Murder is the Pits

Kahuna Burger

First Post
In the common room of the barracks, the older gladiator Ron is playing dice with a couple of others including the female monk you had seen around. When you ask about Petra, he says "She just finished prepping up that fella leaving - she didn't have time for a game, said she was going to her offices to do some paperwork. Down to the left, the door has your master's mark on it."

(assuming you go to her office) DC 12 listen check [sblock]as you head down the quiet halls, you hear the muffled sounds of steel on steel, not from the barracks behind you but from one of the offices ahead.[/sblock]

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Bront said:
Vanitri says "Something's wrong" and draws his blade, running towards the sound.
(AJ feels very relieved he didn't need to make a check for this himself.)
"Ashes and gravels!" Michael swears and begins to run...trot...well, lumber, after Vanitri, swinging his shield arount in front of him as he goes.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
The door to Petra's office is slightly ajar, and as he gets closer Vanitri can more clearly hear the sounds of struggle. Bursting through the door, he sees that petra has wedged herself into a corner between her desk and the wall and is using a long spear and a shield to hold off Click and Clack who are attacking her with their sickles. She is shouting at them, along the lines of "this won't help anything, stop and think a moment!" Along with the desk there is a large meeting table and some chairs against one wall, and various weapons and sheilds in different states of repair leaning haphazardly around the room.


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The man with the probe
Vanitri charges in and runs to E4, and attacks (whever the round one is) with a sneak attack.

Hopefully, after droping that one he yells "Put down your weapon."

OOC: Rapier MW +3,+2 Flank,+2 Charge (If applicable)/ 1d6+1, +1d6 Sneak/18-20x2


First Post
Rosalynn arrives shortly after Micheal, rapier in hand.

"What in Mongrel's name is going on here?" She asks herself more than anyone else. She spots Vanitri moving to one of the attackers.

She stands back, ready to help him when she needs to, but let's Van, Micheal and Ironwolfe strike first.


Charge of the Stone Brigade

If the round fellow does not fall, Michael takes a free action to invoke the Strength of Sela (Strength Domain Power: +2 Strength for one round), brings his shield forward, and charges, aiming to pin him against the wall. If this causes non-lethal damage (to the round fellow, not to him) Michael feels able to live with that.
Actually, he can live with cracking a few of the treacherous little weasel's ribs, too.

Bull Rush from charge is opposed Strength Checks, Michael's strength is 16 (+3) for the round, with an additional +2 for +5

If the round fellow does fall, Michael does his best to hurdle the body and get between Petra and the square fellow. He will fight defensively and attempt an aid another to give Petra a +2 to her AC. No invocation of the Strength Domain.
( Bonus to hit with Warhammer +3, AC 19: Michael is retaining his shield at this point)

Kahuna Burger

First Post
ooc: gah! could I have come up with a more convoluted and rolling intensive combat strategy for these guys?!?! hey, if you REALLY like rolling dice, I've got the rogue build for you....

Vanitri (grey) moves into the room and flanks the nearer twin with Petra, striking him with his rapier but failing to drop him. Micheal (black) then slams into him and pushes him into the wall, roughing him up a bit, but the young man stays on his feet (a flurry of provoked AoOs at both bull rush parties completely fail to connect). Ironwolf moves in to strike at the other twin but misses.

Micheal's opponent (who we will assume for the sake of argument is click) hooks his feet out from under him and then stabs down at the suddenly prone cleric, luckily doing only minor damage (3hp). Clack does about the same thing to Ironwolf, but misses on the followup attack.

(micheal and ironwolf are both prone, rosalynn can go here if she wants)


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The man with the probe
Vanitri will advance and strike at Click again. "Petra, are you all right?"

OOC: Rapier MW +3/ 1d6+1/18-20x2

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