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Myrgle, Adept of Yeenoghu (Gnoll NPC adept throughout his life and beyond)


Sinistar said:
This is incredibly cool!
Please continue the thread if you can! I really like seeing the BOVD material described in use, I have not incorporated anything from it yet, but this looks really well done.

Don't worry, I am no quitter. You will get the complete story of Myrgle in all its "vile" glory.:)


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Myrgle, Gnoll Shaman
Adept L4; med humanoid; AL NE; CR 4; age 33 (old age)
HD 2d8+4d6; hp 21;
Init -1; Spd 30 ft; AC 19 (+2 natural, +5 chain shirt, +2 shield);
BAB +3; Atk +4 melee or +3 ranged;
SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +8;
Str 13, Dex 11, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 10

Skills (21 points): Concentration +6 (7), Intimidate +1 (5), Knowledge (religion) +9 (11), Listen +1 (7), Spot +1 (7), Wilderness Lore +2 (5)
Feats: Thrall to Demon (Yeenoghu), Willing Deformity, Deformity (gaunt)*
Languages: abyssal, common, gnoll

Armor: Chain Shirt +1, +4 speed 30ft, 25 lbs.
Large Wooden Shield, +2, 10 lbs
Weapons: Light Flail +1: Atk +5 melee, Dmg 1d8+2, crit x2
Sling: Atk +3 ranged, Dmg 1d4+1, crit x2, range 50ft
Other Gear: potion of cure light wounds (2), amulet of natural armor +1, pearl of power (1st level spells), scroll of death knell, cloak of resistance +1

Spells: 3/3/1 (Save DC = 13 + spell level)
Commonly Prepared Spells
0 – cure minor wounds, detect magic, slash tongue
1st – seething eye bite, cure light wounds (1d8+4), sleep
2nd – fangs of the vampire king

Yeenoghu has finally answered Myrgle’s prayers, imparting a blasphemous secret that will allow the aging gnoll to serve his master for all eternity. This vile blessing was bestowed after a great prize was offered up to Yeenoghu, a wood elf paladin. The holy warrior Feldemeril Grayoak led a group of clerics and faithful warriors into the deep forest to destroy the corrupting evil of Yeenoghu’s temple. The noble paladin was ill prepared for the sheer magnitude of dark power he would face within the desecrated ruins. The malignant energies that protect Myrgle’s domain crushed the spirits of the invading elves, while Myrgle and his gnolls were bolstered by the same dread power. Feldemeril’s clerics and warriors were slaughtered and the paladin himself was taken captive and presented to Myrgle, a great prize to be offered up to Yeenoghu. Myrgle tortured the paladin for seven days, healing the elf’s wounds after each grueling session. On the third day Feldemeril’s spirit broke and he pleaded for death but Myrgle’s profane ritualistic torture continued. Feldemeril died a shattered husk of an elf, screaming incoherent gibberish even as the sacrificial knife pierced his flesh and removed his heart.

Pleased with his servant, Yeenoghu granted Myrgle’s greatest wish and imparted to the aging adept the knowledge of an ancient ritual that would bring Myrgle across the threshold of undeath. Incredibly complex, the profane ritual will take Myrgle years to complete, but he has set to work undaunted, beginning to gather and construct the things he will need to make his first steps into immortality.

Myrgle has gained another physical “blessing” from his patron, his flesh has shriveled and drawn tight to his skeleton causing his ribs, hips bones, and shoulder blades to protrude from his body at odd grotesque angels. Because of his resemblance to a walking corpse, Myrgle’s tribe has begun to call him “Hruusheg Vak”, which means “deathless one” in the gnoll tongue.

Myrgle has gained two more magical items from his victims, a cloak of resistance from the paladin Feldemeril and a magical chain shirt from one of the warriors that accompanied the doomed elf.

*The “Deformity (gaunt)” feat makes the recipient look like a living skeleton, with shriveled flesh and sunken features. It grants a +2 to Dex and imposes a –2 penalty to Con, in addition it grants a +2 bonus to intimidate and a +2 bonus to escape artist check.
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Myrgle, Gnoll Shaman
Adept L5; med humanoid; AL NE; CR 5; age 40 (venerable, -3 Str, Dex, Con; +1 Int, Wis, Cha)
HD 2d8+5d6-7; hp 20;
Init -1; Spd 30 ft; AC 13 (-1 Dex, +2 natural, +2 leather armor);
BAB +3; Atk +3 melee or +2 ranged;
SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +9;
Str 10, Dex 08, Con 08, Int 15, Wis 18 (20), Cha 11

Skills (25 points): Concentration +6 (5), Intimidate +2 (8), Knowledge (religion) +10 (12), Listen +1 (9), Spot +1 (9), Wilderness Lore +3 (8)
Feats: Thrall to Demon (Yeenoghu), Willing Deformity, Deformity (gaunt)
Languages: abyssal, common, gnoll

Armor: Leather Armor, +2 speed 30ft, 15 lbs.
Weapons: Light Flail +1: Atk +4 melee, Dmg 1d8+1, crit x2
Sling: Atk +2 ranged, Dmg 1d4, crit x2, range 50ft
Other Gear: potion of cure light wounds (2), amulet of natural armor +1, pearl of power (1st level spells), scroll of death knell, cloak of resistance +1, symbol of Yeenoghu (magical holy symbol, grants +2 to Wis, +2 to intimidate checks, and allows the wielder to summon 1d8 dretches 1/week)

Spells: 3/4/2 (Save DC = 15 + spell level)
Commonly Prepared Spells
0 – cure minor wounds, detect magic, slash tongue
1st – seething eye bite, cure light wounds (1d8+5), sleep, burning hands
2nd – fangs of the vampire king, web

Not normally known for industriousness the gnolls of the Red Claw tribe have nonetheless spent the last year in furious activity. The profane ritual, learned from Yeenoghu, which will transform Myrgle into the immortal creature he yearns to be is known as the “The Rite of the Breathless Dawn”. The ritual is long and complex and requires the special construction of a horrible device designed to catch and augment the blood of one hundred tainted souls. The construction of this device will take years and Myrgle drives his people at a frenzied pace to finish as quickly as possible.

Myrgle continues to explore and reclaim the vast demonic temple his tribe now calls home and has found a large altar room where he plans to perform “The Rite of the Breathless Dawn”. If he is successful he will become an undead creature and truly be a terrible force of evil in his part of the world. The ritual requires the use of an ancient and terrible language known simply as the dark speech, Myrgle has been struggling to learn this blasphemous tongue but has had little success; his mind simply cannot fathom the monumentally complex alien syllables. He spends most of his time in brooding contemplation hoping to divine the secrets of the dark speech and perform the ritual before his aging body finally fails him.

Truly ancient by gnoll standards Myrgle spends his days in constant misery. His body is a tapestry of suffering; twisted and vile his pallid skeletal form barely resembles a gnoll at all. He is still surprisingly strong and mobile but is prone to fatigue and weariness especially after long rituals and sacrifices, but he refuses to allow any in his tribe to assist him lest they too learn the secret ways of Yeenoghu and threaten his power. As he channels more and more of Yeenoghu’s corrupt energy his own mortal essence is in turn transferred to the demon prince and his body is becoming little more than a burnt out husk.

Myrgle has gained one more magic item, a holy symbol of his demon patron, an object his values over all else. He found the icon after dreaming of its hidden location in an unused corner of the temple. The holy symbol is wrought of cold iron and is shaped like a miniature three-headed flail after Yeenoghu’s own weapon. Myrgle wears the evil charm at all times around his neck on a simple leather thong.
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Myrgle, Gnoll Shaman
Adept L6; med humanoid; AL NE; CR 6; age 49 (venerable)
HD 2d8+6d6-7; hp 24;
Init -1; Spd 30 ft; AC 13 (-1 Dex, +2 natural, +2 leather armor);
BAB +4; Atk +4 melee or +3 ranged;
SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +10;
Str 10, Dex 08, Con 08, Int 16, Wis 18 (20), Cha 11
(8th level stat bump, +1 to Int)

Skills (30 points): Concentration +7 (6), Intimidate +3 (9), Knowledge (religion) +11 (14), Listen +1 (9), Spot +1 (9), Wilderness Lore +4 (9)
Feats: Thrall to Demon (Yeenoghu), Willing Deformity, Deformity (gaunt)
Languages: abyssal, common, gnoll

Armor: Leather Armor, +2 speed 30ft, 15 lbs.
Weapons: Light Flail +1: Atk +5 melee, Dmg 1d8+1, crit x2
Sling: Atk +3 ranged, Dmg 1d4, crit x2, range 50ft
Other Gear: potion of cure light wounds (2), amulet of natural armor +1, pearl of power (1st level spells), scroll of death knell, cloak of resistance +1, symbol of Yeenoghu (magical holy symbol, grants +2 to Wis, +2 to intimidate checks, and allows the wielder to summon 1d8 dretches 1/week), wand of animate dead

Spells: 3/4/2 (Save DC = 15 + spell level)
Commonly Prepared Spells
0 – cure minor wounds, detect magic, slash tongue
1st – seething eye bite, cure light wounds (1d8+5), sleep, burning hands
2nd – fangs of the vampire king, web

It has been nine long years and Myrgle is no closer to performing the Rite of the Breathless Dawn. The dark speech that the ritual requires is still beyond his comprehension and he struggles mightily each day to unlock its mystery. The only progress Myrgle has made in his quest for immortality is the completion of the terrible device that will transfer the stolen power of a hundred damned souls and transform him into an undead monstrosity. To accomplish this task the Red Claw tribe was aided by a number of commissioned Duergar stonemasons. The gray dwarves constructed one hundred stone tables surrounding a sunken pit lined with obsidian. The tables are designed to hold one humanoid immobile and each is connected to a sluice meant to empty the blood of a sacrificial victim into the stone pit. Once the stone pit is filled with blood Myrgle will immerse himself in the tainted fluid and utter the blasphemous words of the Rite of the Breathless dawn, if the rite is performed correctly Myrgle will be granted his wish.

Foreseeing the day he will need one hundred tainted souls, Myrgle has begun to collect victims for the Rite of the Breathless Dawn. He has found a near endless supply of damned souls in the form of other gnoll tribes that inhabit the High Forest. Many of these other tribes worship Malar and therefore are even more suitable for sacrifice. The Red Claw tribe, bolstered by the unholy power of Yeenoghu, has destroyed or subjugated seven small gnoll tribes allowing Myrgle to begin collecting the sacrificial victims he needs.

Knowing that it would be next to impossible to control one hundred gnolls bound for the sacrificial altar Myrgle has devised a truly horrible way of pacifying his intended sacrifices. The chosen victims first have their eyes removed, blinding them, and then their arms and legs are amputated to render them completely helpless. Through the quick application of healing spells, most of the horribly mutilated gnolls survive the process and are placed in special holding pens were they are kept alive until they are needed. Myrgle has managed to “harvest” 20 of these pathetic creatures so far and often sends the Red Claw warriors on special raiding parties to gather more.

Recently Myrgle has had to assert his control with more force than he is accustomed to. The obvious deterioration of his body had led some in his tribe to believe that he was weak and vulnerable, but the tortured howls from the holding pens where two would be usurpers writhe in quadriplegic agony have convinced the rest of the tribe that Myrgle is destined to rule.

Six gnoll zombies now serve Myrgle due to the magical wand he recovered off of a gnoll shaman of Malar he slew with his own hands.


First Post
Very cool! However, at level 6, shouldn't he have an additional feat?

Rather enjoying this so far. I might have to borrow this idea. ;)


Kesh said:
Very cool! However, at level 6, shouldn't he have an additional feat?

Rather enjoying this so far. I might have to borrow this idea. ;)

Yeah, that's a bit confusing. His feat progression is a little skewed because of his ECL of 2. He has 2 hit dice or levels of gnoll before he gains any adept levels. According to the monster manual FAQ, those additional hit dice count when figuring feats. So, Myrgle gains his first feat for his first hit die of gnoll, he gains his next feat when he takes a level of Adept, giving him three hit dice or levels. He gains another feat as a 4th level adept (6 hit dice) and another feat at 7th level adept (9 hitdice).

His stat bumps work the same way. 1st stat bump as a 2nd level adept (4 hit dice) and the second at 6th level adept (8 hit dice).

Hope that helps.

Oh, and thanks for the praise, it is much appreciated.:)



MavrickWeirdo said:
I'm guessing the feat he gets at 7th level allows him to speak the difficult language needed for the ceremony.

Yep. You guessed it. His next feat will be "Dark Speech". I am going to have to fudge a bit there because it requires a Int and Cha of 15. I thought it was Int and Wis 15. Oh well, it works with the story and that's the most important part.



Myrgle, Gnoll Shaman
Adept L7; med humanoid; AL NE; CR 6; age 59 (venerable)
HD 2d8+7d6-9; hp 28;
Init -1; Spd 30 ft; AC 13 (-1 Dex, +2 natural, +2 leather armor);
BAB +4; Atk +4 melee or +3 ranged;
SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +10;
Str 10, Dex 08, Con 08, Int 16, Wis 18 (20), Cha 11

Skills (35 points): Concentration +9 (8), Intimidate +4 (10), Knowledge (religion) +12 (15), Listen +1 (9), Spot +1 (9), Wilderness Lore +4 (9)
Feats: Thrall to Demon (Yeenoghu), Willing Deformity, Deformity (gaunt), Dark Speech
Languages: abyssal, common, gnoll

Armor: Leather Armor, +2 speed 30ft, 15 lbs.
Weapons: Light Flail +1: Atk +5 melee, Dmg 1d8+1, crit x2
Sling: Atk +3 ranged, Dmg 1d4, crit x2, range 50ft
Other Gear: potion of cure light wounds (2), amulet of natural armor +1, pearl of power (1st level spells), scroll of death knell, cloak of resistance +1, symbol of Yeenoghu (magical holy symbol, grants +2 to Wis, +2 to intimidate checks, and allows the wielder to summon 1d8 dretches 1/week), wand of animate dead

Spells: 3/4/2 (Save DC = 15 + spell level)
Commonly Prepared Spells
0 – cure minor wounds, detect magic, slash tongue
1st – seething eye bite, cure light wounds (1d8+5), sleep, burning hands
2nd – fangs of the vampire king, web, invisibility

Clinging to life by the barest threads, Myrgle has finally unlocked to terrible secrets of the dark speech and is finally ready to enact the Rite of the Breathless Dawn. His holding pens are full of horribly mutilated gnolls awaiting the sacrificial slab, most of these pathetic creatures have been culled from Myrgle's own tribe and the once mighty Red Claws teeter on the brink of extinction.

Over the past 10 years Myrgle and his tribe have decimated almost every other gnoll tribe in the area with most of these unfortunate gnolls ending up in Myrgle's holding pens. The ancient adept has at many times had the one hundred tainted souls he needed to perform the Rite of the Breathless Dawn but has been unable for the past decade to unravel the mystery of the dark speech he needs to perform the ritual. Because of the inordinate amount of time it has taken Myrgle to become fully prepared, many of the gnolls that were held for sacrifice died due to malnutrition or simply the horrid shock of being blinded and having their arms and legs amputated. Myrgle was quickly running out of suitable sacrifices as the captured gnolls died one after another, and so he turned to his own tribe. Eighty of the original 112 gnolls that made up the Red Claws suffered Myrgle's perverse butchery and ended up in the holding pens. Now all that remains of the red Claw tribe are Myrgle’s chosen bodyguards and a few devoted sycophants. Myrgle now waits only for the first moonless night to perform his blasphemous ritual and gain the power he had dreamed of all his long life.


Myrgle, Gnoll Vampire
Adept L10; med humanoid; AL CE; CR 12; age 73 (venerable)
HD 12d12; hp 97 hp;
Init +5; Spd 30 ft; AC 24 (+1 Dex, +7 natural, +6 chain shirt);
BAB +6; Atk +9 melee or +7 ranged;
SV Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +15;
Str 16, Dex 12, Con --, Int 18, Wis 20 (22), Cha 16
(12th level stat bump, +1 to Cha)

Skills (53 points): Bluff +11*, Concentration +11, Hide +9*, Intimidate +4 (14), Knowledge (religion) +14 (18), Listen +1* (20), Move Silently +9*, Search +12*, Sense Motive +14*, Spot +1* (20), Spellcraft +8 (12) Wilderness Lore +10 (16)
Feats: Alertness*, Combat Reflexes*, Dodge*, Improved Initiative*, Lightning Reflexes*, Thrall to Demon (Yeenoghu), Willing Deformity, Deformity (gaunt), Dark Speech, Violate Spell
Languages: abyssal, common, gnoll

*gained from vampire template

Chain Shirt +2, +6, speed 30ft, 25 lbs.
Vile Heavy Flail +1: Atk +10/+5 melee, Dmg 1d10+5 plus 1 vile, crit 19-20/x2
Sling: Atk +7/+2 ranged, Dmg 1d4+3, crit x2, range 50ft
Slam: Atk +9 melee, Dmg 1d6+4 plus energy drain, crit x2
Other Gear:
pearl of power (1st level spells), scroll of death knell, cloak of resistance +2, symbol of Yeenoghu (magical holy symbol, grants +2 to Wis, +2 to intimidate checks, and allows the wielder to summon 1d8 dretches 1/week), wand of animate dead

Spells: 3/5/4/2 (Save DC = 16 + spell level)
Commonly Prepared Spells
0 – cure minor wounds, detect magic, slash tongue
1st – seething eye bite, inflict light wounds (1d8+5), sleep, burning hands, protection from good
2nd – fangs of the vampire king, web, invisibility, burning hands (violated)
3rd – lightning bolt, serpent arms of Theggeron

Special Attacks: The saving throw, where applicable, is DC 19, which is 10 plus half of Myrgle’s 12 hit dice plus his Charisma modifier of +3.

Domination (Su): Myrgle can crush an opponent’s will simply by looking into his or her eyes. This is similar to a gaze attack but requires Myrgle to take a standard action, those merely looking at Myrgle are not affected. Anyone targeted by Myrgle must succeed at a Will saving throw are fall instantly under his influence as though by a dominate person spell cast at 12th level. This ability has a range of 30 ft.
Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit my Myrgle’s slam attack suffer 2 negative levels.
Blood Drain (Su): Myrgle can suck the blood from a living victim with his fangs by making a successful grapple check. If he pins his foe, he drains blood, inflicting 1d4 points of permanent constitution damage each round the pin is maintained.

Special Qualities:

Alternate Form (Su): Myrgle can assume the shape of a bat, dire bat, hyena, or dire hyena as a standard action. This ability is similar to a polymorph self spell cast by a 12th level sorcerer, except that Myrgle can assume only one of the forms listed above. Myrgle can remain in this from until he assumes another or until the next sunrise.
Children of the Night (Su): Myrgle can summon a pack of 4d8 dire rats, 10d10 bats, or 3d6 hyenas as a standard action. These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and serve Myrgle for 1 hour.
Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid or monstrous humanoid slain by Myrgle’s energy drain rises as a vampire spawn 1d4 days after burial.
Damage Reduction (Ex): Myrgle’s tough undead body grants him damage reduction 15/+1
Fast Healing (Ex): Myrgle heals 5 points of damage per round so long as he has at least 1 hit point.
Gaseous form (Su): Myrgle can assume gaseous form at will , as the spell cast by a 5th level sorcerer.
Resistance (Ex): Myrgle has cold and electricity resistance 20.
Spider Climb (Ex): Myrgle can climb sheer surfaces as though with a spider climb spell.
Turn Resistance (Ex): Myrgle has +4 turn resistance.

It has been 14 years since Myrgle stood immersed in the blood of one hundred of his own people and uttered the terrible words of the Rite of the Breathless Dawn. As the ritual ended and the blood flowed up his body and poured into his mouth he uttered one final choked shriek as a mortal creature that quickly turned into a terrifying howl of triumph. Myrgle stepped from the pit an unholy creature of darkness, a ravening beast hungry for the blood of the living; he had become one of the most infamous creatures of legend, a vampire. His wish granted, Myrgle knew that his sole purpose was to expand the influence of Yeenoghu and to spread misery and destruction wherever he went, a task he was eager to begin.

Myrgle’s first action as a fledgling vampire was to exert his will over the remaining members of the Red Claw tribe. He accomplished this by dominating and draining the blood of each one, most submitted to this willingly and the few that resisted were simply torn to shreds. Myrgle then buried the gnolls he had drained and in three days 15 vampire spawn clawed their way from the earth ready to serve their master. The Red Claw tribe had been reborn in darkness.

Since becoming a vampire, Myrgle has spent his time quietly increasing his power and keeping a low profile so as not to attract the attention of powerful forces of good. The surrounding elven communities in the high forest know that there is a great evil growing in their forest and have occasionally hired bands of adventurers to deal with the menace. Myrgle looks on these intrusions as welcome distractions from his rituals and meditations, and will usually take days slowly torturing and draining captured adventurers before letting his spawn tear the unfortunate soul to pieces. The tribe subsists mostly on the blood of animals but does snatch the occasional hunter or elven ranger that wanders to close to their domain. Many of Myrgle’s spawn wish to raid the elven villages that dot the forest for more regular sustenance but Myrgle has forbidden it. He does not wish to draw to much attention to his small band until he has amassed enough power to deal with a determined threat.

Myrgle has continued to expand his knowledge of the dark arts having learned numerous evil spells from his demon patron and much to his delight has found that channeling the foul energy of Yeenoghu no longer harms his tough undead body. Myrgle has also completely restored the grand temple of demons and he and his spawn perform many perverse rituals and sacrifices to honor the unholy site and its dark master.

The transition to undeath has done little to improve Myrgle’s horrifying appearance, but has provoked some profound physical changes. Myrgle’s fur has grown back, and hangs form his body in limp lusterless strands, where the flesh shows through it is the diseased gray of rotten meat. Myrgle has also developed the vampire’s trademark; his mouth is filled with needlelike fangs with two huge canines that jut from his upper jaw. Hie eyes glow with a baleful green fire and the corrupt aura of power that surrounds him is all but smothering, even to other evil creatures.

Myrgle is growing into a great and terrible evil, his keen mind has only been sharpened by his undead status and he has many grand ambitions. His first task will be to rid his part of the High Forest of the wood elves he and his demon patron hate so much. He also dreams of a vast army of undead bursting from the forest and crushing the cities of the sword coast in a tidal wave of mayhem and fury. Whether his grand designs are possible remains to be seen, but there is little doubt that much misery and death will be heaped upon the name of Myrgle Red Claw.

Voidrunner's Codex

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