D&D General My GM has changed the setting, now its set in Narnia but use's the DAD rules and all 5 Pcs are The 4th child of A Noble that support Caspian

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So your response is to go on a forum and shame the DM? That is not a great look.

If your DM wants to run a game that does not appeal to you, the proper thing to do is to talk to them respectfully about it. There are a lot of DMs that would rescind their invitation to you to join the game if you spoke like this about them. I don't know if your friend is one of them - but if you were a player at my table, I'd be sitting you down for a private chat and letting you know that this was not an ok way to treat me.

This sounds like a DM using their empowerment to form the game to fit their own vision. Why am I getting the impression that some posters here object to it?


This sounds like a DM using their empowerment to form the game to fit their own vision. Why am I getting the impression that some posters here object to it?
Separate the problems.

On one side, a DM is forcing something on their players. Not good, and that is something that should be discussed with the DM in private. However, there is nothing wrong with a DM coming to a group with their vision for a game and seeing how people react to it. In the original post, the player says the DM's "idea", but then goes into odd levels of detail ... so I'm unsure of how much gameplay is in place at this point and how much is backstory - although a lot of it is discussed in terms of plans the DM has.

On the other side, a player in a group went on a public forum and derided, insulted and belittled the DM. That is ridiculously poor behavior from a player in a group.

To me, this looks like a DM having an idea they like for a campaign, the DM sharing it with one or more players, and then the player going on a forum to mock the DM for their interest (while simultaneously demonstrating a lot of knowledge about the underlying campaign idea ... which seems like it is a reasonable basis for the DM to think the player might share the excitement for the idea).


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
While the basic premise seems fine (narnia-verse, a group of royal heirs oppose the crowning of an evil(?) lord) i think the DM by your description sounds too attached to the events of the movie/their own script, there seems to be alot of events that are preplanned to occur and resolve in a certain way if I’m reading that correctly not accounting for the players potential influence on things


While the basic premise seems fine (narnia-verse, a group of royal heirs oppose the crowning of an evil(?) lord) i think the DM by your description sounds too attached to the events of the movie/their own script, there seems to be alot of events that are preplanned to occur and resolve in a certain way if I’m reading that correctly not accounting for the players potential influence on things
By the time Prince Caspian starts Miraz is already King and The GM decided that Miraz unofficially became King shortly before Caspian turned 3, he officially became King roughly 1 year after Caspian started his education which was roughly 1 year before Cornileus became his teacher and The GM's ruled that at the time The Film starts Caspians roughly 14 years, 7 months old, by Narnian time the fight for Caspians Throne lasts 4 months and that Aslan decided that it would be amusing to delay Caspians coronation by half a month, that way Aslans birthday present to Caspian would be him crowning Caspian

I will mention that The GM has decided that if possible, but its very likely that it won't be possible, he won't stray any further from the plot of Prince Caspian then he already has, which means that other then the attack on Miraz Castle The 5 Pcs won't be involved in any fight from the books or the films other then the final fight

This is also why he made The 5 Pcs Nobles that aren't in line for their fathers titles, the idea is that they will travel across as much of Narnia as possible and by revealing who they and their parents and, hopefully, convincing people that Caspians the rightful king they will be able to convince enough Narnian Nobles that are staying Neutral to side with Caspian then they hear of the fight and ride to Aslans How, hoping to arrive in time to turn the tides, hopefully with the numbers needed to turn the tide

Will it work?, who knows, I don't know for definite but I know The GM well enough to know that either he will have something planned or he's already got something planned that will ensure that even if they don't arrive in time to turn the tides and/or with the numbers needed to turn the tide that something will happen that ensures Caspians Victory but whatever happens that turns the tide won't be what does it in the film and book

PS in case your wondering The GM likes very strong alcohol and even though I only joined the group on the last day of April this year I've known him for almost 13 years and whenever possible I use that to get very petty revenge. See below for why

For example this time I've taken advantage of that to gain information I need to give me and the other players a huge advantage, unfair you say?, technically yes, but I had the misfortune to go to school with 2 very good friends of his, his sister, who later married 1 of the 2 very good friends, and his female cousin, who married his other very good friend and I knew them for 5 years

Because of how nasty they were to me for those 5 years I get a vindictive pleasure out of using his love of very strong alcohol to get lots of acts of petty revenge, which is the real reason why I keep deriding, insulting and belittling the guy, not nice you say?, again technically true but after what I suffered at the hands of his 2 very good friends, sister and female cousin I truly believe that I'm showing almost super human levels of both restraint and mercy


PS in case your wondering The GM likes very strong alcohol and even though I only joined the group on the last day of April this year I've known him for almost 13 years and whenever possible I use that to get very petty revenge. See below for why

For example this time I've taken advantage of that to gain information I need to give me and the other players a huge advantage, unfair you say?, technically yes, but I had the misfortune to go to school with 2 very good friends of his, his sister, who later married 1 of the 2 very good friends, and his female cousin, who married his other very good friend and I knew them for 5 years

Because of how nasty they were to me for those 5 years I get a vindictive pleasure out of using his love of very strong alcohol to get lots of acts of petty revenge, which is the real reason why I keep deriding, insulting and belittling the guy, not nice you say?, again technically true but after what I suffered at the hands of his 2 very good friends, sister and female cousin I truly believe that I'm showing almost super human levels of both restraint and mercy
I'm sure a lot of people on the site are thinking that you should get new friends/ frenemies.

For the DnD aspect though, you should make a minotaur noble PC and keep trying to go in the opposite direction the DM is forcing you. You can make more petty comments about lack of choice and the destiny of going the right path and such. The DM may clue into that fact he is forcing you to go only his way.


For example this time I've taken advantage of that to gain information I need to give me and the other players a huge advantage, unfair you say?, technically yes, but I had the misfortune to go to school with 2 very good friends of his, his sister, who later married 1 of the 2 very good friends, and his female cousin, who married his other very good friend and I knew them for 5 years

Because of how nasty they were to me for those 5 years I get a vindictive pleasure out of using his love of very strong alcohol to get lots of acts of petty revenge, which is the real reason why I keep deriding, insulting and belittling the guy, not nice you say?, again technically true but after what I suffered at the hands of his 2 very good friends, sister and female cousin I truly believe that I'm showing almost super human levels of both restraint and mercy
Yeah, not cool. There's venting, and then this sort of petty behavior.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Because of how nasty they were to me for those 5 years I get a vindictive pleasure out of using his love of very strong alcohol to get lots of acts of petty revenge, which is the real reason why I keep deriding, insulting and belittling the guy, not nice you say?, again technically true but after what I suffered at the hands of his 2 very good friends, sister and female cousin I truly believe that I'm showing almost super human levels of both restraint and mercy

Mod Note:
Depending what you mean by this, you may have gone beyond petty behavior, into physically endangering someone at the table for things other people did. That's not okay, and this site will not support discussion as if it were okay and justified.

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