D&D 5E Monster Manual Expanded II Second Edition News and Updates


DM's Guild Author
Monster Manual Expanded II 2nd Edition (Update 3) Art Preview #58. Down to the last few pieces! Here's the new art for a pair of derros: the Master Savant and the Taskmaster!


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DM's Guild Author
Monster Manual Expanded Roll20 Package will be unleashed at the DMs Guild this Thursday, Feb 16!
  • Access over 470 creature statblocks from the Roll20 website as well as access within the Roll20 VTT!
  • Easily drag & drop onto your encounter maps!
  • Each creature comes with its own beautiful token art and fully-statted character sheet with click-to-roll attacks, special powers, saving throws, and more!

MME Roll20 Promo.png


Excited about this!
@Nixlord , apologies if this has been answered already (but I couldn't readily find it), but will this be a separate purchase in Roll20, or made available to those who own MM-EX on Drivethru... or other?


DM's Guild Author
Excited about this!
@Nixlord , apologies if this has been answered already (but I couldn't readily find it), but will this be a separate purchase in Roll20, or made available to those who own MM-EX on Drivethru... or other?

It will be a separate purchase. This isn't just a pdf that is compatible with Roll20 (you can actually already do that with pdf). It may have the same content but it's an entirely different product. This had to be reconstructed and integrated into Roll20. The closest resemblance is like having access to the book via D&D Beyond (where you can easily search the contents as part of your existing library in D&D Beyond). Moreover, you are able to drag and drop directly onto your Roll20 VTT platform.


Any update on when MM Expanded II 2E will be released? Would love to get my hard cover (and PDF) on order soon as possible.


DM's Guild Author
Any update on when MM Expanded II 2E will be released? Would love to get my hard cover (and PDF) on order soon as possible.
As mentioned on the product page, it will be released in the late 2nd quarter of 2023.

It is currently in its last stage of art improvement and will then undergo editor reviews in the next 2 months followed by another month of prepping it for print, and then finally the printing of the draft, which will again take another month. So if there are no hiccups, then it should be available by late May/June 2023.

Voidrunner's Codex

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