Monsters By Plane

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As I had started a similar project, I decided to merge yours with mine and update it.

By default, monsters are from the MM1.
TOH: Tome of Horrors
CC#: Creature Collection #
MM#: Monster Manual #
MBOTI: Mindscapes Beasts of the Id
LOH: Legions of Hell
AOTA: Armies of the Abyss (to avoid confusion with Anger of Angels)
MC:MOF: Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn (to avoid confusion with Magic of Faerûn)
Draco: Draconomicon
Planar: Planar Handbook

Some monsters, like several planar golems from MM3, are not fully stated. These are hinted at by a * sign after their name.

  • Transitive Planes
    • Astral Plane
      1. Angel, Arcane, Thaerestian (BOEM)
      2. Angel, Arcane, Valiance (BOEM)
      3. Angel, Astral Deva
      4. Animal Lord (TOH)
      5. Aoa, Droplet (FF)
      6. Aoa, Sphere (FF)
      7. Arcane Devourer (CC2)
      8. Astral Dreadnought (MOTP)
      9. Astral Kraken (Planar)
      10. Astral Shark (TOH)
      11. Astral Stalker (MM3)
      12. B'kallash Dreadnought (Dun 100)
      13. Buomman (Planar)
      14. Corpsespinner (TOH2)
      15. Corpsespun Creature Template (TOH2)
      16. Corpsespun Human Fighter (TOH2)
      17. Corpsespun Minotaur (TOH2)
      18. Darkling Sentinel (CC2)
      19. Devourer
      20. Dragon, Ectoplasmic (WOTC)
      21. Duthka'gith (Dun 100)
      22. Energon, Xag-Az (WOTC)
      23. Faze (WOTC)
      24. Githyanki
      25. Kr'y'izoth (Dun 100)
      26. Malafide (MBOTI)
      27. N'gatispawn (DRA #305)
      28. Psionic Elemental, Elder (TOH)
      29. Psionic Elemental, Greater (TOH)
      30. Psionic Elemental, Huge (TOH)
      31. Psionic Elemental, Large (TOH)
      32. Psionic Elemental, Medium (TOH)
      33. Psionic Elemental, Small (TOH)
      34. Shedu (FF)
      35. Slarecian Worm (CC2)
      36. Soul Guardian (CC2)
      37. Spectral Hound (Dun 100)
      38. Time Killer (CC2)
      39. Tl'a'ikith (Dun 100)
      40. Winterwight (ELH)
    • Ethereal Plane
      1. Angel, Arcane, Thaerestian (BOEM)
      2. Angel, Arcane, Valiance (BOEM)
      3. Angel, Monadic Deva (FF, TOH)
      4. Aoa, Droplet (FF)
      5. Aoa, Sphere (FF)
      6. Apparition (TOH)
      7. Deity, Ptah (D&DG)
      8. Devourer
      9. Dharculus (Planar)
      10. Dragon, Ethereal (Draco)
      11. Elf, Ghost (DRA #313)
      12. Ephemeral Swarm (MM3)
      13. Ether Scarab (MM2)
      14. Ethereal Destrier
      15. Ethereal Doppleganger (MM2)
      16. Ethereal Filcher
      17. Ethereal Marauder
      18. Ethereal Ooze (FF)
      19. Ethereal Rat (TOH)
      20. Ethereal Slayer (MM2)
      21. Ethergaunt (Overview)
      22. Ethergaunt, Black (FF)
      23. Ethergaunt, Red (FF)
      24. Ethergaunt, White (FF)
      25. Ghost
      26. Ghostly Dragon Template (Draco)
      27. Gingwatzim, Eoluzim (DRA #295)
      28. Gingwatzim, Graegzim (DRA #295)
      29. Gingwatzim, Maronzim (DRA #295)
      30. Gingwatzim, Naranzim (DRA #295)
      31. Gingwatzim, Pakim (DRA #295)
      32. Nethersight Mastiff (MM2)
      33. Nilshai (UE)
      34. Phantom (TOH)
      35. Poltergeist (TOH)
      36. Sacred Watcher (BOED)
      37. Shadowraven (CC2)
      38. Shedu (FF)
      39. Spectral Troll (TOH)
      40. Xill
    • Plane of Shadow
      1. Avatar of Drendari, Demigoddess of Shadow (CC1)
      2. Beacon Moth (DRA #322)
      3. Cloaker Lord (MC:MOF)
      4. Dark One, Dark Creeper (FF, TOH) (plane of origin)
      5. Dark One, Dark Stalker (FF, TOH) (plane of origin)
      6. Darkweaver (FF)
      7. Dragon, Shadow (MC:MOF)
      8. Ephemera, Dusk Beast (MOTP)
      9. Ephemera, Ecalypse (MOTP)
      10. Ephemera, Umbral Banyan (MOTP)
      11. Giant, Shadow (FF)
      12. Gloomwing (TOH)
      13. Golem, Greater Shadesteel Golem (MM3)
      14. Golem, Penumbral (CC3)
      15. Golem, Shadesteel Golem (MM3)
      16. Malaugrym (MC:MOF) (traveling only)
      17. Nightshade, Nightcrawler
      18. Nightshade, Nightwalker
      19. Nightshade, Nightwing
      20. Night-Touched, Controller (CC2)
      21. Night-Touched, Hound (CC2)
      22. Pseudo-Elementals, Darkness (DRA #322)
      23. Shadar-Kai (FF)
      24. Shadow Asp (FF)
      25. Shadow Beast, Ghirrash (MH)
      26. Shadow Beast, Khumat (MH)
      27. Shadow Beast, Thaskor (MH)
      28. Shadow-Bound Creature Template (WOTC)
      29. Shadow Creature Template (MOTP)
      30. Shadow Jelly (Planar)
      31. Shadow Mastiff
      32. Shadow Spider (MM2)
      33. Shadow-Walker Template (UE)
      34. Shadowraven (CC2)
      35. Shadowswyft (Planar)
      36. Slarecian Shadowspan (CC2)
      37. Slow Shadow (Dun 112)
      38. Tenebrous Worm (TOH)
      39. Veserab (DRA #299)
    • Plane of Mirrors
      1. Mirror Fiend (CC2)
      2. Nerra, Kalareem (FF)
      3. Nerra, Sillit (FF)
      4. Nerra, Varoot (FF)
    • Spirit World
      1. Angel, Astral Deva
      2. Aranea
      3. Bajang (OA)
      4. Bisan (OA)
      5. Doc Cu'o'c (OA)
      6. Dragon Turtle
      7. Dragons, Lung, Chiang Lung (OA)
      8. Dragons, Lung, Li Lung (OA)
      9. Dragons, Lung, Lung Wang (OA)
      10. Dragons, Lung, Pan Lung (OA)
      11. Dragons, Lung, Shen Lung (OA)
      12. Dragons, Lung, T’ien Lung (OA)
      13. Dragons, Lung, Tun Mi Lung (OA)
      14. Dragons, Lung, Yu Lung (OA)
      15. Elemental, Air, Greater
      16. Elemental, Air, Huge
      17. Elemental, Air, Large
      18. Elemental, Air, Medium
      19. Elemental, Air, Primal (ELH)
      20. Elemental, Air, Small
      21. Elemental, Earth, Elder
      22. Elemental, Earth, Elder
      23. Elemental, Earth, Greater
      24. Elemental, Earth, Huge
      25. Elemental, Earth, Large
      26. Elemental, Earth, Medium
      27. Elemental, Earth, Primal (ELH)
      28. Elemental, Earth, Small
      29. Elemental, Fire, Greater
      30. Elemental, Fire, Huge
      31. Elemental, Fire, Large
      32. Elemental, Fire, Medium
      33. Elemental, Fire, Primal (ELH)
      34. Elemental, Fire, Small
      35. Elemental, Water, Elder
      36. Elemental, Water, Elder
      37. Elemental, Water, Greater
      38. Elemental, Water, Huge
      39. Elemental, Water, Large
      40. Elemental, Water, Medium
      41. Elemental, Water, Primal (ELH)
      42. Elemental, Water, Small
      43. Foo Creature (template) (TOH)
      44. Gaki, Jiki-Ketsu-Gaki (OA)
      45. Gaki, Jiki-Niku-Gaki (OA)
      46. Gaki, Shikki-Gaki (OA)
      47. Gaki, Shinen-Gaki (OA)
      48. Ghost
      49. Ghost, Akikage (OA)
      50. Ghost, Chu-u (OA)
      51. Ghost, Con-tinh (OA)
      52. Ghost, Hanging Ghost (OA)
      53. Ghost, Kuei (OA)
      54. Ghost, Ubume (OA)
      55. Golem, Iron
      56. Golem, Stone
      57. Guardinal, Avoral
      58. Hebi-no-Onna (OA)
      59. Myrlochar (MC:MOF)
      60. Naga
      61. Nat, Einsaug (OA)
      62. Nat, Hkum Yeng Nat (OA)
      63. Nat, Lu Nat (OA)
      64. Nature Spirit, Large (OA)
      65. Nature Spirit, Medium (OA)
      66. Nature Spirit, Small (OA)
      67. Nymph
      68. Ogre Mage
      69. Oni, Common Oni (OA)
      70. Oni, Go-zu-Oni (OA)
      71. Oni, Me-zu-Oni (OA)
      72. Rakshasa
      73. Shirokinukatsukami (OA)
      74. Spirit Centipede, Greater (OA)
      75. Spirit Centipede, Least (OA)
      76. Spirit Centipede, Lesser (OA)
      77. Spirit Folk, Bamboo (OA)
      78. Spirit Folk, River (OA)
      79. Spirit Folk, Sea (OA)
      80. Tsuno (OA)
      81. Vargouille
      82. Wang-liang (OA)
      83. Will-o’-Wisp
      84. Yuki-on-na (OA)
  • Inner Planes
    • Elemental Plane of Acid
      1. Energon, Xac-Yij (Acid) (Planar)
      2. Quasielemental, Acid, Small (TOH2)
      3. Quasielemental, Acid, Medium (TOH2)
      4. Quasielemental, Acid, Large (TOH2)
      5. Quasielemental, Acid, Huge (TOH2)
      6. Quasielemental, Acid, Greater (TOH2)
      7. Quasielemental, Acid, Elder (TOH2)
    • Elemental Plane of Air
      1. Aerial Servant (TOH)
      2. Air Element Creature (MOTP)
      3. Air Elemental Dragon (TOH)
      4. Angel, Angel of the Winds (BOHM)
      5. Angel, Monadic Deva (FF, TOH)
      6. Arrowhawk, Adult
      7. Arrowhawk, Elder
      8. Arrowhawk, Juvenile
      9. Bane Cloud (CC2)
      10. Belker
      11. Bitterfly (CC3)
      12. Breathdrinker (MM2)
      13. Chichimec (ELH)
      14. Cloudsting (CC2)
      15. Demonically Fused Elemental (template) (DRA #285)
      16. Dragon Horse (TOH)
      17. Elemental, Air Elementite Swarm (Planar)
      18. Elemental, Air, Elder
      19. Elemental, Air, Greater
      20. Elemental, Air, Huge
      21. Elemental, Air, Large
      22. Elemental, Air, Medium
      23. Elemental, Air, Primal (ELH)
      24. Elemental, Air, Small
      25. Elemental, Storm, Small (MM3)
      26. Elemental, Storm, Medium (MM3)
      27. Elemental, Storm, Large (MM3)
      28. Elemental, Storm, Huge (MM3)
      29. Elemental, Storm, Greater (MM3)
      30. Elemental, Storm, Elder (MM3)
      31. Genie, Djinni
      32. Genie, Janni
      33. Giant, Cloud
      34. Grue, Ildriss (DRA #285)
      35. Guardian of the Damned (CC2)
      36. Half-elemental, Air (MOTP)
      37. Immoth (MM2)
      38. Invisible Stalker
      39. Mephit, Air
      40. Mephit, Dust
      41. Mephit, Ice
      42. Mihstu (TOH)
      43. Niln (a.k.a. Vapor Horror) (TOH2)
      44. Paraelemental, Ice, Elder (MOTP)
      45. Paraelemental, Ice, Greater (MOTP)
      46. Paraelemental, Ice, Huge (MOTP)
      47. Paraelemental, Ice, Large (MOTP)
      48. Paraelemental, Ice, Medium (MOTP)
      49. Paraelemental, Ice, Small (MOTP)
      50. Paraelemental, Smoke, Elder (MOTP)
      51. Paraelemental, Smoke, Greater (MOTP)
      52. Paraelemental, Smoke, Huge (MOTP)
      53. Paraelemental, Smoke, Large (MOTP)
      54. Paraelemental, Smoke, Medium (MOTP)
      55. Paraelemental, Smoke, Small (MOTP)
      56. Quasielemental, Lightning, Large (TOH)
      57. Quasielemental, Lightning, Medium (TOH)
      58. Quasielemental, Lightning, Small (TOH)
      59. Sandman (TOH)
      60. Speakerstone (CC3)
      61. Storm Kin (CC1)
      62. Stormchild (CC2)
      63. Tempest (MM2)
      64. Thunder Kite (CC2)
      65. Unraveler (Planar)
      66. Wind Walker (TOH)
      67. Windrider (CC2)
    • Elemental Plane of Cold
      1. Angel, Monadic Deva (FF, TOH)
      2. Cold Element Creature (MOTP)
      3. Chraal (MM3)
      4. Energon, Xor-Yost (Cold) (Planar)
      5. Genie, Qorrashi (WOTC)
      6. Immoth (MM2)
      7. Mephit, Ice
      8. Runnk (CC1)
      9. Sleet Devil (CC1)
      10. Storm Kin (CC1)
      11. Unraveler (Planar)
      12. Windigo (CC3)
      13. Xixecal (ELH)
    • Elemental Plane of Earth
      1. Angel, Angel of Stone (BOHM)
      2. Angel, Monadic Deva (FF, TOH)
      3. Bitterfly (CC3)
      4. Caterprism (TOH2)
      5. Creeping Stone (DRA #314)
      6. Demonically Fused Elemental (template) (DRA #285)
      7. Dune Stalker (MM2)
      8. Earth Element Creature (MOTP)
      9. Earth Elemental Dragon (TOH)
      10. Elemental, Earth Elementite Swarm (Planar)
      11. Elemental, Earth, Elder
      12. Elemental, Earth, Greater
      13. Elemental, Earth, Huge
      14. Elemental, Earth, Large
      15. Elemental, Earth, Medium
      16. Elemental, Earth, Primal (ELH)
      17. Elemental, Earth, Small
      18. Galeb Duhr (MM2)
      19. Genie, Dao (MOTP)
      20. Genie, Janni
      21. Geon (TOH2)
      22. Giant, Stone
      23. Greater Basilisk (TOH)
      24. Grue, Chaggrin (DRA #285)
      25. Guardian of the Damned (CC2)
      26. Gulgar (MM3) (Plane of Origin)
      27. Half-elemental, Earth (MOTP)
      28. Khargra (TOH)
      29. Lava Child (TOH)
      30. Magma Ooze (TOH)
      31. Mephit, Earth
      32. Mephit, Salt
      33. Mudman (TOH)
      34. Paraelemental, Magma, Elder (MOTP)
      35. Paraelemental, Magma, Greater (MOTP)
      36. Paraelemental, Magma, Huge (MOTP)
      37. Paraelemental, Magma, Large (MOTP)
      38. Paraelemental, Magma, Medium (MOTP)
      39. Paraelemental, Magma, Small (MOTP)
      40. Paraelemental, Ooze, Elder (MOTP)
      41. Paraelemental, Ooze, Greater (MOTP)
      42. Paraelemental, Ooze, Huge (MOTP)
      43. Paraelemental, Ooze, Large (MOTP)
      44. Paraelemental, Ooze, Medium (MOTP)
      45. Paraelemental, Ooze, Small (MOTP)
      46. Pech (TOH)
      47. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Small (TOH2)
      48. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Medium (TOH2)
      49. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Large (TOH2)
      50. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Huge (TOH2)
      51. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Greater (TOH2)
      52. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Elder (TOH2)
      53. Rukarazyll (MM2)
      54. Sandling (TOH)
      55. Sandman (TOH)
      56. Speakerstone (CC3)
      57. Stone Spike (MM2)
      58. Stonechild (MH)
      59. Storm Kin (CC1)
      60. Tempest (MM2)
      61. Thoqqua
      62. Tralusk (DRA #285)
      63. Unraveler (Planar)
      64. Xorn, Average
      65. Xorn, Elder
      66. Xorn, Minor
    • Elemental Plane of Fire
      1. Angel, Angel of Fire (BOHM)
      2. Angel, Monadic Deva (FF, TOH)
      3. Azer
      4. Brass Man (TOH2)
      5. Burning Dervish (TOH2)
      6. Cinder Swarm (MM3)
      7. Demonically Fused Elemental (template) (DRA #285)
      8. Elemental, Fire Elementite Swarm (Planar)
      9. Elemental, Fire, Elder
      10. Elemental, Fire, Greater
      11. Elemental, Fire, Huge
      12. Elemental, Fire, Large
      13. Elemental, Fire, Medium
      14. Elemental, Fire, Primal (ELH)
      15. Elemental, Fire, Small
      16. Energon, Xac-Yel (Fire) (Planar)
      17. Fire Bat (MM2)
      18. Fire Crab, Lesser (TOH2)
      19. Fire Crab, Greater (TOH2)
      20. Fire Element Creature (MOTP)
      21. Fire Elemental Dragon (TOH)
      22. Fire Phantom (TOH2)
      23. Fire Whale (TOH2)
      24. Fire Nymph (TOH)
      25. Fire Phantom (TOH2)
      26. Fire Snake (TOH)
      27. Fire Whale (TOH2)
      28. Firefiend (TOH)
      29. Firetongue Frog (DRA #285)
      30. Forgewight (CC1)
      31. Genie, Efreeti
      32. Genie, Janni
      33. Giant, Fire
      34. Gnome, Fire Gnome (Planar)
      35. Grue, Harginn (DRA #285)
      36. Guardian of the Damned (CC2)
      37. Half-elemental, Fire (MOTP)
      38. Hell Hound
      39. Lava Child (TOH)
      40. Magma Hurler (MH)
      41. Magma Ooze (TOH)
      42. Magmoid (TOH2)
      43. Magmin
      44. Mephit, Fire
      45. Mephit, Magma
      46. Mephit, Steam
      47. Oil Shark (TOH2)
      48. Omnimental (MM3)
      49. Paraelemental, Magma, Elder (MOTP)
      50. Paraelemental, Magma, Greater (MOTP)
      51. Paraelemental, Magma, Huge (MOTP)
      52. Paraelemental, Magma, Large (MOTP)
      53. Paraelemental, Magma, Medium (MOTP)
      54. Paraelemental, Magma, Small (MOTP)
      55. Paraelemental, Smoke, Elder (MOTP)
      56. Paraelemental, Smoke, Greater (MOTP)
      57. Paraelemental, Smoke, Huge (MOTP)
      58. Paraelemental, Smoke, Large (MOTP)
      59. Paraelemental, Smoke, Medium (MOTP)
      60. Paraelemental, Smoke, Small (MOTP)
      61. Phaethon (ELH)
      62. Phantom Stalker (TOH)
      63. Pyre (CC1)
      64. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Small (TOH2)
      65. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Medium (TOH2)
      66. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Large (TOH2)
      67. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Huge (TOH2)
      68. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Greater (TOH2)
      69. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Elder (TOH2)
      70. Rast
      71. Salamander, Average
      72. Salamander, Flamebrother
      73. Salamander, Noble
      74. Seaspark (CC1)
      75. Storm Kin (CC1)
      76. Tempest (MM2)
      77. Thoqqua
      78. Thulkan (CC2)
      79. Unraveler (Planar)
      80. Weird, Serpent, Lava Weird
    • Elemental Plane of Fire, Plane of Molten Skies
      1. Burning Dervish (TOH2)
      2. Jade Colossus (TOH2)
    • Elemental Plane of Lightning
      1. Energon, Xap-Yaup (Electricity) (Planar)
      2. Weird, Serpent, Lightning Weird (TOH2)
    • Elemental Plane of Obsidian
      1. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Small (TOH2)
      2. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Medium (TOH2)
      3. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Large (TOH2)
      4. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Huge (TOH2)
      5. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Greater (TOH2)
      6. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Elder (TOH2)
    • Elemental Plane of Sound
      1. Clamor (TOH2)
      2. Energon, Xong-Yong (Sonic) (Planar)
    • Elemental Plane of Vapor
      1. Niln (a.k.a. Vapor Horror) (TOH2)
    • Elemental Plane of Water
      1. Angel, Angel of the Waves (BOHM)
      2. Angel, Monadic Deva (FF, TOH)
      3. Chraal (MM3)
      4. Demonically Fused Elemental (template) (DRA #285)
      5. Elemental, Water Elementite Swarm (Planar)
      6. Elemental, Water, Elder
      7. Elemental, Water, Greater
      8. Elemental, Water, Huge
      9. Elemental, Water, Large
      10. Elemental, Water, Medium
      11. Elemental, Water, Primal (ELH)
      12. Elemental, Water, Small
      13. Genie, Janni
      14. Genie, Marid (MOTP)
      15. Grue, Vardigg (DRA #285)
      16. Guardian of the Damned (CC2)
      17. Half-elemental, Water (MOTP)
      18. Immoth (MM2)
      19. Mephit, Ooze
      20. Mephit, Water
      21. Mudman (TOH)
      22. Niln (a.k.a. Vapor Horror) (TOH2)
      23. Paraelemental, Ice, Elder (MOTP)
      24. Paraelemental, Ice, Greater (MOTP)
      25. Paraelemental, Ice, Huge (MOTP)
      26. Paraelemental, Ice, Large (MOTP)
      27. Paraelemental, Ice, Medium (MOTP)
      28. Paraelemental, Ice, Small (MOTP)
      29. Paraelemental, Ooze, Elder (MOTP)
      30. Paraelemental, Ooze, Greater (MOTP)
      31. Paraelemental, Ooze, Huge (MOTP)
      32. Paraelemental, Ooze, Large (MOTP)
      33. Paraelemental, Ooze, Medium (MOTP)
      34. Paraelemental, Ooze, Small (MOTP)
      35. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Small (TOH2)
      36. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Medium (TOH2)
      37. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Large (TOH2)
      38. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Huge (TOH2)
      39. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Greater (TOH2)
      40. Quasielemental, Obsidian, Elder (TOH2)
      41. Seaspark (CC1)
      42. Storm Kin (CC1)
      43. Tempest (MM2)
      44. Thoqqua
      45. Tojanida, Adult
      46. Tojanida, Elder
      47. Tojanida, Juvenile
      48. Unraveler (Planar)
      49. Water Element Creature (MOTP)
      50. Water Elemental Dragon (TOH)
    • Elemental Plane of Wood
      1. Angel, Monadic Deva (FF, TOH)
      2. Unraveler (Planar)
      3. Wood Element Creature (MOTP)
      4. Woods Haunt (CC1)
    • Negative Energy Plane
      1. Angel, Movanic Deva (FF, TOH)
      2. Deity, Toldoth (D&DG)
      3. Drelb (Haunting Custodian) (TOH)
      4. Energon, Xeg-Yi (MOTP)
      5. Entropic Creature Template (Planar)
      6. Entropic Ogre Mage (Planar)
      7. Orb Wraith (COTSQ)
      8. Slow Shadow (Dun 112)
      9. Spectre
      10. Trilloch (MM3)
      11. Unlife (CC2)
      12. Vampire spawn
      13. Void Ooze (Planar)
      14. Wight
      15. Winterwight (ELH)
      16. Wraith
    • Positive Energy Plane
      1. Angel, Movanic Deva (FF, TOH)
      2. Blessed Child, Balsam (BOHM)
      3. Blessed Child, Dayod (BOHM)
      4. Blessed Child, Fealom (BOHM)
      5. Blessed Child, Hallas (BOHM)
      6. Crystal Screamer (Bastion of Broken Souls)
      7. Deity, Elishar (D&DG)
      8. Energon, Spiritovore, Soulmarauder (Bastion of Broken Souls)
      9. Energon, Spiritovore, Soulscaper (Bastion of Broken Souls)
      10. Energon, Spiritovore, Soulsipper (Bastion of Broken Souls)
      11. Energon, Xag-Ya (MOTP)
      12. Glimmerskin (MM2)
      13. Lumi (MM3)
      14. Lumi Crusader (MM3)
      15. Ravid
      16. Vivacious Creature Template (Planar)
      17. Vivacious Dire Tiger (Planar)
    • Temporal Energy Plane
      1. Abomination, Phane (ELH)
      2. Temporal Crawler (TOH2)
      3. Temporal Drake (WOTC)
      4. Time Elemental (TOH)
      5. Time Flayer (TOH2)
      6. Time Killer (CC2)
  • Outer Planes
    • Heroic Domains of Ysgard
      1. Anarchic Creature Template (MOTP, Planar)
      2. Angels (see Blessed Fields of Elysium)
      3. Aspect of Kord (MH)
      4. Asura (BOED)
      5. Bariaur (Planar, MOTP)
      6. Bariaur, Exalted Bariaur (BOED)
      7. Bariaur, Exalted Defender of Ysgard (BOED)
      8. Deity, Kord (D&DG)
      9. Deity, Olidammara (D&DG)
      10. Dragon, Battle (Draco)
      11. Dragon, Oceanus (Draco)
      12. Eladrins (see Olympian Glades of Arborea)
      13. Fensir (FF)
      14. Fensir, Rakka (FF)
      15. Golem, Battleglory* (MM3)
      16. Lillend
      17. Protectar (MH)
      18. Sanctified Creature (template)(BOED)
    • Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo
      1. Anarchic Creature Template (MOTP, Planar)
      2. Angels (see Blessed Fields of Elysium)
      3. Bedlam (TOH2)
      4. Chaos Beast
      5. Daemons (see Gray Waste of Gehenna)
      6. Demons (see Infinite Layers of the Abyss)
      7. Dragon, Chaos (Draco)
      8. Eladrins (see Olympian Glades of Arborea)
      9. Energon, Xac-Yij (Acid) (Planar)
      10. Githzerai
      11. Golem, Amorphion* (MM3)
      12. Limbo Stalker (Planar)
      13. Neraphim (Planar)
      14. Planetouched, Chaond (MM2)
      15. Slaad Lord, Ssendam of Entropy (TOH)
      16. Slaad Lord, Ygorl of the Insane (TOH)
      17. Slaad, Black (ELH)
      18. Slaad, Blue
      19. Slaad, Death
      20. Slaad, Gray
      21. Slaad, Green
      22. Slaad, Mud (FF)
      23. Slaad, Red
      24. Slaad, White (ELH)
    • Windswept Depths of Pandemonium
      1. Anarchic Creature Template (MOTP, Planar)
      2. Bloodthorn (FF)
      3. Daemons (see Gray Waste of Gehenna)
      4. Deity, Erythnul (D&DG)
      5. Demons (see Infinite Layers of the Abyss)
      6. Dragon, Howling (DRA #300)
      7. Dragon, Styx (DRA #300)
      8. Golem, Mindstrike Golem* (MM3)
      9. Howler
      10. Mivilorn (MM3)
      11. Mivilorn, Elite Demon War Mount (MM3)
      12. Sabrewing (TOH2)
      13. Skiver (CC2)
      14. Stygian Leviathan (TOH2)
    • Infinite Layers of the Abyss
      1. Anarchic Creature Template (MOTP, Planar)
      2. Abrian (FF)
      3. Abyssal Dire Frog (TOH)
      4. Abyssal Drake (Draco)
      5. Abyssal Ghoul (FF)
      6. Abyssal Wolf (TOH2)
      7. Aspect of Demogorgon (MH)
      8. Aspect of Lolth (MH)
      9. Aspect of Orcus (MH)
      10. Basilisk, Abyssal Greater
      11. Blood Fiend (FF)
      12. Bloodthorn (FF)
      13. Bodak
      14. Canomorph, Vultivor (FF)
      15. Daemons (see Gray Waste of Gehenna)
      16. Demon, Abyssal Eviscerator (MH)
      17. Demon, Abyssal Maw (MM2)
      18. Demon, Abyssal Ravager (MM2)
      19. Demon, Abyssal Skulker (MM2)
      20. Demon, Archidemon, Baphomet (TOH)
      21. Demon, Archidemon, Dagon (TOH)
      22. Demon, Archidemon, Demogorgon (BOVD)
      23. Demon, Archidemon, Fraz-Urb’Luu (TOH)
      24. Demon, Archidemon, Grazzt (BOVD)
      25. Demon, Archidemon, Juiblex the Faceless Lord (BOVD, TOH)
      26. Demon, Archidemon, Kostchtchie (TOH)
      27. Demon, Archidemon, Orcus (BOVD, TOH)
      28. Demon, Archidemon, Pazuzu (TOH)
      29. Demon, Archidemon, Yeenoghu (BOVD)
      30. Demon, Aristocrat, Beluiri (TOH)
      31. Demon, Aristocrat, Caizel (TOH2)
      32. Demon, Aristocrat, Eurynomus the Corpse Eater (AOTA)
      33. Demon, Aristocrat, Malohin (AOTA)
      34. Demon, Aristocrat, Maphistal (TOH)
      35. Demon, Aristocrat, Merihim (AOTA)
      36. Demon, Aristocrat, Rahu the Tormentor (AOTA)
      37. Demon, Aristocrat, Shiggareb (AOTA)
      38. Demon, Aristocrat, Sonechard (TOH)
      39. Demon, Aristocrat, Vepar (TOH2)
      40. Demon, Armageddon Beast (AOTA)
      41. Demon, Bebilith
      42. Demon, Darba (AOTA)
      43. Demon, Mandragoras (AOTA)
      44. Demon, Paigoel (AOTA)
      45. Demon, Qlippoth, Hydraggon (AOTA)
      46. Demon, Qlippoth, Nyogoth (AOTA)
      47. Demon, Qlippoth, Shoggti (AOTA)
      48. Demon, Quasit
      49. Demon, Shadow Demon (BOVD, TOH)
      50. Demon, Skulvyn (FF)
      51. Demon, Spineseeker (AOTA)
      52. Demon, Stygian Interloper (AOTA)
      53. Demon, Tanar’ri, Aeshma (TOH)
      54. Demon, Tanar’ri, Alastor (AOTA)
      55. Demon, Tanar’ri, Alkilith (FF)
      56. Demon, Tanar’ri, Alrune (AOTA)
      57. Demon, Tanar’ri, Alu-Demon (TOH)
      58. Demon, Tanar’ri, Armanite (MOTP)
      59. Demon, Tanar'ri, Arrow Demon (MM3)
      60. Demon, Tanar’ri, Babau
      61. Demon, Tanar’ri, Balor
      62. Demon, Tanar’ri, Bar-Lgura (BOVD)
      63. Demon, Tanar’ri, Cambion (TOH)
      64. Demon, Tanar’ri, Cerebrilith (EPH)
      65. Demon, Tanar’ri, Chasme (BOVD)
      66. Demon, Tanar'ri, Chaaor (TOH2)
      67. Demon, Tanar’ri, Corrupter, Azizou (TOH)
      68. Demon, Tanar’ri, Corrupter, Barizou (TOH)
      69. Demon, Tanar’ri, Corrupter, Gerruzou (TOH)
      70. Demon, Tanar’ri, D’Stradi Abductor (BOEM)
      71. Demon, Tanar’ri, D’Stradi Annihilator (BOEM)
      72. Demon, Tanar’ri, D’Stradi Dancer (BOEM)
      73. Demon, Tanar’ri, Daraka (TOH)
      74. Demon, Tanar’ri, Dretch
      75. Demon, Tanar’ri, Envelopper of the Innocent (AOTA)
      76. Demon, Tanar’ri, Gharros (TOH)
      77. Demon, Tanar’ri, Ghour (MC:MOF)
      78. Demon, Tanar’ri, Glabrezu
      79. Demon, Tanar’ri, Goristro (MOTP)
      80. Demon, Tanar'ri, Greruor (TOH2)
      81. Demon, Tanar’ri, Hezrou
      82. Demon, Tanar’ri, Incubus (AOTA)
      83. Demon, Tanar’ri, Jahi (AOTA)
      84. Demon, Tanar’ri, Jarilith (MM2)
      85. Demon, Tanar’ri, Jovoc (MM2)
      86. Demon, Tanar’ri, Kelvezu (MM2)
      87. Demon, Tanar’ri, Klurichir (FF)
      88. Demon, Tanar’ri, Locust Demon (AOTA)
      89. Demon, Tanar'ri, Mallor (TOH2)
      90. Demon, Tanar’ri, Mane (BOVD)
      91. Demon, Tanar’ri, Marilith
      92. Demon, Tanar’ri, Maurezhi (FF)
      93. Demon, Tanar’ri, Myrmyxicus (FF)
      94. Demon, Tanar’ri, Nabasu, Greater (TOH)
      95. Demon, Tanar’ri, Nabasu, Lesser (TOH)
      96. Demon, Tanar’ri, Nalfeshnee
      97. Demon, Tanar’ri, Nerizo (TOH)
      98. Demon, Tanar'ri, Ooze Demon, Lesser (TOH2)
      99. Demon, Tanar'ri, Ooze Demon, Greater (TOH2)
      100. Demon, Tanar’ri, Palrethee (MM2)
      101. Demon, Tanar’ri, Rutterkin (BOVD)
      102. Demon, Tanar’ri, Schir (AOTA)
      103. Demon, Tanar'ri, Shrroth (TOH2)
      104. Demon, Tanar’ri, Solesik (AOTA)
      105. Demon, Tanar'ri, Sorrowsworn Demon (MM3)
      106. Demon, Tanar’ri, Soulkeeper (AOTA)
      107. Demon, Tanar’ri, Stirge Demon (TOH)
      108. Demon, Tanar’ri, Succubus
      109. Demon, Tanar’ri, Uridezu (MOTP)
      110. Demon, Tanar’ri, Vrock
      111. Demon, Tzaretch, Nark (EAD)
      112. Demon, Tzaretch, Quadros (EAD)
      113. Demon, Tzaretch, Skarn (EAD)
      114. Demon, Tzaretch, Vlai-Maroth (EAD)
      115. Demon, Wastrilith (FF)
      116. Demon, Zovvut (MM2)
      117. Demonic Knight (TOH)
      118. Demonically Fused Elemental (template) (DRA #285)
      119. Dread, Lesser and Yrsillar (DRA #277)
      120. Fiendwurm (MM2)
      121. Golem, Demonflesh (FF)
      122. Golem, Razorwire (AOTA)
      123. Infernal (ELH)
      124. Ironmaw (FF)
      125. Living Holocaust (FF)
      126. Necronaut (MM3)
      127. Orlythys (DRA #285)
      128. Retriever
      129. Sabrewing (TOH2)
      130. Shoosuva (Dun 112)
      131. Skiver (CC2)
      132. Skulldugger (AOTA)
      133. Spawn of Marbas (AOTA)
      134. Stygian Leviathan (TOH2)
      135. Swarm, Abyssal Ant (FF)
      136. Swarm, Bloodfiend Locust (FF)
      137. Symbiont, Fiendish, Fiendish Familiar (FF)
      138. Symbiont, Fiendish, Gutworm (FF)
      139. Thunder Beast (TOH)
      140. Varrangoin, Arcanist (FF)
      141. Varrangoin, Lesser (FF)
      142. Varrangoin, Rager (FF)
      143. Vorr (FF)
    • Abyss, Demonweb Pits
      1. Arachnoid Creature template (CotSQ)
      2. Aracholoth (DRA #298)
      3. Aspect of Lolth (MH)
      4. Brood Mother (DRA #298)
      5. Chitine (MC:MOF)
      6. Choldrith (MC:MOF)
      7. Deity, Lolth (D&DG)
      8. Demon, Tanar’ri, Yochlol (MC:MOF)
      9. Dragon, Deep (MC:MOF)
      10. Drider
      11. Drider Template (WOTC)
      12. Drider Vampire (CotSQ)
      13. Drow
      14. Golem, Spiderstone (CotSQ)
      15. Half-Draegloth (SKR)
      16. Half-Fiend, Draegloth (MC:MOF)
      17. Half-Yochlol (SKR)
      18. Jade Spider(CotSQ)
      19. Myrlochar (MC:MOF)
      20. Spider, Hairy (MC:MOF)
      21. Spider, Sword (MC:MOF)
      22. Spiderleg Horror (DRA #298)
      23. Zin-Carla (F&P)
    • Abyss, Ice Wastes
      1. Dwarf, Frost Dwarf (Planar)
    • Tarterian Depths of Carceri
      1. Abyssal Dire Frog (TOH)
      2. Anarchic Creature Template (MOTP, Planar)
      3. Aspect of Nerull (MH)
      4. Bloodthorn (FF)
      5. Deity, Nerull (D&DG)
      6. Daemons (see Gray Waste of Gehenna)
      7. Demodand, Farastu (FF, TOH)
      8. Demodand, Kelubar (FF, TOH)
      9. Demodand, Shator (FF, TOH)
      10. Demons (see Infinite Layers of the Abyss)
      11. Demon, Archidemon, Tsathogga (TOH)
      12. Dragon, Styx (DRA #300)
      13. Dragon, Tarterian (DRA #300)
      14. Golem, Shacklelock Golem* (MM3)
      15. Plague Brush (MM3)
      16. Sabrewing (TOH2)
      17. Shrieking Terror (MM3)
      18. Skiver (CC2)
      19. Stygian Leviathan (TOH2)
      20. Terlen (FF)
      21. Vaath (BOVD)
      22. Vargouille
    • Carceri, Colothys
      1. Odopi (MM3)
    • Gray Waste of Hades
      1. Cerberus (TOH)
      2. Daemon, Altraloth, Anthraxus the Oinodaemon (TOH)
      3. Daemon, Altraloth, Charon (TOH)
      4. Daemon, Cacodaemon (TOH)
      5. Daemon, Yugoloth, Arcanaloth (MM2)
      6. Daemon, Yugoloth, Canoloth (MOTP, MM3)
      7. Daemon, Yugoloth, Dergholoth (TOH)
      8. Daemon, Yugoloth, Hydroloth (TOH)
      9. Daemon, Yugoloth, Marraenoloth (MM2)
      10. Daemon, Yugoloth, Mezzoloth (MOTP, MM3)
      11. Daemon, Yugoloth, Nycaloth (MOTP, MM3)
      12. Daemon, Yugoloth, Nycaloth Commander (MM3)
      13. Daemon, Yugoloth, Piscoloth (FF, TOH)
      14. Daemon, Yugoloth, Skeroloth (FF)
      15. Daemon, Yugoloth, Ultroloth (MOTP, MM3)
      16. Daemon, Yugoloth, Yagnoloth (MM2)
      17. Dragon, Styx (DRA #300)
      18. Dune Stalker (MM2)
      19. Golem, Gloom Golem (MM3)
      20. Night Hag
      21. Nightmare
      22. Nightmare, Cauchemar
      23. Nightmare, Lesser Nightmare (Planar)
      24. Pack Fiend (Planar)
      25. Sabrewing (TOH2)
      26. Skiver (CC2)
      27. Slasrath (FF)
      28. Stench Kow (TOH)
      29. Stygian Leviathan (TOH2)
      30. Terlen (FF)
      31. True Gorgon, Euryale (TOH)
      32. True Gorgon, Sthenno (TOH)
    • Bleak Eternity of Gehenna
      1. Axiomatic Creature Template (MOTP, Planar)
      2. Barghest
      3. Barghest, Greater
      4. Canomorph, Shadurakul (FF)
      5. Daemons (see Gray Waste of Gehenna)
      6. Devils (see Nine Hells of Baator)
      7. Dragon, Pyroclastic (DRA #300)
      8. Dragon, Styx (DRA #300)
      9. Energon, Xac-Yel (Fire) (Planar)
      10. Golem, Ash Golem* (MM3)
      11. Phiuhl (FF)
      12. Sabrewing (TOH2)
      13. Skiver (CC2)
      14. Stench Kow (TOH)
      15. Stygian Leviathan (TOH2)
      16. Swarm, Hellwasp
      17. Terlen (FF)
      18. Vaporighu (MM2)
    • Nine Hells of Baator
      1. Aspect of Asmodeus (MH)
      2. Aspect of Mephistopheles (MH)
      3. Aspect of Tiamat (MH)
      4. Axiomatic Creature Template (MOTP, Planar)
      5. Bonedreg, Biped (LOH)
      6. Bonedreg, Quadruped (LOH)
      7. Darksphynx (LOH)
      8. Death Hurler (DRA #309)
      9. Deity, Kurtulmak (D&DG)
      10. Deity, Tiamat (D&DG)
      11. Devil, Akop (LOH)
      12. Devil, Archdevil, Asmodeus (BOVD)
      13. Devil, Archdevil, Baalzebul (BOVD)
      14. Devil, Archdevil, Bel (BOVD)
      15. Devil, Archdevil, Belial (BOVD)
      16. Devil, Archdevil, Dispater (BOVD)
      17. Devil, Archdevil, Fierna (BOVD)
      18. Devil, Archdevil, Geryon (TOH)
      19. Devil, Archdevil, Levistus (BOVD)
      20. Devil, Archdevil, Mammon (BOVD)
      21. Devil, Archdevil, Mephistopheles (BOVD)
      22. Devil, Archdevil, Moloch (TOH)
      23. Devil, Archdevil, The Hag Countess (BOVD)
      24. Devil, Aristocrat, Amon (TOH)
      25. Devil, Aristocrat, Antaia (LOH)
      26. Devil, Aristocrat, Baaphel (TOH)
      27. Devil, Aristocrat, Bael (TOH)
      28. Devil, Aristocrat, Balan (LOH)
      29. Devil, Aristocrat, Bune (LOH)
      30. Devil, Aristocrat, Dagon (LOH)
      31. Devil, Aristocrat, Furcas (LOH)
      32. Devil, Aristocrat, Gorson (TOH)
      33. Devil, Aristocrat, Hadriel (LOH)
      34. Devil, Aristocrat, Hutijin (TOH)
      35. Devil, Aristocrat, Iblis (LOH)
      36. Devil, Aristocrat, Jalie Squarefoot (LOH)
      37. Devil, Aristocrat, Krotep (LOH)
      38. Devil, Aristocrat, Lel (LOH)
      39. Devil, Aristocrat, Malgrin (LOH)
      40. Devil, Aristocrat, Naamah (LOH)
      41. Devil, Aristocrat, Nekhet (LOH)
      42. Devil, Aristocrat, Nergal (LOH)
      43. Devil, Aristocrat, Titivilus (TOH)
      44. Devil, Aristocrat, Vuall (LOH)
      45. Devil, Baatezu, Abishai, Black (MC:MOF)
      46. Devil, Baatezu, Abishai, Blue (MC:MOF)
      47. Devil, Baatezu, Abishai, Green (MC:MOF)
      48. Devil, Baatezu, Abishai, Red (MC:MOF)
      49. Devil, Baatezu, Abishai, White (MC:MOF)
      50. Devil, Baatezu, Advespa (MM2)
      51. Devil, Baatezu, Amnizu (MM2)
      52. Devil, Baatezu, Asakku (LOH)
      53. Devil, Baatezu, Ashmede (LOH)
      54. Devil, Baatezu, Balan’s Huntsman (LOH)
      55. Devil, Baatezu, Barbazu (a.k.a. Bearded Devil)
      56. Devil, Baatezu, Bulugon (LOH)
      57. Devil, Baatezu, Chamagon (LOH)
      58. Devil, Baatezu, Cornugon (a.k.a. Horned Devil)
      59. Devil, Baatezu, Distender (LOH)
      60. Devil, Baatezu, Enforcer of Dis (LOH)
      61. Devil, Baatezu, Erinyes
      62. Devil, Baatezu, Faceless (LOH)
      63. Devil, Baatezu, Garugin (a.k.a. Blood Reaver Devil) (TOH2)
      64. Devil, Baatezu, Gelugon (a.k.a. Ice Devil)
      65. Devil, Baatezu, Ghaddar (TOH)
      66. Devil, Baatezu, Ghargatula (BOVD)
      67. Devil, Baatezu, Gladiatrix (LOH)
      68. Devil, Baatezu, Hamatula (a.k.a. Barbed Devil)
      69. Devil, Baatezu, Hellstoker (a.k.a. Hellstoker Devil) (TOH2)
      70. Devil, Baatezu, Hellwarden (LOH)
      71. Devil, Baatezu, Herlekin (LOH)
      72. Devil, Baatezu, Ice Stalker (LOH)
      73. Devil, Baatezu, Kere (LOH)
      74. Devil, Baatezu, Knocker (LOH)
      75. Devil, Baatezu, Kocrachon (BOVD)
      76. Devil, Baatezu, Lemure
      77. Devil, Baatezu, Magugon (LOH)
      78. Devil, Baatezu, Malebranche (MM2)
      79. Devil, Baatezu, Marzarch (a.k.a. Flayer Devil) (TOH2)
      80. Devil, Baatezu, Narzugon (MOTP)
      81. Devil, Baatezu, Osyluth (a.k.a. Bone Devil)
      82. Devil, Baatezu, Oubliette (LOH)
      83. Devil, Baatezu, Paeliryon (FF)
      84. Devil, Baatezu, Pain Mistress (LOH)
      85. Devil, Baatezu, Pit Fiend
      86. Devil, Baatezu, Soulsniffer (LOH)
      87. Devil, Baatezu, Spinagon (MOTP)
      88. Devil, Baatezu, Spinder (LOH)
      89. Devil, Baatezu, Striga (LOH)
      90. Devil, Baatezu, Tormentor of Souls (TOH)
      91. Devil, Baatezu, Vierhaander (LOH)
      92. Devil, Baatezu, Whiptail (LOH)
      93. Devil, Baatezu, Xerfilstyx (FF)
      94. Devil, Bezekira (a.k.a. Hellcat)
      95. Devil, Imp
      96. Devil, Imp, Bloodbag (FF)
      97. Devil, Imp, Euphoric Imp (FF)
      98. Devil, Imp, Filth Imp (FF)
      99. Devil, Kyton
      100. Devil, Nupperibo (TOH)
      101. Energon, Xor-Yost (Cold) (Planar)
      102. Infernal Conflagration Ooze (MM3)
      103. Gathra (FF)
      104. Golem, Chain (MM2)
      105. Golem, Hellfire (FF)
      106. Hell Hound
      107. Hellfire Wyrm (MM2)
      108. Infernal (ELH)
      109. Maelephant (FF)
      110. Nessian Warhound
      111. Painshrieker (LOH)
      112. Rejkar (MM3)
      113. Sabrewing (TOH2)
      114. Skiver (CC2)
      115. Stench Kow (TOH)
      116. Stygian Leviathan (TOH2)
      117. Symbiont, Fiendish, Fiendish Familiar (FF)
      118. Symbiont, Fiendish, Soul Tick (FF)
    • Nine Hells, Infernus
      1. Devil, Archdevil, Lucifer (TOH)
      2. Devil, Archdevil, Caasimolar (TOH2)
      3. Devil, Aristocrat, Demoriel (TOH2)
      4. Devil, Aristocrat, Xaphan (TOH2)
    • Infernal Battlefield of Acheron
      1. Achaierai
      2. Aspect of Hextor (MH)
      3. Axiomatic Creature Template (MOTP, Planar)
      4. Axiomatic Dragonne (Planar)
      5. Bladeling (MM2)
      6. Bonespear (FF)
      7. Chronotyryn (FF)
      8. Daemons (see Gray Waste of Gehenna)
      9. Devils (see Nine Hells of Baator)
      10. Dragon, Rust (DRA #300)
      11. Energon, Xong-Yong (Sonic) (Planar)
      12. Formians (see Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus)
      13. Deity, Gruumsh (D&DG)
      14. Deity, Hextor (D&DG)
      15. Deity, Wee Jas (D&DG)
      16. Justicator (MM3)
      17. Maug (FF)
      18. Rakshasa
      19. Sabrewing (TOH2)
      20. Skiver (CC2)
      21. Spiker (Planar)
      22. Steel Predator (FF)
      23. Strife Elemental (CC1)
      24. Stygian Leviathan (TOH2)
    • Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus
      1. Axiomatic Creature Template (MOTP, Planar)
      2. Dragon, Axial (DRA #321)
      3. Formian, Armadon
      4. Formian, Myrmarch
      5. Formian, Observer
      6. Formian, Queen
      7. Formian, Taskmaster
      8. Formian, Warrior
      9. Formian, Winged Warrior
      10. Formian, Worker
      11. Golem, Gear Golem* (MM3)
      12. Inevitables, Kolyarut
      13. Inevitables, Marut
      14. Inevitables, Quarut
      15. Inevitables, Varakhut
      16. Inevitables, Zelekhut
      17. Modron, Decaton (WOTC)
      18. Modron, Duodrone (WOTC)
      19. Modron, Hexton (WOTC)
      20. Modron, Monodrone (WOTC)
      21. Modron, Nonaton (WOTC)
      22. Modron, Octon (WOTC)
      23. Modron, Pentadrone (WOTC)
      24. Modron, Primus (WOTC)
      25. Modron, Quadrone (WOTC)
      26. Modron, Quarton (WOTC)
      27. Modron, Quinton (WOTC)
      28. Modron, Secundi (WOTC)
      29. Modron, Septon (WOTC)
      30. Modron, Tertian (WOTC)
      31. Modron, Tridrone (WOTC)
      32. Planetouched, Zenythri (MM2)
      33. Visilight (a.k.a. Parai) (MM3)
    • Peaceable Kingdoms of Arcadia
      1. Angels (see Blessed Fields of Elysium)
      2. Asura (BOED)
      3. Axiomatic Creature Template (MOTP, Planar)
      4. Deity, Saint Cuthbert (D&DG)
      5. Dragon, Oceanus (Draco)
      6. Formians (see Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus)
      7. Golem, Perfector* (MM3)
      8. Protectar (MH)
      9. Protector (TOH)
      10. Rhek (BOED)
      11. Rhek Chaosgrinder (BOED)
      12. Sanctified Creature (template)(BOED)
    • Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia
      1. Angels (see Blessed Fields of Elysium)
      2. Archon, Hound
      3. Archon, Lantern
      4. Archon, Owl (BOED)
      5. Archon, Sword (BOED)
      6. Archon, Throne (BOED)
      7. Archon, Trumpet
      8. Archon, Warden (BOED)
      9. Aspect of Bahamut (MH)
      10. Asura (BOED)
      11. Deity, Bahamut (D&DG)
      12. Deity, Heironeous (D&DG)
      13. Deity, Moradin (D&DG)
      14. Deity, Yondalla (D&DG)
      15. Dragon, Oceanus (Draco)
      16. Dragon, Radiant (Draco)
      17. Golem, Valorhammer* (MM3)
      18. Lammasu, Golden Protector
      19. Protectar (MH)
      20. Ramadeen (MH)
      21. Sanctified Creature (template)(BOED)
    • Twin Paradises of Bytopia
      1. Angels (see Blessed Fields of Elysium)
      2. Archons (see Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia)
      3. Asura (BOED)
      4. Deity, Garl Glittergold (D&DG)
      5. Dragon, Adamantine (DRA #321)
      6. Dragon, Oceanus (Draco)
      7. Gnome, Fire Gnome (Planar)
      8. Guardinals (see Blessed Fields of Elysium)
      9. Protectar (MH)
      10. Sanctified Creature (template)(BOED)
    • Blessed Fields of Elysium
      1. Angel, Angel of Fire (BOHM)
      2. Angel, Angel of Stone (BOHM)
      3. Angel, Angel of the Waves (BOHM)
      4. Angel, Angel of the Winds (BOHM)
      5. Angel, Deva, Astral Deva
      6. Angel, Deva, Monadic Deva (FF, TOH)
      7. Angel, Deva, Movanic Deva (FF, TOH)
      8. Angel, Deva, Stellar Deva, Starkin (WOTC)
      9. Angel, Deva, Stellar Deva, Emprix (WOTC)
      10. Angel, Empyreal (TOH2)
      11. Angel, Planetar
      12. Angel, Solar
      13. Archons (see Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia)
      14. Asura (BOED)
      15. Deity, Pelor (D&DG)
      16. Dragon, Oceanus (Draco)
      17. Eladrins (see Olympian Glades of Arborea)
      18. Elysian Thrush (Planar)
      19. Golem, Prismatic Golem (MM3)
      20. Guardinal, Avoral
      21. Guardinal, Cervidal (MM2)
      22. Guardinal, Equinal (BOED)
      23. Guardinal, Leonal
      24. Guardinal, Lupinal (MM2)
      25. Guardinal, Musteval (BOED)
      26. Guardinal, Ursinal (BOED)
      27. Leskylor (BOED)
      28. Leskylor, Three-Headed (BOED)
      29. Moon Dog (BOED, TOH)
      30. Protectar (MH)
      31. Quesar (BOED)
      32. Sanctified Creature (template)(BOED)
    • Wilderness of the Beastlands
      1. Angels (see Blessed Fields of Elysium)
      2. Asura (BOED)
      3. Bariaur (MOTP/BOED)
      4. Deity, Ehlonna (D&DG)
      5. Dragon, Beast (DRA #321)
      6. Dragon, Oceanus (Draco)
      7. Dread Blossom Swarm (MM3)
      8. Eladrins (see Olympian Glades of Arborea)
      9. Energon, Xap-Yaup (Electricity) (Planar)
      10. Gaspar (Planar)
      11. Golem, Woodwrath Golem* (MM3)
      12. Guardinals (see Blessed Fields of Elysium)
      13. Hollyphant (BOED)
      14. Kadtanach (Dun 100)
      15. Protectar (MH)
      16. Sanctified Creature (template)(BOED)
      17. Wildren (Planar)
    • Olympian Glades of Arborea
      1. Anarchic Satyr (Planar)
      2. Anarchic Creature Template (Planar)
      3. Angels (see Blessed Fields of Elysium)
      4. Asura (BOED)
      5. Deity, Corellon Larethian (D&DG)
      6. Dragon, Arboreal (DRA #321)
      7. Dragon, Oceanus (Draco)
      8. Eladrin, Bralani
      9. Eladrin, Coure (BOED)
      10. Eladrin, Firre (BOED/MOTP)
      11. Eladrin, Ghaele
      12. Eladrin, Shiradi (BOED)
      13. Eladrin, Tulani (BOED)
      14. Golem, Sentinel of Mithardir* (MM3)
      15. Protectar (MH)
      16. Sanctified Creature (template)(BOED)
      17. Titan
    • Concordant Domain of the Outlands
      1. Angels (see Blessed Fields of Elysium)
      2. Archons (see Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia)
      3. Bloodthorn (FF)
      4. Daemons (see Gray Waste of Hades)
      5. Deity, Boccob (D&DG)
      6. Deity, Obad-Hai (D&DG)
      7. Demons (see Infinite Layers of the Abyss)
      8. Devils (see Nine Hells of Baator)
      9. Dragon, Concordant (DRA #321)
      10. Eladrins (see Olympian Glades of Arborea)
      11. Fhorge (FF)
      12. Guardian Daemon (TOH)
      13. Guardinals (see Blessed Fields of Elysium)
      14. Khaasta (FF)
      15. Kuldurath (FF)
      16. Midnight Peddler (TOH)
      17. Rilmani, Arumach (FF)
      18. Rilmani, Cuprilach (FF)
      19. Rilmani, Ferrumach (FF)
      20. Ur'Epona (Planar)
  • Outer Planes, Asgardian
    • Asgard
      • Animal, Legendary Horse, Sleipnir
      • Animal, Legendary Raven, Hugin
      • Animal, Legendary Raven, Munin
      • Animal, Legendary Wolf, Freke
      • Animal, Legendary Wolf, Gere
      • Deity, Balder (D&DG)
      • Deity, Forseti (D&DG)
      • Deity, Frey (D&DG)
      • Deity, Freya (D&DG)
      • Deity, Frigga (D&DG)
      • Deity, Heimdall (D&DG)
      • Deity, Hermod (D&DG)
      • Deity, Loki (D&DG)
      • Deity, Njord (D&DG)
      • Deity, Odin (D&DG)
      • Deity, Odur (D&DG)
      • Deity, Sif (D&DG)
      • Deity, Skadi (D&DG)
      • Deity, Thor (D&DG)
      • Deity, Tyr (D&DG)
      • Deity, Uller (D&DG)
      • Einherjar, Dwarf Einherjar (D&DG)
      • Einherjar, Elf Einherjar (D&DG)
      • Einherjar, Human Einherjar (D&DG)
      • Valkyrie (D&DG)
    • Midgard
      • Deity, Aegir (D&DG)
      • Deity, Loki (D&DG)
      • Deity, Surtur (D&DG)
      • Deity, Thrym (D&DG)
    • Niflheim
      • Deity, Balder (D&DG)
      • Deity, Hel (D&DG)
  • Outer Planes, Pharaonic
    • The Solar Barge
      • Deity, Bast (D&DG)
      • Deity, Re-Horakty (D&DG)
    • The Offering Fields
      • Deity, Anubis (D&DG)
      • Deity, Hathor (D&DG)
      • Deity, Imhotep (D&DG)
      • Deity, Isis (D&DG)
      • Deity, Nephthys (D&DG)
      • Deity, Osiris (D&DG)
      • Deity, Thoth (D&DG)
      • Jackal Lord (FF)
    • The Twelve Hours of Night
      • Deity, Apep (D&DG)
      • Deity, Set (D&DG)
      • Flame Snakes (FF)
      • Jackal Lord (FF)
      • Minion of Set (D&DG)
  • Outer Planes, Olympian
    • Mount Olympus
      • Deity, Aphrodite (D&DG)
      • Deity, Apollo (D&DG)
      • Deity, Ares (D&DG)
      • Deity, Artemis (D&DG)
      • Deity, Athena (D&DG)
      • Deity, Demeter (D&DG)
      • Deity, Dionysus (D&DG)
      • Deity, Hecate (D&DG)
      • Deity, Hephaestus (D&DG)
      • Deity, Hera (D&DG)
      • Deity, Hercules (D&DG)
      • Deity, Hermes (D&DG)
      • Deity, Hestia (D&DG)
      • Deity, Nike (D&DG)
      • Deity, Poseidon (D&DG)
      • Deity, Tyche (D&DG)
      • Deity, Zeus (D&DG)
      • Cerberus (TOH)
      • Deity, Hades (D&DG)
      • True Gorgon, Euryale (TOH)
      • True Gorgon, Sthenno (TOH)
  • Outer Planes, Scarred Lands
    • The Mithril Heavens
      1. Custodian, Mosaic Custodian (CC3)
      2. Custodian, Ward Custodian (CC3)
    • Madriel’s Paradise
      1. Angel, Battle Angel (CC3)
      2. Angel, Harvest Angel (CC3)
      3. Angel, Hope (CC2)
      4. Angel, Storm Angel (CC3)
      5. Angel, Sun Angel (CC3)
      6. Angel, Zaleha (CC3)
    • The Vault of Eternity
      1. Inquisitor (CC1)
      2. Intercessor, Punishing Intercessor (CC3)
      3. Intercessor, Robed Pacifier (CC3)
    • The Iron Hells
      1. Devil, Aristocrat, Malocchio (CC3)
      2. Devil, Fear Devil (CC3)
      3. Devil, Gladius Devil (CC3)
      4. Devil, Heartclutch Devil (CC2)
      5. Devil, Hellbat (CC3)
      6. Devil, Hive Devil (CC3)
      7. Devil, Infernal Sentinel (CC3)
      8. Devil, Iron Devil (CC2)
      9. Devil, Malleus Devil (CC3)
      10. Devil, Pain Devil (CC3)
      11. Devil, Shelnizu (CC3)
      12. Devil, Waterbringer Devil (CC3)
      13. Elder Larva (CC2)
      14. Savant Hydra (CC1)
      15. Shackledeath (CC2)
      16. Thulkan (CC2)
    • The Blackest Pit
      1. Daemon, Assassin Daemon (CC3)
      2. Daemon, Belsameth’s Watchman (CC3)
      3. Daemon, Despair (CC2)
      4. Daemon, Dread Child (CC3)
      5. Daemon, Grisly Minstrel (CC2)
      6. Daemon, Jade Empress (CC3)
      7. Daemon, Mantis Spider (CC3)
      8. Daemon, Moon Daemon (CC2)
      9. Daemon, Plague Angel (CC2)
      10. Daemon, Pride Daemon (CC3)
      11. Dweller at the Crossroads (CC1)
      12. Elder Larva (CC2)
      13. Moon Giant (CC2)
    • The Pestilential Abyss
      1. Abyssal Lamprey (CC2)
      2. Demon, Abyssal Larva (CC2)
      3. Demon, Anger Demon (CC3)
      4. Demon, Blade Demon (CC2)
      5. Demon, Blood Horror (CC2)
      6. Demon, Drought Demon (CC3)
      7. Demon, Fluted Demon (CC3)
      8. Demon, Leonine Demon (CC2)
      9. Demon, Locust Demon (CC2)
      10. Demon, Monitor Demon (CC3)
      11. Elder Larva (CC2)
      12. Feral (CC1)
      13. Herald of Vangal (CC1)
      14. Stench Toad (CC2)
  • Demiplanes
    • Demiplane of Ectoplasm
      1. Argent Spider (WOTC)
      2. Dragon, Ectoplasmic (WOTC)
      3. Dwarf, Aleithian (WOTC)
      4. Ecto Fragments (WOTC)
      5. Elemental, Ectoplasm Elemental, Small (WOTC)
      6. Elemental, Ectoplasm Elemental, Medium (WOTC)
      7. Elemental, Ectoplasm Elemental, Large (WOTC)
      8. Elemental, Ectoplasm Elemental, Huge (WOTC)
      9. Elemental, Ectoplasm Elemental, Greater (WOTC)
      10. Elemental, Ectoplasm Elemental, Elder (WOTC)
      11. Living Ferroplasm (WOTC)
      12. Psionic Elemental, Elder (TOH)
      13. Psionic Elemental, Greater (TOH)
      14. Psionic Elemental, Huge (TOH)
      15. Psionic Elemental, Large (TOH)
      16. Psionic Elemental, Medium (TOH)
      17. Psionic Elemental, Small (TOH)
    • Pseudo-Elemental Plane of Blood
      1. Blood Elemental (WOTC)
      2. Weird, Serpent, Blood Weird (TOH2)
  • Other Planes
    • Far Realm
      1. Howling Abomination (CC2)
      2. Kaorti (FF)
      3. Neh-Thalggu (ELH)
      4. Pseudonatural Creature Template [Epic](ELH)
      5. Pseudonatural Creature Template [Nonepic](T&B)
      6. Rukanyr (FF)
      7. Skybleeder (FF)
      8. Tentamort (TOH)
      9. Thruock (WOTC)
      10. Transposer (TOH)
      11. Uvuudaum (ELH)
      12. Wyste (MM2)
    • Plane of Faerie
      1. Changeling (DRA #304)
      2. Hoary Hunter (ELH)
      3. Seelie Court Fey (template) (DRA #304)
      4. Unseelie Fey (template) (DRA #304)
    • Plane of Radiance
      1. Glimmerfolk (DRA #321)
      2. Magnesium Spirit (TOH)
      3. Prismfly Swarm (DRA #321)
      4. Radiant Creature (template) (DRA #321)
      5. Rainbow Dweller (DRA #321)
    • Region of Dreams
      1. Abomination, Dream Larva (ELH)
      2. Dream Element Creature (template) (DRA #287)
      3. Dream Folk (CC2)
      4. Dreamwrack (CC2)
      5. Dreamwraith (CC2)
    • Shadowlands
      1. Akutenshi (OA)
      2. Akutsukai (OA)
      3. Bakemono (OA)
      4. Bog Hag (OA)
      5. Demon, Bebilith
      6. Devil, Baatezu, Paeliryon (FF)
      7. Dokufu (OA)
      8. Ghoul
      9. Mamono (OA)
      10. Octopus, Fiendish Giant
      11. Ogre
      12. Oni, Shadolands, Akuma (OA)
      13. Oni, Shadolands, Ashi (OA)
      14. Oni, Shadolands, Byoki (OA)
      15. Oni, Shadolands, Gekido (OA)
      16. Oni, Shadolands, Haino (OA)
      17. Oni, Shadolands, Kamu (OA)
      18. Oni, Shadolands, Kyoso (OA)
      19. Oni, Shadolands, Sanru (OA)
      20. Oni, Shadolands, Shikibu (OA)
      21. Oni, Shadolands, Tsuburu (OA)
      22. Oni, Shadolands, Ugulu (OA)
      23. Oni, Shadolands, Yattoko (OA)
      24. Onikage (OA)
      25. Pennaggolan (OA)
      26. Skeleton (template)
      27. Tsuno (OA)
      28. Zombie (template)
    • The Void
      1. Void Hound, Seeker (WOTC)
      2. Void Hound, Slayer (WOTC)
      3. Void Hound, Stalker (WOTC)
      4. Void Walker (WOTC)
    • Unknown Plane
      1. Dharculus (Planar)
      2. Encephalon Gorger (TOH2)
      3. Flumph (TOH)
      4. Grotesque Herder (CC2)
      5. Grotesque Parasite (CC2)
      6. Nishruu (MC:MOF)
      7. Phase Mass (CC3)
      8. Sabrewing (TOH2)
      9. Skin Weaver (CC2)
      10. Slarecian Gatekeeper (CC2)
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Voidrunner's Codex

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