D&D 5E Monster Manual Expanded II Second Edition News and Updates

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So they would not be included in a hypothetical Monster Manual Expanded 4?

Hi Rabulias, I just want to clarify my earlier response. The stat blocks definitely won't be part of Monster Manual Expanded IV.

But depending on the success of the Patreon, I might entertain a print-on-demand version once I've accumulated enough entries and have it released on DrivethruRPG (with high-tier'ed patrons only needing to pay the printing and shipping fees).

Also, I may reuse some art pieces. I mean, that was the point of my Patreon, to be able to have more art commissioned for my DM's Guild products. But I will always try to have the Patreon and MME art versions slightly different.

Here's one more of the last few art pieces coming to the final update of Monster Manual Expanded Second Edition, the bewitching Satyr Trickster!

And if you haven't done so yet, please check out the new Dragonix's Deadly Denizens at https://www.patreon.com/dm_dragonix!

Satyr Trickster.png

Since you said you are updating your books to WotC's new monster format, does that mean you'll be removing a lot of spells from spellcasting monsters and otherwise simplifying your statblocks like they did? I feel a lot of nuance and worldbuilding was removed when they did that, and would be sorry to see it go from your excellent books.

Since you said you are updating your books to WotC's new monster format, does that mean you'll be removing a lot of spells from spellcasting monsters and otherwise simplifying your statblocks like they did? I feel a lot of nuance and worldbuilding was removed when they did that, and would be sorry to see it go from your excellent books.

I already did. As an old-school DM myself, I am not a fan of the changes they made with spellcasting. However, I do understand why they did it. This was a business and marketing decision that I couldn't ignore. I have to follow the latest styles and standards they set. I still did my best though to make the spell-like abilities and spellcasting list palatable to old-school DMs (more spells, more fun/enjoyable spell-like abilities).

I still made the old MME version available though for those who prefer it.

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