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D&D 4E Mouseferatu weighs in on 4e

Irda Ranger

First Post
Dausuul said:
Uh, breaking your NDA carries a few more consequences than "you'll never playtest again." That's a binding contract right there. WotC can and will haul you up in court for that.
Although forcing a settlement rather than rack up legal fees is a strategy, I'd be curious to see what WotC's argument for damages would be if the playtester's opinion was an honest one (not libelous). They'd have to show that him releasing his opinion now caused them more damages than it being released in June (when the NDA surely expires).

They'd also have to consider the PR costs of suing their own playtester for posting an opinion that WotC's customers would probably want to know. They could lose sales to people who'd rather pirate the books than give such a company another cent (I know people who feel this way about the record labels).

That being said, I really don't believe that WotC would have put in writing "You can talk about your opinions now, but only if they're positive." That sounds like something that someone who's not too smart but wants to smear a company would say, rather than an intelligent company with competent business and legal advisers (or anyone with a sense of decency or common sense).

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Dausuul said:
Uh, breaking your NDA carries a few more consequences than "you'll never playtest again." That's a binding contract right there. WotC can and will haul you up in court for that.

Can? Yes. Will? Most of the time not, but in the hypothetical case they might decide to make an example of the person.

Irda Ranger said:
They'd have to show that him releasing his opinion now caused them more damages than it being released in June (when the NDA surely expires).
I haven't seen the WotC NDA. However, the NDA I signed for another major company didn't have a deadline.

Technically I can't discuss things about the playtest (including the fact that I even playtested the product), even 5 years after the release of the first product I tested. In practice there is some leeway after the product is released. Still, discussing some things is heavily frowned upon (such as things tested that were changed or not used).


First Post
Well, as excited as I am about 4E, if it turns out that WotC did send out such an email I would be very disappointed and would go instantly to "neutral-won't buy right away". I just can't stand that sort of thing.

Still, I'm not convinced that such an email was sent. If it was, you'd think that we would see quite a few people coming forward to say things like "Hi! I'm a 4E playtester. It .... had good art. That's all I can say, er, thanks." I think everyone would connect the dots after that.

So, I think it's doubtful but, if true, a very, very big mistake. It would cast doubt on everything that they've said up until this point.


Agamon said:
Emphasis mine. The 4E board at Paizo is a haven of negativity. It's really quite sad, and I'm not at all surprised that this originated there.

Nothing stopping me from going over there (other than maturity), stating that I'm a playtester and that I nor any of my group received this email. And hey, I wrote it on the internet, it must be true.

(This is an observation regarding 4e forum activity - it's not a commentary on specific posts on either the Paizo or ENWorld boards. I'm not directing the following solely at Agamon or wish to single him, or anyone else, out. But his post, in taking a shot at Paizo's forums, struck a chord with me where some regular posters to these boards seem to think it's the same environment here it was a year ago. They seem oblivious to the fact that they engage in the same type of behavior they're decrying. So here goes.)

Well, that's one way to look at it. There are certainly rabid anti- and pro-4e posters on those boards. There are also a large number of D&D fans who are passionate about the game and wish to discuss 4e - what they view as the good, bad, or unknown. Most of the time, debate continues without devolving into flamewars and trolling...

...unlike here.

Prior to the 4e-announcement, you could pretty much come here, share opinions, and bounce ideas around. People might offer a differing viewpoint, sometimes flat-out disagreement, but usually it didn't involve personal attacks.

Candidly, I was shocked at the rate at which personal attacks (from either the pro- or anti-4e camps) become commonplace here. In the last two months or so, from what I can see, these personal attacks haven't decreased so much as those with opinions out of line with the pro-4e crowd are posting less in this forum. Within the last couple of weeks, I've noticed a lot of people seem to be patting themselves on the back with how much more open-minded they are than "those anti-4e naysayers".

Years ago, when I discovered ENWorld, I dropped RPG.net like a bad habit precisely b/c at RPG.net, he with the quickest snark or loudest personal attack drowned out the discussion. ENWorld was different. It was an environment where people were more civil, ideas about RPGs were freely exchanged, and it felt like a true community where everyone more or less played by rules of civility. I was floored - it was the Internet after all.

It's not that way anymore - and it's the fault of both pro- and anti-4e fans alike. It's the fault of those who believe WotC is as corrupt as a Shadowrun megacorp as well as those who believe WotC can do no wrong and is as pure as the driven snow. WotC MAY release a 4e that's better than all prior versions of D&D. WotC COULD develop a game that is not as good as 3.x. Having blind faith in either of those opinions while discounting the opposing possibility is being close-minded.

I'm not saying the Paizo boards are free from this problem or are what ENWorld's boards once were. I am saying that most of the time, debate about 4e still continues to occur - be it mechanics, fluff, PR-blunders/victories - the GAME is still being discussed and often without the personal attacks so prevalent here. And while it seems to be in vogue to decry the Paizo forum regulars as spiteful grognards, there are plenty of pro-4e posters on those boards as well. Before taking a shot at Paizo's fans (after all, most of them probably frequent these boards also), may I suggest taking a look in the mirror. Cue up "Glass houses and stones".

So congratulate yourself on your self-evaluated maturity, your open-minded thinking, your forward thinking views on RPG design, RPG business acumen and legal knowledge of NDAs and the OGL. Decry those who disagree with you as close-minded, flawed, fanboy/grognard, etc. But despite this being the Internet, your opinions are still that - opinions. Opinions aren't facts just because you hold them. Facts aren't opinions just because you disagree with them.

FWIW, I was/am guilty of this as well. I realized it was pretty easy to get sucked into the arguments and a shot directed at me was to be answered in kind. I took a few weeks break from these boards around the holidays. I've come to realize responding to a personal attack isn't worth my time and I try to not take the bait (don't always succeed, but I try). I also try to avoid the less civil discussions. After adopting my new policy for a couple of weeks, I discovered that in order to avoid the more contentious discussions, I was posting here a lot less than I used to.

Regardless of which side of the 4e aisle you sit, the "community" of this particular board is sinking further into the crapper each month (specifically in the 4e forum - I'm not really seeing it elsewhere) and the ENWorld 4e forum really can't claim to be any better than the 4e forums at RPG.net, Paizo, or other RPG sites. So don't kid yourself, this isn't the realm of enlightenment and civil discourse it used to be.

<End of threadjack. For those I've offended or bored, my apologies. But as with D&D, ENWorld represented an investment of my time, a way to kick back and relax, and interact with fellow gamers. I'm saddened that those feelings continue to diminish.>

Brown Jenkin

First Post
Rechan said:
I sure wish we'd have left this thread to questions for Ari and Jon.

OK, how about the question as to whether they recieved an email saying they could now talk about thier feelings as long as they were possitive ones. I am willing to believe Ari and John had positive experiences, but it wouldn't hurt to hear them deny that they had recieved such an email.


Speaking for myself, I am a Paizo fan. I subscribe to both the GM and PF lines. Paizo's customer support is incredible. Erik and James and their team are great at sharing and responding with the community, not just there, but here and elsewhere, too. And the Paizo messageboards are a great place to discuss their excellent products and RPGs in general.

With one exception. That 4E board. Which I don't really blame Paizo for. Unfortunately, the people who aren't just anti-4e (nothing wrong with that), but are also rude and petulant about it can't post here or at the WotC boards. But they found some kindred spirits with folks that don't want to see WotC ruin the awesome stuff that Paizo is putting out, and so they lay it on thick there. The negative speculation-posted-as-fact and straw man arguments over there are unreal.

It's not a place to discuss opinion on the advantages or drawbacks of any 4E news that comes about, which is too bad. At least we got EN World.


Rechan said:
I sure wish we'd have left this thread to questions for Ari and Jon.

As cool as the first few pages of the thread were, maybe it should just die. They told us their opinion, but they can't really do much in the way of answering questions, Ari has already posted as much.

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