Monsters By Plane


Monster Junkie
I've been compiling a list of 3E monsters by plane, and thought I'd post it here, in the spirit of the "All the different types of creature threads.

What follows is a listing of all the planes in the Manual of the Planes, plus a few other planes that have been added from other WOTC sources. I have tried to limit the list to monsters either listed as native to that particular plane, or those that would spend much of their time on that plane. Thus, I've avoided listing the mercane on every plane, or NPC parties.

This list is by no means complete, so please post and help me fill in the blanks. While I've limited it to 3E and 3.5 creatures from WOTC sources only so far, we can definitely add monsters from other sources to the list.

Hopefully this will be useful for anyone attempting to make a planar adventure or encounter tables for traveling the planes.

Abrian (FF)
Abyssal Drake (Draco)
Abyssal Ghoul (FF)
Aspect of Demogorgon (MH)
Aspect of Lolth (MH)
Aspect of Orcus (MH)
Basilisk, Abyssal Greater
Bloodthorn (FF)
Canomorph, Vultivor (FF)
Demons (all)
Demonically Fused Elemental (template) (DRA #285)
Dread, Lesser and Yrsillar (DRA #277)
Fiendwurm (MM2)
Golem, Demonflesh (FF)
Infernal (ELH)
Ironmaw (FF)
Living Holocaust (FF)
Orlythys (DRA 285)
Shoosuva (Dun 112)
Swarm, Abyssal Ant (FF)
Swarm, Bloodfiend Locust (FF)
Symbiont, Fiendish, Fiendish Familiar (FF)
Symbiont, Fiendish, Gutworm (FF)
Varrangoin, Arcanist (FF)
Varrangoin, Lesser (FF)
Varrangoin, Rager (FF)
Vorr (FF)

Abyss, Demonweb Pits
As Abyss, plus the following:

Arachnoid Creature template (CotSQ)
Aracholoth (DRA #298)
Aspect of Lolth (MH)
Brood Mother (DRA #298)
Chitine (MOF)
Choldrith (MOF)
Drider Template (WotC)
Drider Vampire (CotSQ)
Demon, Yochlol (MOF)
Dragon, Deep (MOF)
Golem, Spiderstone (CotSQ)
Half-Draegloth (SKR)
Half-Fiend, Draegloth (MOF)
Half-Yochlol (SKR)
Jade Spider(CotSQ)
Myrlochar (MOF)
Spider, Hairy (MOF)
Spider, Sword (MOF)
Spiderleg Horror (DRA #298)
Zin-Carla (F&P)

Aspect of Hextor (MH)
Bladeling (MM2)
Bonespear (FF)
Chronotyryn (FF)
Devils (all)
Dragon, Rust (DRA #300)
Formians (all)
Imps (all)
Maug (FF)
Steel Predator (FF)
Yugoloths (all)

Angel, Astral Deva
Angel, Planetar
Angel, Solar
Asura (BOED)
Dragon, Arboreal (Dra 321)
Dragon, Oceanus (Draco)
Eladrin, Bralani
Eladrin, Coure (BOED)
Eladrin, Firre (BOED/MOTP)
Eladrin, Ghaele
Eladrin, Shiradi (BOED)
Eladrin, Tulani (BOED)
Protectar (MH)
Sanctified Creature (template)(BOED)

Angel, Astral Deva
Angel, Planetar
Angel, Solar
Asura (BOED)
Dragon, Oceanus (Draco)
Protectar (MH)
Rhek (BOED)
Rhex Chaosgrinder (BOED)
Sanctified Creature (template)(BOED)

Astral Plane
Angel, Astral Deva
Aoa, Droplet (FF)
Aoa, Sphere (FF)
Astral Dreadnought (MOTP)
B'kallash Dreadnought (Dun 100)
Dragon, Ectoplasmic (WOTC)
Duthka'gith (Dun 100)
Energon, Xag-Az (WOTC)
Faze (WOTC)
Kr'y'izoth (Dun 100)
N'gatispawn (Dra 305)
Shedu (FF)
Spectral Hound (Dun 100)
Tl'a'ikith (Dun 100)
Winterwight (ELH)

Aspect of Asmodeus (MH)
Aspect of Mephistopheles (MH)
Aspect of Tiamat (MH)
Death Hurler (Dra 309)
Devils (all)
Gathra (FF)
Golem, Chain (MM2)
Golem, Hellfire (FF)
Hellfire Wyrm (MM2)
Hell Hound
Infernal (ELH)
Maelephant (FF)
Nessian Warhound
Symbiont, Fiendish, Fiendish Familiar (FF)
Symbiont, Fiendish, Soul Tick (FF)

Angel, Astral Deva
Angel, Planetar
Angel, Solar
Asura (BOED)
Bariaur (MOTP/BOED)
Dragon, Beast (Dra 321)
Dragon, Oceanus (Draco)
Hollyphant (BOED)
Kadtanach (Dun 100)
Protectar (MH)
Sanctified Creature (template)(BOED)

Angel, Astral Deva
Angel, Monadic Deva (FF)
Angel, Movanic Deva (FF)
Angel, Planetar
Angel, Solar
Angel, Stellar Deva (WOTC)
Asura (BOED)
Dragon, Adamantine (Dra 321)
Dragon, Oceanus (Draco)
Protectar (MH)
Sanctified Creature (template)(BOED)

Aspect of Nerull (MH)
Bloodthorn (FF)
Demodand, Farastu (FF)
Demodand, Kelubar (FF)
Demodand, Shator (FF)
Dragon, Styx (DRA #300)
Dragon, Tarterian (DRA #300)
Terlen (FF)
Vaath (BOVD)

Angel, Astral Deva
Angel, Monadic Deva (FF)
Angel, Movanic Deva (FF)
Angel, Planetar
Angel, Solar
Angel, Stellar Deva (WOTC)
Archon, Hound
Archon, Lantern
Archon, Owl (BOED)
Archon, Sword (BOED)
Archon, Throne (BOED)
Archon, Trumpet
Archon, Warden (BOED)
Aspect of Bahamut (MH)
Asura (BOED)
Dragon, Oceanus (Draco)
Dragon, Radiant (Draco)
Lammasu, Golden Protector
Protectar (MH)
Ramadeen (MH)
Sanctified Creature (template)(BOED)

Demiplane of Ectoplasm
Argent Spider (WOTC)
Dwarf, Aleithian (WOTC)
Dragon, Ectoplasmic (WOTC)
Ecto Fragments (WOTC)
Ectoplasm Elementals (WOTC)
Living Ferroplasm (WOTC)

Elemental Plane of Air
Air Element Creature (MOTP)
Angel, Monadic Deva (FF)
Arrowhawk, Adult
Arrowhawk, Elder
Breathdrinker (MM2)
Chichimec (ELH)
Demonically Fused Elemental (template) (DRA #285)
Elemental, Air
Elemental, Primal, Air (ELH)
Genie, Djinni
Genie, Janni
Giant, Cloud
Grue, Ildriss (DRA #285)
Half-elemental, Air (MOTP)
Immoth (MM2)
Invisible Stalker
Paraelemental, Ice (MOTP)
Paraelemental, Smoke (MOTP)
Mephit, Air
Mephit, Dust
Mephit, Ice
Tempest (MM2)

Elemental Plane of Cold
Angel, Monadic Deva (FF)
Cold Element Creature (MOTP)
Genie, Qorrashi (WOTC)
Immoth (MM2)
Mephit, Ice
Xixecal (ELH)

Elemental Plane of Earth
Angel, Monadic Deva (FF)
Creeping Stone (Dra #314)
Dune Stalker (MM2)
Demonically Fused Elemental (template) (DRA #285)
Earth Element Creature (MOTP)
Elemental, Earth
Elemental, Primal, Earth (ELH)
Galeb Duhr (MM2)
Genie, Dao (MOTP)
Genie, Janni
Giant, Stone
Grue, Chaggrin (DRA #285)
Half-elemental, Earth (MOTP)
Mephit, Earth
Mephit, Salt
Paraelemental, Magma (MOTP)
Paraelemental, Ooze (MOTP)
Rukarazyll (MM2)
Stone Spike (MM2)
Stonechild (MH)
Tempest (MM2)
Tralusk (DRA 285)

Elemental Plane of Fire
Angel, Monadic Deva (FF)
Demonically Fused Elemental (template) (DRA #285)
Elemental, Fire
Elemental, Primal, Fire (ELH)
Fire Bat (MM2)
Fire Element Creature (MOTP)
Firetongue Frog (DRA #285)
Genie, Efreeti
Genie, Janni
Giant, Fire
Grue, Harginn (DRA #285)
Half-elemental, Fire (MOTP)
Hell Hound
Magma Hurler (MH)
Mephit, Fire
Mephit, Magma
Mephit, Steam
Paraelemental, Magma (MOTP)
Paraelemental, Smoke (MOTP)
Phaethon (ELH)
Tempest (MM2)

Elemental Plane of Water
Angel, Monadic Deva (FF)
Demonically Fused Elemental (template) (DRA #285)
Elemental, Water
Elemental, Primal, Water (ELH)
Genie, Janni
Genie, Marid (MOTP)
Grue, Vardigg (DRA #285)
Half-elemental, Water (MOTP)
Immoth (MM2)
Mephit, Ooze
Mephit, Water
Paraelemental, Ice (MOTP)
Paraelemental, Ooze (MOTP)
Tempest (MM2)
Water Element Creature (MOTP)

Elemental Plane of Wood
Angel, Monadic Deva (FF)
Wood Element Creature (MOTP)

Angel, Astral Deva
Angel, Monadic Deva (FF)
Angel, Movanic Deva (FF)
Angel, Planetar
Angel, Solar
Angel, Stellar Deva (WOTC)
Asura (BOED)
Dragon, Oceanus (Draco)
Guardinal, Avoral
Guardinal, Cervidal (MM2)
Guardinal, Equinal (BOED)
Guardinal, Leonal
Guardinal, Lupinal (MM2)
Guardinal, Musteval (BOED)
Guardinal, Ursinal (BOED)
Leskylor (BOED)
Leskylor, Three-Headed (BOED)
Moon Dog (BOED)
Protectar (MH)
Quesar (BOED)
Sanctified Creature (template)(BOED)

Ethereal Plane
Angel, Monadic Deva (FF)
Aoa, Droplet (FF)
Aoa, Sphere (FF)
Dragon, Ethereal (Draco)
Elf, Ghost (Dra #313)
Ethereal Doppleganger (MM2)
Ethereal Filcher
Ethereal Marauder
Ethereal Ooze (FF)
Ether Scarab (MM2)
Ethereal Slayer (MM2)
Ethergaunt (Overview)
Ethergaunt, Black (FF)
Ethergaunt, Red (FF)
Ethergaunt, White (FF)
Ghostly Dragon Template (Draco)
Gingwatzim, Eoluzim (DRA #295)
Gingwatzim, Graegzim (DRA #295)
Gingwatzim, Maronzim (DRA #295)
Gingwatzim, Naranzim (DRA #295)
Gingwatzim, Pakim (DRA #295)
Nethersight Mastiff (MM2)
Nilshai (UE)
Sacred Watcher (BOED)
Shedu (FF)

Far Realm
Kaorti (FF)
Neh-Thalggu (ELH)
Pseudonatural Creature Template [Epic](ELH)
Pseudonatural Creature Template [Nonepic](T&B)
Rukanyr (FF)
Skybleeder (FF)
Uvuudaum (ELH)
Thruock (WOTC)
Wyste (MM2)

Barghest, Greater
Canomorph, Shadurakul (FF)
Dragon, Pyroclastic (DRA #300)
Dragon, Styx (DRA #300)
Phiuhl (FF)
Swarm, Hellwasp
Terlen (FF)
Vaporighu (MM2)
Yugoloths (all)

Dragon, Styx (DRA #300)
Dune Stalker (MM2)
Night Hag
Slasrath (FF)
Terlen (FF)

Chaos Beast
Dragon, Chaos (Draco)
Planetouched, Chaond (MM2)
Slaad (all)

Dragon, Axial (Dra 321)
Formians (all)
Inevitables (all)
Modrons (all)(WOTC)
Planetouched, Zenythri (MM2)

Negative Energy Plane
Angel, Movanic Deva (FF)
Energon, Xeg-yi (MOTP)
Orb Wraith (COTSQ)
Slow Shadow (Dun 112)
Vampire spawn
Winterwight (ELH)

Bloodthorn (FF)
Dragon, Concordant (Dra 321)
Fhorge (FF)
Khaasta (FF)
Kuldurath (FF)
Rilmani, Arumach (FF)
Rilmani, Cuprilach (FF)
Rilmani, Ferrumach (FF)

Bloodthorn (FF)
Dragon, Howling (DRA #300)
Dragon, Styx (DRA #300)

Plane of Faerie
Changeling (DRA #304)
Hoary Hunter (ELH)
Seelie Court Fey (template) (DRA #304)
Unseelie Fey (template) (DRA #304)

Plane of Mirrors
Nerra, Kalareem (FF)
Nerra, Sillit (FF)
Nerra, Varoot (FF)

Plane of Radiance
Prismfly Swarm
Radiant Creature (template)
Rainbow Dweller

Plane of Shadow
Beacon Moth (Dra 322)
Cloaker Lord (MOF)
Darkweaver (FF)
Dragon, Shadow (MOF)
Ephemera, Dusk Beast (MOTP)
Ephemera, Ecalypse (MOTP)
Ephemera, Umbral Banyan (MOTP)
Giant, Shadow (FF)
Malaugrym (MOF) (traveling only)
Mist Mastiff (WOTC)
Nightshade, Nightcrawler
Nightshade, Nightwalker
Nightshade, Nightwing
Pseudo-Elementals, Darkness (Dra 322)
Shadar-Kai (FF)
Shadow Asp (FF)
Shadow Beast, Ghirrash (MH)
Shadow Beast, Khumat (MH)
Shadow Beast, Thaskor (MH)
Shadow Creature Template (MOTP)
Shadow-Bound Creature Template (WOTC)
Shadow-Walker Template (UE)
Shadow Mastiff
Shadow Spider (MM2)
Slow Shadow (Dun 112)
Veserab (DRA 299)

Positive Energy Plane
Angel, Movanic Deva (FF)
Crystal Screamer (Bastion of Broken Souls)
Energon, Spiritovore, Soulsipper (Bastion of Broken Souls)
Energon, Spiritovore, Soulmarauder (Bastion of Broken Souls)
Energon, Spiritovore, Soulscaper (Bastion of Broken Souls)
Energon, Xag-ya (MOTP)
Glimmerskin (MM2)

Region of Dreams
Dream Element Creature (template) (DRA #287)
Abomination, Dream Larva (ELH)

Akutsukai (OA)
Akutenshi (OA)
Bakemono (OA)
Bog Hag (OA)
Dokufu (OA)
Mamono (OA)
Onikage (OA)
Pennaggolan (OA)
Oni, Shadolands (all)(OA)
Tsuno (OA)

Spirit World
Bajang (OA)
Bisan (OA)
Centipede, Spirit (all)(OA)
Doc Cu'o'c (OA)
Dragons, Lung (OA)
Gaki (all)(OA)
Hebi-no-anna (OA)
Oni, Common Oni (OA)
Oni, Go-zu-oni (OA)
Oni, Me-zu-oni (OA)
Nat (all)(OA)
Nature Spirit (all)(OA)
Shirokinu-katsukami (OA)
Spirit Folk (all)(OA)
Tsuno (OA)
Wang-liang (OA)
Yuki-on-na (OA)

Temporal Energy Plane
Abomination, Phane (ELH)
Temporal Drake (WOTC)

The Void
Void Hound, Seeker (WOTC)
Void Hound, Slayer (WOTC)
Void Hound, Stalker (WOTC)
Void Walker (WOTC)

Angel, Astral Deva
Angel, Planetar
Angel, Solar
Aspect of Kord (MH)
Asura (BOED)
Bariaur (BOED/MOTP)
Bariaur Defender of Ysgard (BOED)
Dragon, Battle (Draco)
Dragon, Oceanus (Draco)
Fensir, Fensir (FF)
Fensir, Rakka (FF)
Protectar (MH)
Sanctified Creature (template)(BOED)
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First Post
This is a cool list my friend, very useful. Can I just suggest that you add the Skybleeder and Rukanyr from the FF to the Far Realm listing.

I wonder if you could take d20 Call of Cthulhu monsters and add them to the Far Realms?

Also, I know it's only official WotC stuff, but Tomb of Horrors mostly features "classic" D&D monsters, so they seem about as appropriate too.


Monster Junkie
I added the Bariaur, as well as the Rhek from the Book of Exalted Deeds excerpt.

I'd be happy to add TOH and Creature Catalog monsters to the list. Post 'em and I'll add 'em. I don't see any reason not to add the Cthulu monsters to the Far Realm, either. I'll note them with (COC). Do you have a list of them?

Thanks for the feedback!


Monster Junkie

Abrian (FF) to Abyss
Aoa, all (FF) to Astral and Ethereal
Fhorge (FF) to Outlands
Giant, Shadow (FF) to Plane of Shadow
Shedu (FF) to Astral and Ethereal
Veserab (DRA 299) to Plane of Shadow
Orlythys (DRA 285) to Abyss
Tralusk (DRA 285) to Elemental Plane of Earth
Thruock (WOTC) to Far Realm


First Post
I remember having compiled a list of fiends from all d20 resource I could put my paws on (MM, MM2, FF, MC:Monsters of Faerûn, Deities & Demigods, MotP, BOVD, Oriental Adventure, CC1, CC2, ToH, Legions of Hell, Armies of the Abyss, BoEM3: the Nexus).

And now I can't found it back.

Voidrunner's Codex

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