment)(10): NA/10 = 10
Attack/Effect (Move Object)(20): 4/5 = 9
Attack/Effect (Telekinetic Blast)(20): +4/10 = 14
Attack/Effect (Snare)(10): NA/9 = 9
Attack/Effect (Astral Black Hole)(10): NA/4 = 4
Dodge/Toughness (20): 1/5 = 6
Parry/Toughness (20): 2/5 = 7
Fortitude/Will (20): 2/4 =6

Strength: 0 (0)
Stamina: 2 (4)
Agility: 1 (2)
Dexterity: 1 (2)
Fighting: 2 (4)
Intellect: 4 (8)
Awareness: 4 (8)
Presence: 2 (4)

Initiative: 1
Melee: +2
Ranged: +4
Specific Attacks:
- Astral Black Hole: DC 14 Will; nullify psychic abilities
- Concealment: DC 20 Will
- Illusion: DC 18 Will
- Mind Control: DC 16 Will; dazed; compelled; controlled
- Mind Reading: DC 20 Will
- Mental Blast: DC 25 Will (Damage 10, psychic; crit 20)
- Move Object: +4, DC 20 (Damage 5, B/P/S; crit 20
- Snare: DC 19 Dodge (hindered and vulnerable; defenseless and immobilized
- Telekinetic Blast: +4, DC 25 (Damage 10, bludgeoning; crit 20)
- Unarmed: +4, DC 15 (Damage 0, bludgeoning; crit 20)

Dodge: 1 (11)(1 Agility +0 Defense)
Parry: 2 (12)(2 Fighting + 0 Defense)
Fortitude: 2 (12)(2 Stamina + 0 Defense)
Toughness: 5 (12/15)(2 Stamina + Protection 3)
Will: 4 (14) (4 Awareness +0 Defense)

SKILLS (20 Ranks, 10p)
Acrobatics: 3 (1 Agility + 2 Ranks)(Trained Only)
Athletics: 2 (0 Strength + 2 Ranks)
Close Combat
- Unarmed: 4 (2 Fighting + 2 Ranks)
Deception: 4/6 (2 Presence + 2 Ranks [+2 Attractive])
Expertise (Trained Only)
- Mathematics 6 (4 Intelligence + 2 Ranks)
- Physics 6 (4 Intelligence + 2 Ranks)
- Psychology 6 (4 Intelligence + 2 Ranks)
Insight: 6 (4 Awareness + 2 Ranks)
Intimidation: 2 (2 Presence + 0 Ranks)
Investigation: 4 (4 Intelligence + 0 Ranks)(Trained Only)
Perception: 4 (4 Awareness + 0 Ranks)
Persuasion: 4/6 (2 Presence + 2 Ranks [+2 Attractive])
Ranged Combat
Sleight of Hand: 1 (1 Dexterity + 0 Ranks)(Trained Only)
Stealth: 1 (1 Agility + 0 Ranks)
Technology: 4 (4 Intelligence + 0 Ranks)(Trained Only)
Treatment: 6 (4 Intelligence + 2 Ranks)(Trained Only)
Vehicles: 1 (1 Dexterity + 0 Ranks)(Trained Only)


Attractive 1: +2 situational bonus to Deception and Persuasion

Equipment 1 (5 ep)

Ranged Attack 3


Headquarters: Studio apartment, Toughness 6, Size Fine (-3ep), living space (1ep)
Costume (3ep): Protection 3
Commlink (1ep)
Smart Phone (2ep)
Laptop (1ep)

POWERS (136)

Telepathy Array (47)
- Mind Reading 10 (31): Action: Standard; Range: Perception; Duration: Sustained. Cumulative (+8); Sensory Link (+8); Feedback (-8); Alternate Effect (+1). Surface thoughts; Personal thoughts; Memory; Subconscious
- Mental Blast 10 (42) Range Perception; Damage 10 resisted by Will. Subtle (+1); Alternate Effect (+1)
- Illusion 8 (41). All Senses. Selective (+1). Resistible by Will (-1). Alternate Effect (+1)
- Mind Control 6 (37). Action: Standard; Range: Perception, Cumulative Affliction, Resisted by Will. Progressive (+12); Alternate Effect (+1). Dazed; compelled; controlled.
- Concealment 10 (11). Action: Free. Range: Personal. Duration: Sustained. Affects Others (+10); Area Burst 30’ (+10); Selective (+10). Limited Minds Only (-10); Passive (-10). Resistible by Will (-10); Alternate Effect (+1)
- Psychic Communication 3 (19) Action: Free; Range Long; Duration: Sustained. Area (+2); Selective (+2); Alternate Effect (+1). Dynamic (+1). Alternate Effect (+1).

Telekinesis Array (34)
- Move Object 5 (28) Action: Standard; Range: 250/500/1000; Duration: Sustained. Damaging (+5); Precise (+1); Subtle (+5); Multiattack (+5); Alternate Effect (+1); Dynamic (+1). Rank equals Strength for lifting and moving objects. Can take a Move action to concentrate and gain +1 Strength and Duration: Concentration. Stacks with Extra Effort to increase your Rank.
- Force Field 10 (13) Protection, Sustained. Subtle 1 (+1p); Alternate Effect (+1); Dynamic (+1) Provides +10 Toughness.
- Flight 4 (12) Action: Free; Range: Personal; Duration: Sustained. Subtle 2 (+2p). Alternate Effect (+1p). Dynamic (+1p). 30 mph
- Telekinetic Blast 10 (22) Action: Standard; Ranged 250/500/1000; Alternate Effect (+1); Dynamic (+1). DC 25 Toughness
- Snare 9 (29) Ranged Cumulative Affliction, Extra Condition, Resisted by Dodge, Limited Degree. Alternate Effect (+1). Dynamic (+1). DC 20. Hindered and vulnerable; defenseless and immobilized.
- Deflect 10 (12) Action: Standard; Ranged 250/500/1000. Alternate Effect (+1). Dynamic (+1). When taking the Defend action, use Deflect instead of Dodge or Parry

Astral Black Hole (22): A tear in the fabric of the astral plane that leads to a private demiplane exists inside of Astral. She can open it to disrupt the astral plane in the area around her.
- Nullify 4 (22): Area Close Burst 30’ sphere (+4); Activation Standard (-2); Broad: Psychic (+4); Concentration (+4); Simultaneous (+4); Sustained (+4)


Motivation: Acceptance - Mutants don’t need to be feared.

Motivation: Doing good - Heather never really wanted to be a hero, but it was instilled in her that she had a responsibility to help others with her powers.

Responsibility: Heather is currently in college studying mathematics, physics, and minoring in psychology.

Family: All of Heather’s remaining family are mutants with powers. Tamar is a powerful energy controller (fire/stellar plasma blasts). Matthew is a healer. Kenny is a sonic controller. Mary Ellen is just emerging as a bit of a pheromone empathic manipulator and succubus.

Prejudice: Most humans fear and mistrust mutants.

Power Loss: Astral Black Hole: This power requires her to also make a Will save or it shuts down her telepathy and telekinetic arrays as well, leaving her vulnerable.

Heather Todd is the second youngest daughter of a large family from Elkins, West Virginia, in Appalachian redneck country. Her father was an abusive drunk, but Heather’s older sister Tamar took the brunt of his abuse to keep her younger siblings from it.

Heather’s powers emerged when she was ten, the night her father killed the mutant boyfriend of his eldest daughter. He didn’t stay dead, however, and he was the leader of a cell of the terrorist Brotherhood of Mutants. He returned to the farm and slaughtered most of the Todd family. Heather and her younger siblings Matthew, Kenny, and Mary Ellen were saved when Tamar’s own powers emerged in a violent explosion of stellar energy.

Unknown to Tamar, Heather’s powers also emerged. Her mind ripped a hole in the astral plane, created a small, safe demiplane out of the astral “stuff” that was sucked inside, and hid.

Tamar, meanwhile, was taken with the remaining family to a school in Atlanta where they protected and trained mutants in using their powers and serving the world. Tamar thought Heather was in severe catatonic shock from what had happened.

Slowly Heather started to emerge, first with small telekinetic promptings of items around her. Eventually her condition was realized by a telepath at the school and she was rescued from her little safe place when they realized she was the cause of localized disturbances in the astral plane. They taught her how to seal up the rift in the astral plane and then helped her develop her telepathic and telekinetic powers.

Currently Heather is attending university to study mathematics and physics. She studies some psychology on the side as well, to help her with her powers.


Thanks for the submission. With your permission instead of going through a step by step critique, I can take what you gave me her and mod it so it meets PL caps. The survivability of a character with such low defenses is pretty slim and I'd imagine not too fun.


I found that gravity powers supplement online and read through it. I should have looked at that before, it gives just about everything I wanted him to have. I'm going to rewrite my powers section with the powers listed in the supplement.


Once more, with feeling!

Real Name: Jonathan Hawk
Archetype: Energy Controller

PL 10 (150 Power Points)

Strength: 0
Stamina: 3
Agility: 3
Dexterity: 3
Fighting: 3
Intelligence: 0
Awareness: 2
Presence: 3

Extraordinary Effort
Great Endurance
Benefit: Wealth 5 ranks (Billionaire)


Energy Control 5
Intimidation 7
Athlete 4
Acrobtics 4
Investigation 4
Perception 4

Gravity Control: Array
• Gravity Blast: Range Damage 12 – 24 points
o A blast of gravitic force smashes into the target.

• Alternate Effect: Gravikinesis: Move Object 12 – 1 point
o Using focused and directed gravity, Hawk can move objects from a distance, causing them to “Fall” in any direction he wants at a speed rank of (Effect Rank (12) – Mass Rank) or hover weightlessly in midair. He can move objects with mass rank equal to or less than his power rank (12).

• Alternate Effect: Crushing Gravity Field: Burst Area Move Object (gravity), limited to pulling downward, Damaging (3 points per rank) 8 - 1 point
o This power intensifies the pull of gravity around Hawk while leaving him unaffected. Subjects in the field are effectively grabbed. If the subject’s Strength resistance check against the field’s rank fails by one degree, the subject is prone and restrained (Immobile and Vulnerable). If it fails by two or more degrees, the subject is bound (defenseless, immobile and impaired). Like a grab, you can make effect checks in succeeding rounds to increase the degree of an existing hold, and further degrees of success are cumulative. Adding the “Damaging” effect makes it so effected targets can get crushed under their own weight, the same as inflicting Strength Damage on a grappled target.

• Alternate Effect: Null-G Field: Burst Area Move Object, Limited to lifting upward, Completely Subtle (2 points +2 points per rank) 10 – 1 point
o The reverse of the Gravity Field power, in a Null-G Field, if the effect rank equals the subject’s weight rank, the subject floats, weightless, inside the field. This leaves subjects without other movement capabilities effectively immobilized.

• Alternate Effect: Low-G Lifting: Enhanced Strength, Limited to Lifting, Affects Others: 12 – 1 point
o By touching an object and reducing gravity’s effect on it, you make it lighter and easier to move, effectively increasing your strength when it comes to lifting heavier objects. It also “Affects Others” in that once he lowers the weight of an object, others can also move that object as if their strength was increased as well.

Immunity: Immunity 2 (Gravity Effects) – 2
Gravitic Shield: Impervious Protection 10, Sustained – 20 points


Energy Sense: Senses (Detect Gravity, Ranged) 1 – 2 points (Gravitational awareness, allows Hawk to sense Gravity Effects at a distance.)

Flight: Completely Subtle Flight 8 (500 mph) – 18 points

Free Fall Adaptation: Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation – Zero Gravity) – 2 points
Hawk’s system is adapted to operating in near-zero gravity or free fall conditions. He suffers no circumstance penalties in free fall environments, including those of his own creation.

High-Gravity Adaptation: Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptaion – High gravity) – 2 points
Hawk’s power allows him to ignore the effects of higher than Earth-normal gravity. He operates normally under higher gravity conditions, as if he were still under 1G.

Dodge: 4
Parry: 1
Fortitude: 7
Toughness: 0
Will: 8

Power Points:
Abilities: 34
Powers: 74
Advantages: 8
Skills: 14
Defenses: 20
Total: 150


Motivation: Responsibility
Relationship: Has a family
Responsibility: Has to be there for family
Responsibility: Has to pay attention to his assets

I've gone through and counted the points, everything should work ok. Let me know if there's anything I haven't thought of, or if anything doesn't look like it works. All the powers are straight from the Gravity Supplement.


Power Level Caps for Attacks are Twice the Power Level.

So PL 10 any combination up to 20.

For examples

+5 hit + 15 dmg
+12 hit +8 dmg
+10 hit +10 dmg

Thanks for the clarification.

So...does Strength apply to damage from a Damage-based power?

In my case, Strength +3, Fighting +5, Close Combat (unarmed) +6...

Li Po’s Legendary Fist
Damage rank 6 + Modifiers: Alternate Effects 3, Multiattack +1/rank, Penetrating 6 [21 points]

Would his Unarmed (Li Po's Legendary Fist) attack be +11 to hit (Close, Damage +9, Crit 20) ?


First Post
Hm! Wouldn't being immune to gravity effects cover high gravity environments?

Also, and this isn't a comment on your character build, Tglassy, I disagree with the costing on the crushing gravity field. I know you got it from a book, but reading the description it's effectively an Affliction and a Damage effect, both with Area Burst.

That should be 2pp/rank for each effect, linked for a total of 4pp/rank. They sort of get away with it by claiming that it's a 'move object' effect...but that strikes me as disingenuous. The effects are clearly an Affliction. Then you can add a Linked Damage effect...but you should have to have Area on each power individually.

Just my take.


Mmm. I feel like it might not -really- matter? But yeah, this is GM territory, really. Like if you punch someone for 6 damage, or staff strike for 6 damage, then...meh. I wouldn't generally be terribly concerned about it as a GM.

But I feel like if you want a power that's a staff strike, why not build it differently? Give it some unique and distinctive traits. Maybe it does more damage and has Reach, instead of multiattack and Penetrating?

I think if I were building the character, I'd actually have a whole array that was my staff. It might have a power strike and a deflect and maybe a ranged attack where I throw it...or a no-range area attack that lets me lash out all around me.

That might be a bit expensive for ya though.

Yeah, thanks for the suggestion. I'm inclined to do a "Staff Power", but don't know how to calculate to-hit / damage for powers yet...it may be, given the PL 10 cap of summing to-hit and damage must =< 20, that I don't have much room to boost Damage...

Thanks for the clarification.

So...does Strength apply to damage from a Damage-based power?

In my case, Strength +3, Fighting +5, Close Combat (unarmed) +6...

Li Po’s Legendary Fist
Damage rank 6 + Modifiers: Alternate Effects 3, Multiattack +1/rank, Penetrating 6 [21 points]

Would his Unarmed (Li Po's Legendary Fist) attack be +11 to hit (Close, Damage +9, Crit 20) ?

Quickleaf, melee Damage CAN use Strength, but it doesn't by default. There's a Power Feat called 'Strength Dependent' I believe.

Hmm, I'm confused because the SRD doesn't explain this stuff clearly or it's so scattered across many webpages I haven't been able to make sense of it...

Given the way I've constructed Li Po's Legendary Fist...and given my stats...what would be my final to-hit modifier & damage modifier using Li Po's Legendary Fist?


First Post
*re-reads the SRD*

Doh. Part of the confusion may be that I keep getting editions confused. It seems you don't need a feat anymore to link Damage to Strength. It's a choice you make when you design the Damage effect. You can't change your mind about it later, but it doesn't cost extra.

Sorry, man. I'm not doing as good a job at this as I thought I was. :)

Would his Unarmed (Li Po's Legendary Fist) attack be +11 to hit (Close, Damage +9, Crit 20) ?

Yes. Given those stats, they would; assuming you choose to link the damage of this power to your Strength.

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