D&D 5E Move over Fireball and Spirit Guardians, there is a new best 3rd level spell sheriff in town!


Dusty Dragon
Greetings friends and fellow forumites. I am the bearer of great news. D&D has a new best spell.

Those who have the newly release Xanathar's Guide to Everything will of course know that I am talking about the superlative spell, Tiny Servant.

Tiny Servant lasts for 8 hours and doesn't take concentration. But it's much more than say, Unseen Servant. It can *kick some ass*. +5 to hit? 1d4+3 dmg? Send a few of those in and beat your enemies up. Fill one up with a dangerous substance and send it after your foes - even in death, the Tiny Servant will shower your enemies with acid - or worse!

Invisible creatures troubling you? Say no more, the Tiny Servant can handle it. Need someone to hold the torch? Get the torch to hold itself! Feeling squeamish about sending your familiar on a dangerous scouting mission? The Tiny Servant's got this, they aren't unionized! Impress officials with a small box filed with gold coins! Propose to your paramour with an animated ring case! Wow your fans with your own baby-groot! Need to throw that grappling hook up but every party member has 8 strength? Have no fear, with Tiny Servant the hook will climb up the wall, and if necessary impale itself in that troublesome's guard chest!

But this spell is not only good for players. Oh no, any GM with a gram of creativity can have tremendous fun with this spell, especially in dungeons. The party found a priceless vase? It's running away, it's a Tiny Servant. The party manage to vanquish it? Oh well, oops so much for the vase! That brick wall? It's made of Tiny Servants! Oh, I found a magical dagger - oh no it's stabbing me in the face, it's a Tiny Servant!

Mark this moment my friend, we are living in exciting times. One day you will be able to tell your grand-kids where you were when you laid your eyes upon the new signature spell. Tiny Servant - the fireball for the 21rst century.
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Nicely done.

But, all things being said, it's a great spell. I've always been shocked at how little unseen servant gets used. Back in the dark ages, I actually had a conjurer (2e) that researched a series of Unseen Servant spells, each iteration getting a bit stronger than the original.

Great minds thinking alike.


First Post
Nicely done.

But, all things being said, it's a great spell. I've always been shocked at how little unseen servant gets used. Back in the dark ages, I actually had a conjurer (2e) that researched a series of Unseen Servant spells, each iteration getting a bit stronger than the original.

Great minds thinking alike.

It is odd how underrated unseen servant is, I keep it up all the time as it is a ritual, and adds wonderfully to the action economy when your bonus action is not otherwise engaged, or you need to do thing, like feeding your ally a potion on your turn....So good.


Dusty Dragon
Just wait until someone figures out that a flask is a tiny, nonmagical item. And if the flask is full of acid, poison, or explosive.......

You and I are on the same wavelength my friend, I am glad you too are seeing the light.

Fill one up with a dangerous substance and send it after your foes - even in death, the Tiny Servant will shower your enemies with acid - or worse!

A bit more seriously, with some creativity - like what we suggested - the combat utility of the tiny servant is not negligible. Cannon fodder is useful in a fight, and if you have some kind of "affect many people" buffing effect, if you include the tiny servant you may even be able to get more bang out of it.


Dusty Dragon
I've always been shocked at how little unseen servant gets used.

It's because it's *unseen*. Too subtle. With Tiny Servant, everyone sees the magnitude of your eldritch might.

I mean, a fireball lasts but a moment. Tiny Servant is 8 hours of "I can cast 3rd level spells, fear me!" services. And if they don't fear you, Tiny Servant will punch them in the face!

You and I are on the same wavelength my friend, I am glad you too are seeing the light.

A bit more seriously, with some creativity - like what we suggested - the combat utility of the tiny servant is not negligible. Cannon fodder is useful in a fight, and if you have some kind of "affect many people" buffing effect, if you include the tiny servant you may even be able to get more bang out of it.

Sorry, totally missed that.


Dusty Dragon
Sorry, totally missed that.
No worries my friend, the brilliance of the spell has dazzled us all and makes it hard to see.

For example, I didn't even consider the application suggested by [MENTION=55582]Treantmonklvl20[/MENTION] , (optimizer spectacular), to use the second level spell dragon breath with it. Yes, your cute tiny servant lantern can belch fire at the foes!

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