Morrus' New Years' RPG Resolutions

As the new year approaches, here are my RPG resolutions for the coming year. What are yours?

As the new year approaches, here are my RPG resolutions for the coming year. What are yours?

  • Double the tabletop RPG coverage so we have multiple daily articles from a range of writers.
  • Do my part to increase inclusivity in the RPG and D&D community.
  • Have every official D&D book independently reviewed.
  • Recover from the Patreon attack and grow EN5ider, EONS, and TRAILseeker.
  • Launch a Starfinder Patreon.
  • Get 300K members on EN World.
  • Launch something video (a thing I've wanted to do for years but lack the knowhow, personal, location, or equipment).
  • Launch an EN World podcast.
  • Game twice a week as often as I can (I currently average once a week, with two groups).


What are your RPG resolutions for 2018?
As an aside, if you are willing to help EN World, these things would be most gratefully appreciated:


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1) Include my teenage son in more adult games (as in "with adult gamers", not "with adult content"); not in a "this is how a REAL roleplayer plays" way, but to introduce him to different role-models and rp styles.

2) Complete my homebrewed Twilight Imperium RPG. It can't be published or broadcasted, but I want to complete a homebrew project all the way for once...

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