D&D Movie/TV More information about Honor Among Thieves

What follows is a list of snippets of recent information about the upcoming D&D movie from a range of sources across the internet. Special thanks goes to CinemaBlend and Collidor! They hired a language team for all the D&D languages that appear in the movie, including the guy that did the languages. They also have a spell casting geasture team including the guy the designed the geastures...

What follows is a list of snippets of recent information about the upcoming D&D movie from a range of sources across the internet. Special thanks goes to CinemaBlend and Collidor!


  • They hired a language team for all the D&D languages that appear in the movie, including the guy that did the languages.
  • They also have a spell casting geasture team including the guy the designed the geastures for Wandavision.
  • They built 120 sets for the movie.
  • Paramount has the distrubtion rights for the whole world except for Canada and the UK, Hasbro/Eone has ths distribution rights for the UK and Canada.
  • They shot an active volcano.
  • People got so caught up in the movie, folks were in tears at times.
  • It did as well among women as men during test screenings, same with none D&D fans & D&D fans.
  • Led Zepplin songs are hard to get, you can't just throw money at them, they have to like the thing enough to let you use their songs, so this movie already has Led Zepplin seal of approval.
  • The movie has a lot of Easter Eggs.
  • They used D&D Beyond & FR Wiki a lot.
  • Justin Smith was really hard core into the D&D details for his sorcerer character.
  • Jean's paladin required a lot of training and apparently gave him the best butt his ever had (his words).
  • They made the characters contempory in some ways, like some times they question why certain things are the way they are, but not in ways inappropriate to the genre and setting.
  • This movie was clearly made by D&D fans.
  • They didn't design this movie with an eye towards future movies, beyond the fact of making as amazing as possible.
  • This was inspired by ironically the MCU where the foundation was created by 3 solid self contained movies. Latcham insisted on it.

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They didn't design this movie with an eye towards future movies, beyond the fact of making as amazing as possible. This was inspired by ironically the MCU where the foundation was created by 3 solid self contained movies. Latcham insisted on it. Let's be honest, D&D setting as designed to be studded with plothooks everywhere so they really didn't need to design this movie in a way to set up future movies, just make this one solid.
Great. My biggest worry about the film was that D&D is (to the greedy and stupid Hollywood eye at least) such an easily cinematic-universeifiable property that they would feel the compulsion to ruin the first movie with trying to set up the next twelve movies.


Led Zepplin songs are hard to get, you can't just throw money at them, they have to like the thing enough to let you use their songs, so this movie already has Led Zepplin seal of approval.

Considering that more than one Zep song contains direct Tolkien references, I wouldn't find it surprising if they might be somewhat favorably predisposed towards letting a D&D movie use their music...

Great. My biggest worry about the film was that D&D is (to the greedy and stupid Hollywood eye at least) such an easily cinematic-universeifiable property that they would feel the compulsion to ruin the first movie with trying to set up the next twelve movies.

They were smart for involving Latcham who has the experience enough to help them avoid the common pit falls of creating a cinematic universe.

My sources


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