D&D 5E Monster Manual Expanded II Second Edition News and Updates

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DM's Guild Author
Final update of the MME1 Second Edition release coming very soon!

Also just wanted to remind everyone of the ongoing Monster Sale at DM's Guild! 30% OFF on all bestiary books! Don't miss out!

DMG Monster Sale 2.png


I already did. As an old-school DM myself, I am not a fan of the changes they made with spellcasting. However, I do understand why they did it. This was a business and marketing decision that I couldn't ignore. I have to follow the latest styles and standards they set. I still did my best though to make the spell-like abilities and spellcasting list palatable to old-school DMs (more spells, more fun/enjoyable spell-like abilities).

I still made the old MME version available though for those who prefer it.
I don't suppose as a comprimise you could put the old spell lists in an appendix in the back as optional? Not the whole block, just the "Spellcasting" section. I really enjoy the books, am strongly considering buying the new PODs when available, but I'm one of those who enjoyed the full spell lists and having quick reference to that as extra content on hand would please me.


DM's Guild Author
I don't suppose as a comprimise you could put the old spell lists in an appendix in the back as optional? Not the whole block, just the "Spellcasting" section. I really enjoy the books, am strongly considering buying the new PODs when available, but I'm one of those who enjoyed the full spell lists and having quick reference to that as extra content on hand would please me.
As much as I would really like to do that for you and other folks who want the old spellcasting readily available, that addition would easily take over 15-20 pages, maybe more. I can't justify that if each additional page will cost an extra 25-30 cents (the cost per page grows as the book gets thicker). I've already promised not to make the book cost over $79.99 and those extra pages will make my promise impossible. I hope you can understand my position, Stormonu. The availability of the classic version pdf will have to do for now.


DM's Guild Author
Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition Art Preview #1. It starts again.
With the final update of MME1 2nd Ed released yesterday, it's time to kick off the art previews for MME SE II! Let's start hot with the Fire Giants: the Doomblade, the Vanguard, and the Houndmaster!

Fire Giants.png


The availability of the classic version pdf will have to do for now.
I see the classic version of the Monster Manual Expanded II, but it seems like only the Fantasy Grounds version of Monster Manual Expanded I seems to be available and the non-Fantasy Ground version of the MME1 classic isn't anywhere to be seen on the DMguilds/Drivethru rpg.

Voidrunner's Codex

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