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MutantHigh Episode2: Russians and Fishmen?!


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Shalimar said:

"Who? Oh!" she exclaims when she catches a glimpse of Patriot. Her vision sharpens itself, focusing on the mans clothes. "He looks great to me." she says conpsirationally to the older woman, then gives a start, her eyes widening, she hadn't really meant to say it out loud, not like that. She settled on trying to distract the Dr. by telling her about her powers, hoping she'd miss what she had said.

"I can heal really fast, when Patriot found me, I had a broken nose, two broken ribs, and my wrist was broken. I don't think getting shot'll be too much different, not that I am planning on it or anything." she assured Garcia hastily. "I was fine within a minute or two. I am beyond Olympic class in Gymnastics without having ever trained at it, my senses are a lot sharper then a humans, a lot sharper, I can see in the dark, my sense of smell is accute enough to track someone just by their scent, to know if someone's coming. I can also jump really high, or far, depending. I think it was Michael who asked if I was bit by a radioactive cat, and thats as apt a description as any. So can I not have a check up now? I told you what all my powers were."

The doctor smiles slightly.
"Does he? Aniway i still would prefer it if he stays away from things that cause bulletholes in his clothes while he is with my students."
Then she sounds a bit more serious.
"Let's talk about this another time. We won't force you to anithing here so if you don't agree it won't happen."
She waits for John at the stare and after sharing a simple look they both walk upstairs without a word, their faces looking grim.

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KitanaVorr said:

Sighing, she headed back into the house to clean herself up, find someone who would give her permission to 'hot rod' the bike, and try her hand at "exploring" the security systems of the institute.

Katie gets that permission easy enough, regardless whom she asks, as long as she keeps it on one bike.

The security system:
Like the rest of Haven the security is the best money can buy and a bit better. The whole place can be monitered by a network of hidden cameras. Only the ones in the sublevels and on the outside are normally on though, the living areas areas are left "private" and the cameras there only activate in case of an alarm. The place even has surveilance system to control the air around it and monitor flights. In case of an alarm the whole subsection is pretty much a top of the line bunker and even the upper areas have steelplates that can cut of every important doorway. Many areas can be filled with knockout gas and there are some defense turrets that can be deployed in the sublevels and in the garden that are armed with machine guns.
In addition to those security measures there is also something called the "defensive mode" which seems to be a protocoll activated in case a a special order is given. Katie does not have access to those systems, she could probably hack them if she wanted to though.
The most impressive feature for someone who is interested in computers though is the contorl system itself. Each section is controlled by its on programm but they still work together in perfect harmony. From cleaning drones over the microwave oven to the maintance robots the whole building works alomost like an insect hive. All of this leads back to Truth, the logs show that she controls each system, corrects errors and generally acts like a parent that gets a bunch of children to actually do what they are told to. Again there is no trace who or what she might be. Again Katie may find out more if she hacked into the system.


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As he watches Katie walking away, michael can't help but to feel beeter about his experiences today. However, he's got to watch coming to unwarranted conclusions about people he hardly knows.

Still, with his spirit now lifted he takes his guitar and goes outside to play an Alan Jackson song, "Bubba Shot The Jukebox".

"We were hogged out at Marge's bar
Telling stories if we had one
Someone fired the old jukebox up
The song it sure was a sad one

Teardrops rolled down Bubba's nose
From the pain the song was inflictin'
Then all at once he jumped to his feet
Just like somebody kicked him

Bubba shot the jukebox last night
Said it played a sad song that made him cry
Went to his truck and got a fourty-five
Bubba shot the jukebox last night

Bubba ain't never been accused of being mentally stable
So We did not draw an easy breath
'till he laid that colt on the table
He hung his head until the cops showed up
And dragged him right out of Marges'
They told him"don't you play dumb with us son
"You know damned well what the charge is"

Bubba shot the jukebox last night
Said it played a sad song that made him cry
Went to his truck and got a forty-five
He shot the jukebox last night

When the Sheriff arrived with his bathrobe on
The confrontation was a tense one
He shook his head and said "Bubba boy,
"You wuz always a dense one.
"A reckless discharge of a gun
"That's what the officers are claimin."
Bubba hollered out "Reckless HELL!
"I hit just where I wuz aimin"

Bubba shot the jukebox last night
Said it played a sad song that made him cry
Went to his truck and got a forty-five
He shot the jukebox
Stopped it with one shot
Bubba shot the jukebox last night

Well he could not tell wright from wrong
Through the teardrops in his eyes
Beyond the shadows of a doubt
It wuz a justifiable homicide

Bubba shot the jukebox last night
Stopped it with one shot
Bubba shot the jukebox last night."

"Yeah! Let's do that again!"


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Originally posted by Radiant
Again there is no trace who or what she might be. Again Katie may find out more if she hacked into the system.

Katie decides she'll buy her own racing motorcycle - the best one available - and get herself situated to give it a few improvements. First a TURBO button after re-aligning the engine with a few modifications and she'll include wireless access to the motorcycle so she could tap into the Internet from her bike. (I don't know how long it'll take her to do this so just let me know when things are completed)

Meanwhile, she'll indeed hack into the system to find out more about the entire institute and who this Truth person or non-person might be. It doesn't cross her mind though that she could easily control the entire institute to her bidding since it was so wired up...lucky for those concerned Katie was a sweet naive girl. Though future pranks might be in order...


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Joey relaxed, and returned to back to cleaning up the bike, before he went to the yeard, and relaxed by doing some tai chi, to clear his head, stay in shape, and well cause it was cool stuff. He ate some salad, and then hits the sack...
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KitanaVorr said:

Meanwhile, she'll indeed hack into the system to find out more about the entire institute and who this Truth person or non-person might be. It doesn't cross her mind though that she could easily control the entire institute to her bidding since it was so wired up...lucky for those concerned Katie was a sweet naive girl. Though future pranks might be in order...

Katie hacks through the night and messes with the systems, nearly drowning in the amounts of data (sent via email).


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end of the episode.
Aimee Allen's "Silence is Violence" plays and the view shows the pyramid of the Haven institute from the sea just as the last lights go out and the starlight is mirrored on its surface. The names of the cast are played in as silver letters on the water.

Sollir Furryfoot as Clarity
Shalimar as Eris Prifty
Tokiwong as Joey Lee
Blockader7 as Rot Grub
Robert Raets as Jackson Feyborne
KitanaVorr as Cypher
Sir Osis of Liver as Chamber

Voidrunner's Codex

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