Morrus' New Years' RPG Resolutions

As the new year approaches, here are my RPG resolutions for the coming year. What are yours?

As the new year approaches, here are my RPG resolutions for the coming year. What are yours?

  • Double the tabletop RPG coverage so we have multiple daily articles from a range of writers.
  • Do my part to increase inclusivity in the RPG and D&D community.
  • Have every official D&D book independently reviewed.
  • Recover from the Patreon attack and grow EN5ider, EONS, and TRAILseeker.
  • Launch a Starfinder Patreon.
  • Get 300K members on EN World.
  • Launch something video (a thing I've wanted to do for years but lack the knowhow, personal, location, or equipment).
  • Launch an EN World podcast.
  • Game twice a week as often as I can (I currently average once a week, with two groups).


What are your RPG resolutions for 2018?
As an aside, if you are willing to help EN World, these things would be most gratefully appreciated:


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My goals for this year:

Be more active in the community.
Publish more articles and features for EN World and other publications.
Finish writing, play test and publish a 5E adventure.
Play more RIFTS and TMNT & Other Strangeness.
Start a podcast (I can offer my talents to Morrus for the EN World podcast as well).
Launch my Models & Miniatures series.
Get the old RPG group back together for one last hurrah, wrapping up the Tyranny of Dragons campaign we began in 2015.
Learn more about Starfinder and find the time to play.

Swear less. Or better yet, not at all. I recently realized my youngest child has been journaling and her content is full of curse words. Alarmingly so. Made me re-think my own use.


Simply to play more. D&D, or all tabletop rpgs in general really, have always come in fits and starts. I'd like to see that change if at all possible.

Other than that? Maybe get a chance to try a different game. I've got a library of rpg games, mostly because I just enjoy reading the rulebooks oddly enough. But of the many games I have, we always just go straight to D&D. I enjoy D&D a great deal, always have, always will, regardless of edition. Still, I'd like to give something like Numenera a try, or maybe Always War, or even Starfinder.

We'll see how it all shakes out I guess, but if the first one comes to pass I'll be plenty satisfied.


First Post
Actually play a game of WOIN with all the content I've been putting together.

If you're taking suggestions for new resolutions, why not add setting up a community Discord server?


Guide of Modos
  • Double the tabletop RPG coverage so we have multiple daily articles from a range of writers.
  • Do my part to increase inclusivity in the RPG and D&D community.
  • Get 300K members on EN World.
  • Launch an EN World podcast.

Want four birds with one stone? Cover indie work/games.

My RPG resolutions:

  • Get back to the real tabletop, but keep the VTT game going.
  • Produce illustrations for a pdf.
  • Pwn Bruma. I haven't been to Cloud Ruler temple in a loooong time...

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