D&D General MtG Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Spoiler Thread

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At the 10:38 mark you see the Artwork for Asmodeus's card among the other art, which is most Dragons, but no stats as the card they revel is Inferno of the Star Mountains. Asmodeus's art has alot more red in it them black, its a hint he is mono red.

I searched through all the previews today, there are no previews left for the main set, yet some how there are main set cards left unrevealed, including Asmodeus WTF.

How do we find out what there cards are? Pull out the tarot deck to read the future tea leave, a time traveling deloren or Tartas? Maybe the Bajoran Orb of Time, let the prophets of Bajor reveal the cards to us.

The pooch this.


Book-Friend, he/him

At the 10:38 mark you see the Artwork for Asmodeus's card among the other art, which is most Dragons, but no stats as the card they revel is Inferno of the Star Mountains. Asmodeus's art has alot more red in it them black, its a hint he is mono red.

I searched through all the previews today, there are no previews left for the main set, yet some how there are main set cards left unrevealed, including Asmodeus WTF.

How do we find out what there cards are? Pull out the tarot deck to read the future tea leave, a time traveling deloren or Tartas? Maybe the Bajoran Orb of Time, let the prophets of Bajor reveal the cards to us.

The pooch this.
There are a few more coming thus evening, I believe, or Magic Weekly on Thursday will finish the main set.


Book-Friend, he/him


This is a very similar mechanic to what Hearthstone used for werewolves (power and toughness swapped every other turn as they shift back and forth between forms). Does MTG have a history of doing this too, or did they crib it from Hearthstone?
Yes, Magic has had werewolves that change.


Bardic Dave

Yes, Magic has had werewolves that change.

I didn’t look at them all, but most of these seem to be completely different cards when they transform. I was talking specifically about swapping power and toughness every turn but otherwise remaining the same card (e.g. this 2/4 becomes a 4/2 becomes a 2/4 etc.)

Edit: here’s an example. Not exactly the same mechanic, but aesthetically very similar.


Voidrunner's Codex

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