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D&D 4E My First 4E Game: Disappointing. Yours? (UPDATED with player feedback)


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Last Sunday, I played in an official 4E demo at my local gaming store, run by the regional Wizards of the Coast promoter. Despite the fellow appearing rather virginal when it came to Dungeons & Dragons, and running two tables of eight players at once, both groups Escaped from Sembia in record time. I won't go into specifics, as you've heard them a dozen times already from playtesters and D&DXP-goers, but I decided to try the tiefling wizard, whom I affectionately renamed Dr. Raven Darktalon...Blood, to prevent confusion with the other of our eight players using a wizard.

Dr. Blood's powers, both wizard and tiefling, were exceptionally fun to use, eliciting praise and adoration when they went off as planned. By the second encounter, I had a thorough grasp of when to use which powers, and, perhaps more importantly, how to ensure that they connected with their target. I've heard some voice skepticism about the variety of potentially forgettable bonuses one can apply to their rolls, but, in practice, preying on bloodied foes, avenging previous slights, and employing my mastery of wands to shore up my chances of hitting with a crucial Force Orb was an exceptionally rewarding experience.

The lone non-combat encounter was something of a disappointment, however. Not because the skill-wagering system is a bad one, mind you; rather, my possession of the stealth skill made my decision on how to avoid the swarming town guard a rather easy one. In retrospect, I should have used History to recall how communities of that vintage were arranged, and used that knowledge to outmaneuver my pursuers. Perhaps next time.

When I have the opportunity, I intend to run a 4E preview of my own. The demo gave me a great deal of confidence in both the new edition and the ease with which it can be run. If a nearby store is hosting an event like mine, you ought to check it out. Fan adventures with the same old players will only take you so far.

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I don't think anyone is too impressed with the wizard. I don't think that this reflects on the 4E wizard, but simply THIS 4e Wizard. He could really use a few spells that don't target reflex (apart from sleep).

On the subject: I've run 9 demos with six players each for a total of 25 unique players. They ranged from brand new (never played an RPG before) to hardcore 4E hater to enthusiastic hopeful and everything in between.

To my memory, I've only ever heard WoW comparisons here online, and never during my games. (Personally I've never even SEEN anyone play WoW, far or less played it myself, so I have no idea what those comparisons may be.)

Every game I've had have been very positive experiences, with everyone at least enjoying the session, and they've all gone away with at least an open mind. (Many prepaid for the books afterward.) I plan on running one every sunday until the books come out (next three weeks booked with new players each.)

So that's been my experience with 4E sofar, and I really enjoy running it.

I've had similar experiences to what you had in various games though, but not with 4E yet. And I hope to not sound like I'm making this a 3 vs 4 arguement, but I've certainly had 3rd Edition campaigns fall appart due to player's problems with the system, and problems with other players. I mention this simply to say: This is nothing new.

I concede that it COULD happen with a 4E game in the future, but so far my experiences have been overwhelmingly positive.



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Wolfspider said:
Well, at least your group actually tried the game, albeit reluctantly.

That's debatable. It seems like the "tried it" more as an excuse to confirm their self-fulfilling prophecies.

Whether you like it or not, I have a lot more respect for someone who doesn't judge things without trying them without bias first.

I feel really sorry for you. The 2 hours must have felt very frustrating.

Sometimes, when I get the vibe that one of my players doesn't enjoy the evening, I feel bad. If I'd imagine all my players giving me this "vibe" (basically by shooting WoW-DVDs or hitting me with notebooks ;) ), I don't really know what I would do. Probably stopping as soon as possible is the best solution - as you did.


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CleverNickName said:
Nobody was all that impressed with the wizard; the ranger was clearly the star of the show.

Hasn't it been confirmed that the Ranger stats from the Pregens were incorrect in relation to Careful Shot?

Colmarr said:
Hasn't it been confirmed that the Ranger stats from the Pregens were incorrect in relation to Careful Shot?
Yes. It only does 1d10. We did have a corrected version of the power on the Wizards site for a bit, but it seems to have been lost....

Falling Icicle

small pumpkin man said:
Yes. It only does 1d10. We did have a corrected version of the power on the Wizards site for a bit, but it seems to have been lost....

For the record, I think that nerf was unjustified. Careful shot was already balanced with Eldritch Blast because it targets AC rather than reflex, which often is more than 4 points higher. Taking the bonus dex damage off of it is simply absurd, and a violation of the idea that powers should be preferable to basic attacks.


Cirex said:
I can't think of many things being "bloodied" in WoW, maybe some boss encounters Enrage or a bonus to a rogue talent that was pulled off (20% extra damage against enemies with less than ~30%HP).
The warrior's execute and paladin's hammer of wrath come to mind. Both work only against targets with less than 20% health remaining


I strongly get the impression they had come to your house that day to play Diablo 2. This is not a bad thing (D2 = one of greatest games ever made), but it looks like they were basically trying to extricate themselves from the D&D as quickly as possible.

Final Attack

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I've run 2 games with anti-4th players and players who have very short attention spans. Both times they had a blast. Best way for me to get them into it was to ROLEPLAY for a while. Get them relaxed and just 'feel' their characters. Get them to care about who they are playing. Then I hit them with the fighting.

If they aren't keen and just want to pick at the rules, I'm guessing they just aren't in the mood. And its no use forcing it.

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