D&D 5E [GUIDE] The Sorlock – Guide to the tormented divine soul with Xanathar's Divine Soul(17)+Hexblade(3) [Updated 12/20/21]


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Sorry for my ignorance. Could someone break down the math for me on how he is getting +20 normally and +32 at level 7 from quickened eldritch blast?

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Sorry for my ignorance. Could someone break down the math for me on how he is getting +20 normally and +32 at level 7 from quickened eldritch blast?

I can't figure that one out either -- my best guess is it's assuming 20 CHA, but that's not possible at level 7 unless you have a nonstandard starting stat array.


in Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica there is magic item "Illusionist's Bracers" when you cast cantrip, as bonus action you can cast it again. Free quicken EB every round! only minus it requires attunement.


Hexblade's curse
You gain a bonus to damage rolls against the cursed target. The bonus equals your proficiency bonus.

EB+CHA+Proficiency Bonus on lvl7 [5+3]*4=32


Hexblade's curse
You gain a bonus to damage rolls against the cursed target. The bonus equals your proficiency bonus.

EB+CHA+Proficiency Bonus on lvl7 [5+3]*4=32

Right, that's not the part I don't get. How are you getting a +5 CHA mod by level 7?


This is primarily to stop coffeelock abuse. As they don't have to sleep during a long rest they could take short rests and get 16 additional first level spells for example. With only 3 levels in warlock.
I'm pretty sure You cant use Aspect of the Moon for this. This Invocation says You needn't sleep, but nothing about needn't have 8-hour rest for gaining "long lest" - same as elven Trance. If you take 8 short rests, you don't benefit from "long rest"


In the section "Sample Build Paths", there are absolutely no reason to pick +2 CHA at level 4 before Elven Accuracy.

At level 3, your CHA is 17. That's a +3 modifier. At level 4, if you pick +2 CHA, your only gain is that your CHA becomes 19 and the modifier becomes +4. However if you pick Elven Accuracy, your CHA becomes 18 and the modifier becomes +4 (same as picking +2 CHA), plus you all the advantages of Elven Accuracy. Why would anyone take it at level 10 or 11 when they can get it at level 4?

Therefore the level 4 ASI/Feat pick and the level 11 ASI/Feat pick should be swapped.
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In discussing the difference between Sorc 17/War 2 and Sorc 18/War 3, the difference is 1 5th (not 6th) level sorcerer spell. Since 5th- and lower-level spells can be converted to sorcery points, this would appear to lessen the "4 points on short rest" benefit of War 3. Assuming 2 short rests per day, War 3 provides up to 4 points per short rest or 8 per day. War 2 provides up to 2 per short rest (4 per day) plus another 5 per long rest if the 5th-level slot is cannibalized.

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