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Monster PrC -- Eye of Raelor


cool idea to spruce up the sweet glowing balls

but as to multiple rays

really, how could a few more rays a round hurt at all, give it ititerive attacks and the flurry too.

sure they can hit easy and beat damage reduction, its a good attack well worth their deficencies in other areas and level adjustment.
its a good attack but by no means perfect, for one, it cant do all that much damaged even with the class charge ups. 1d6 +1d6 energy or 2d6 bane and possibly 3 more similar enhancements. any decent magic weapon has similar enhancements, and they also have the advantage of str damage possibly 2handed powerattacked ect. basicly the 1d6 isnt all that much damage especially with certain opposing abilities, eg, regeneration with no appropriate damage, so many hp bypassing dr and ac means little without being able to do tones of damage yourself, fast healing, high dex/dodge/defection/ect ac if sombody has a good touch ac the light ray means little.

give em the extra attacks over the course of the class but give them the extra firepower, the lanterns face enormous restrictions in everything, let them do the one good thing their at really well.
think of it this way, the mm lantern is the standard everyday outsider, the ones with levels are the higher up lanterns that serve and work with the higher up celestials untill the highest leveld lanterns are the ones serving celestial leaders and massing in the homes of the gods

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