D&D 5E [GUIDE] The Sorlock – Guide to the tormented divine soul with Xanathar's Divine Soul(17)+Hexblade(3) [Updated 12/20/21]


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I guess I'm not finding anywhere that states exactly that, I find the Tweet by Jeremy Crawford that confirms that the only thing that really changes is that there is no limit restriction on it, everything else is still the same as a Find Familiar spell. Was that a recent ruling that states that? So with that, would one be able to cast Darkness, have their Imp perched on their shoulder and be able to cast Eldritch Blast with no disadvantage?

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I guess I'm not finding anywhere that states exactly that, I find the Tweet by Jeremy Crawford that confirms that the only thing that really changes is that there is no limit restriction on it, everything else is still the same as a Find Familiar spell. Was that a recent ruling that states that? So with that, would one be able to cast Darkness, have their Imp perched on their shoulder and be able to cast Eldritch Blast with no disadvantage?

Well, I guess my reading differs from Jeremy Crawford's circa 2016 in this case. I don't have a more recent ruling to support my interpretation, but I do think mine is RAW, even if using an action, etc. is RAI, since the invocation just says, "You can ... as long as you are on the same plane of existence," with no reference to the ability granted by the spell. The tweet in question perhaps notably never made it into a Sage Advice Compendium, so do with that what you will.


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Well, I guess my reading differs from Jeremy Crawford's circa 2016 in this case. I don't have a more recent ruling to support my interpretation, but I do think mine is RAW, even if using an action, etc. is RAI, since the invocation just says, "You can ... as long as you are on the same plane of existence," with no reference to the ability granted by the spell. The tweet in question perhaps notably never made it into a Sage Advice Compendium, so do with that what you will.

This is the Tweet in question I'm referring to:

Which is on Sage Advice, the way it reads it seems like it enhances the Find Familiar, but he says it "...otherwise works as written..." which I take as you get the enhance of not being limited by the 100' distance, but it still takes an action to initiate and you're still blind/deaf when doing so, which makes sense, how would being able to see/hear in two different locations at the same time work? I know it's D&D but still...

But ultimately, as RAW, it's not very specific and has caused much discussion and probably will since we probably won't have a definitive resolution to this topic.


This is the Tweet in question I'm referring to:

Which is on Sage Advice, the way it reads it seems like it enhances the Find Familiar, but he says it "...otherwise works as written..." which I take as you get the enhance of not being limited by the 100' distance, but it still takes an action to initiate and you're still blind/deaf when doing so

That's not a published ruling though, just a site with a twitter-crawler. No more official than any other tweet. Contrast that with the Sage Advice Compendium, which is a published document: https://media.wizards.com/2019/dnd/downloads/SA-Compendium.pdf

how would being able to see/hear in two different locations at the same time work? I know it's D&D but still...

I have a hard time imagining what it'd be like to be a horse and see nearly 360 degrees around me, but they do. And bats have echolocation. Also warlocks are magic. Maybe their consciousness is like a split screen?

But ultimately, as RAW, it's not very specific and has caused much discussion and probably will since we probably won't have a definitive resolution to this topic.

Yeah, I'm usually one to err on the side of what JC says the intent is. And I take it that his tweet is an expression of the intent. And I expect the reason there's been so much discussion is that the text and the stated intent are so far apart in this case.


Jeremy is quite a bit more explicit in these posts:

So although ambiguously formulated in the PHB, it's not supposed to work like OP describes. (although you could instead take the devil's sight invocation and end up with a similar result).

I'd say pact of the tome (+ancient secrets) and pact of the chain are both useful (like the blue color level):
  • pact of the tome gives you more utility but you depend on your DM for getting more spells and you miss out on devils sight for darkness combo (which is a bit overrated imho, it sucks for your team mates and you lose hex or other concentration bufs)
  • pact of the chain gives you fancy familiar and you have an invocation left for devils sight of something else...
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I've been thinking it over a bit more and I think the OP misses a fairly important point in the dicscussion Warlock 2 vs Warlock 3. You are not only trading the features listed but additionally a delay in sorcerer progression of course. Meaning that all the higher level spells will be delayed (say a few weeks of play time) in exchange for... a few 1st level spells and/or a familiar... not sure if that's worth it

PS in the comparison vs CBX+SS I think it makes more sense to take CBX early on as it triples your dmg output (given enough ammo). Also without CBX you cant do 2d6 of damage since the loading feature allows you to only shoot once per action (or reaction or bonus action) and you need 2 hands for loading. Anyway if you take CBX first this is a non-issue.



Hello all,
So my fellow campaign member just linked me to this discussion:

and it seems they errata'd Twinned Spell. Can we still Twin eldritch blast or not?


As long as i get to be the frog
Hello all,
So my fellow campaign member just linked me to this discussion:

and it seems they errata'd Twinned Spell. Can we still Twin eldritch blast or not?

I've never read it as generally able to be twinned. So I'm not sure I would say that has anything to do with errata. But you are correct that as soon as you get to level 5 and 2 attacks with it that you can no longer twin it. Quickening it is still a thing though.

How about the new Psionic Soul from the unearthed arcana? The cleric spell list from divine soul doesn't fix the low number of spells known, and the UA psionic sorc seems to be a really good step in the right direction. With EB, fireball and the several usual suspects accounting for your damage, "subtle spell" for "free", and a flexible list of spells you'd rarely pick anyway always "on tap", it seems that a psionic hexblade can be a really good supporting caster.


First Post
So after a full year of playing, my group finished waterdeep dragon heist and I won the roll for the rare item at the end. I got the staff of swarming insects but modified to have 6 charges and no giant insect spell. I was fine with it since the main use would be insect cloud. Well I used it for the first time and basically got told immediately afterwards that hes nerfing it again to require concentration. I'm kind of bummed out, do you guys have any compromises or suggestions for me to challenge with? I understand that its a really strong combo but I'm sitting with 43hp at lvl 7 due to poor hit point rolls and am partied with a GWM fighter (with rare weapon), and another using XBE + SS so its not like I am out performing everyone.

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