D&D 5E Monster Manual Expanded II Second Edition News and Updates

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DM's Guild Author
I was going to release the update this week but due to unforeseen art delays, we will have to wait one more week. In the meantime, here's another beautiful art piece from Art of Neight to tide you over, the Sprite Keeper of the Grove!

Sprite Keeper of the Grove.png


DM's Guild Author
What's new in the next Monster Manual Expanded update coming this April 15?
  • 30 new artwork replacements
  • new stat block (spined devil crippler)
  • new lair actions (vampire lord)
  • stat block changes (packmasters, shambling mound, sprite keeper of the grove, bone devil, chain devil, greater cockatrice, worg)
  • new descriptive texts (sahuagins)
  • balance fixes (balor, pit fiend, driders)
  • fixed some typos and layout issues

*Note: The pdf price will be raised from $24.99 to $29.99 (final). If you don't have a copy yet, please get one before April 15. Don't get blindsided like the grimlock below.

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@Nixlord , when will the 2nd edition updates be complete? Also, IIRC, you are doing this for MMEII as well correct? If so, what is the schedule for that one? I am interested in getting them now with the new art (I've only got MMEIII currently), but I would like to wait until you have completely updated them.


DM's Guild Author
@Nixlord , when will the 2nd edition updates be complete? Also, IIRC, you are doing this for MMEII as well correct? If so, what is the schedule for that one? I am interested in getting them now with the new art (I've only got MMEIII currently), but I would like to wait until you have completely updated them.

The last update for MME1 will arrive before the end of May, and will then be prepared for print-on-demand, which may take another month or two. The best estimate for the PoD release is around July-August.

Yes, MME2 will be next. This will take the usual long process (artwork takes a lot of time) which can run from 4 to 6 months. PoD release will likely be from December 2022 to the 1st quarter of 2023.


The last update for MME1 will arrive before the end of May, and will then be prepared for print-on-demand, which may take another month or two. The best estimate for the PoD release is around July-August.

Yes, MME2 will be next. This will take the usual long process (artwork takes a lot of time) which can run from 4 to 6 months. PoD release will likely be from December 2022 to the 1st quarter of 2023.
Thank you for the update! I'm only interested in the PDF, so I will check back at the end of May.

Voidrunner's Codex

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