Murder is the Pits

Kahuna Burger

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Round 2

After a momentary pause where they seem to expect Ironwolf and Rosalynn to come to them, both half orcs charge forward, thrundering down on the apparently hapless pair. At the last moment, Ironwolf steps into the charge and his longsword slashes deep into the half orc facing him directly. (critical, nice.) While not a immediate 'kill', the larger warrior is obviously badly wounded. Both the opponents swing their swords at Ironwolf, but miss badly. (poor npcs can't roll today.)


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While his opponents are still off balance from the charge (ooc: and suffering the reduced AC), Ironwolf will slash at the un-wounded opponent, using his psionic weapon feat to empower his blow (ooc: for an extra 2d6 damage if the blow hits.)

"Mind and Body as One!" Ironwolf roars.


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Rosalynn reaches into her spell pouch and pulls out a bit of wool.

"Enclose the mind in an endless fog!" she cries, tossing the wool into the air as it vanishes and a spell is cast.

[sblock] OOC: Casting Daze: (typing from the PHB here)

Daze: Casting time: 1 standard Action, Range: Close (25' +5'/2 levels), Target One Humanoid creature of 4HD or less (she's casting it on the non-wounded one btw) duration: 1 round, Saving Throw: Will Negates, Spell Resistance: yes.[/sblock]

Kahuna Burger

First Post
As rosalynn's spell takes effect, the unwounded half orc partially lowers his sword, befuddled as to what to do. A moment later, Ironwolf's sword plunges into him, and then seems to explode, knocking him back in a gout of blood. As the small crowd which has gathered at your ring roars in approval, the second hal orc roars in rage and strikes a mighty blow on ironwolf. It is a square hit, and the young man keeps his feet only by the inner strength he has developed over his years of psionic training (13 hp, you'd be down without psionic body. Nice feat, that.)


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(I take it the X indicates the one to my right is no longer combat able.)

Knowing that another such blow would be fatal, Ironwolf grits his teeth and swings at the remaining opponent, hoping to take him down before he can attack again. If he fails to drop his opponent, he'll take a 5' step back and to Rosalyn's left.


The man with the probe
"This one" Vanitri declairs as he charges the halfling in F8, ending up in G8 (+5 to hit (with charge bonus), d6+1, 18-20x2 crit). He is still dodging the one in F8.
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Bront said:
"This one" Vanitri declairs as he charges the halfling in F8, ending up in G8 (+4 to hit (with charge bonus), d6+1, 18-20x2 crit). He is still dodging the one in F8.

"On him." Michael replies tersely, curving to the left and winding up behind the halfling in E8. (i.e, flanking him.) If he can time it right, he'll assist another and add a further +2 to Vanitri's attack: otherwise he'll take a swing on his own.
If the halfling falls, he will take an action to see if he's going to bleed out.

Warhammer: +2(+1 bless) 1d8+2 20 *3 critical
Hopefully gaining a further +2 to hit from flanking

"Remember Sela" Michael calls encouragingly, reminding Vanitri he gets a +1 to hit as well from the bless. (and hopefully +2 from the flank, and +2 from aid another...)


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Rosalynn, upset at Ironwolfe's wounds but not able to do much about it, moves forward, and prepares to change from the whip to her Short Bow and take a shot if need be.

She drops the whip onto the ground and as she's stepping diagonally forward and to the left, she draws her shortbow, preps an arrow, and points it at the remaining half-orc.

She shoots, praying to Mongrel that the arrow hits it's mark.

[sblock]OOC: details on her attack:

Weapon Attack Damage Critical
Shortbow +2 1d6 20x3
+2 to both attack and damage for the Inspire Courage song and Point Blank Shot combined as well.[/sblock]
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Kahuna Burger

First Post
round 3

Van and Micheal move up on either side of the halfling, and with micheal's aid, Vanitri lands a solid hit. The wounded halfling drops to the ground and rolls away, moving back out of range without providing a target for another blow. Springing back up, he flings another dagger at Vanitri, as his partner moves forward to do the same. Both daggars strike, but with little force (Van takes a total of 3 hp damage.)


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