D&D 5E Monster Manual Expanded II Second Edition News and Updates

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DM's Guild Author
Here's the new, more fitting art piece for the Cloaker Lord done, coming soon in the next Monster Manual Expanded update!

Cloaker Lord.png


DM's Guild Author
These are probably the last two art previews I'll share before the next update: the Storm Giant Stormguard and the Dire Werebear! I still have a few more art pieces coming and I'm saving those for the release.

Oh, if you're a 3E veteran and have advantage on Perception or Recall checks, you might recognize something.

Storm Giant Stormguard.png

Here are two more brand-spankin' new art pieces for the upcoming Monster Manual Expanded update: the Frost Giants (Priestess of Auril, Jarl, and Skald) and the Quaggoth Alpha!

View attachment 154444View attachment 154445
That frost giant skald has an almost maniacal smile there lol. I guess he's really, really happy about the upcoming beatdown he's about to inflict on the characters? Or happy to have a new audience for a song?

Still, all great art. Can't wait to see the full update!

Voidrunner's Codex

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