Morrus' New Years' RPG Resolutions

As the new year approaches, here are my RPG resolutions for the coming year. What are yours?

  • Double the tabletop RPG coverage so we have multiple daily articles from a range of writers.
  • Do my part to increase inclusivity in the RPG and D&D community.
  • Have every official D&D book independently reviewed.
  • Recover from the Patreon attack and grow EN5ider, EONS, and TRAILseeker.
  • Launch a Starfinder Patreon.
  • Get 300K members on EN World.
  • Launch something video (a thing I've wanted to do for years but lack the knowhow, personal, location, or equipment).
  • Launch an EN World podcast.
  • Game twice a week as often as I can (I currently average once a week, with two groups).


What are your RPG resolutions for 2018?
As an aside, if you are willing to help EN World, these things would be most gratefully appreciated:


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The following:

  • Argue less online about RPGs.
  • Get in more 5E games.
  • Play Starfinder more.
  • Play Pathfinder more.
  • Play an actual WOIN game.
  • Post game reviews. People offline tell me I'm funny when I review games.

What are your RPG resolutions for 2018?
As an aside, if you are willing to help EN World, these things would be most gratefully appreciated:


You mention the EN World Patreon as helping the site, how does the enworld membership (for example, silver) fit into this picture and help?

You mention the EN World Patreon as helping the site, how does the enworld membership (for example, silver) fit into this picture and help?

Generally speaking, I'm hoping that folks will switch over to one of the Patreons instead - it's a much more convenient content delivery mechanism.

Improve the ToA game I'm DMing. Alot.
I found myself rather unexpectedly running this at the end of Sept/beginning of Oct - right as it gets really really busy at work.
Christmas season @ retail is a tough time to launch a new campaign....

Join a group* and be a meaningful participant

* Finally got a new job - I do not work The Night Shift any more!

Double my publications (I had 2 in 2016, 11 in 2017, and I'm hoping for 25+ in 2018)

Get a new 5e group together (this is the real long shot)

Run the Tales of Equestria game for my son and his friends more often

. . . that really does it for me, more or less.

Write more for en world. Get at least one of my games published. And write at least 1 Adventure per month. Get my quarterly mag idea off the ground. And hopefully get a streaming game out there of my own or working with others off the ground. I will also finish my project for small RPG company here soon. So pretty ambitious this year when it comes to RPG things. Plus of course more gaming in general.
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I really want to try the "Shared campaign" appendix in Xanathar's Guide to Everything, but I still need to find enough people to warrant trying it.

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