D&D 5E [GUIDE] The Sorlock – Guide to the tormented divine soul with Xanathar's Divine Soul(17)+Hexblade(3) [Updated 12/20/21]


As long as i get to be the frog
Just in.

I'm not sure if this was already noted several pages back of the thread but I was advised that recovering warlock spells on short rest doesn't give any benefit other than casting non-warlock spells. What it means is I can't just use warlock spell slots to convert sorcerer spell slots? This is according to Jeremy Crawford and here is the link.


The rule in the PHB says:

Converting a Spell Slot to Sorcery Points. As a bonus action on your turn, you can expend one spell slot and gain a number of sorcery points equal to the slot's level.

There is no requirement that it be a sorcerer spell slot or that it can't come from pact magic.

There is a requirement that:

You can never have more sorcery points than shown on the table for your level.

So I don't care if it was Jermey Crawford or Gary Gygax himself... the rules support being able to transform warlock short rest recovered spell slots into sorcerery points

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First Post
The rule in the PHB says:

There is no requirement that it be a sorcerer spell slot or that it can't come from pact magic.

So I don't care if it was Jermey Crawford or Gary Gygax himself... the rules support being able to transform warlock short rest recovered spell slots into sorcerery points

You raised a good point there, that i am convinced that it's supposed to work and contest this with my DM. Thanks.


First Post
Just in.

I'm not sure if this was already noted several pages back of the thread but I was advised that recovering warlock spells on short rest doesn't give any benefit other than casting non-warlock spells. What it means is I can't just use warlock spell slots to convert sorcerer spell slots? This is according to Jeremy Crawford and here is the link.


This is primarily to stop coffeelock abuse. As they don't have to sleep during a long rest they could take short rests and get 16 additional first level spells for example. With only 3 levels in warlock.


First Post
This is primarily to stop coffeelock abuse. As they don't have to sleep during a long rest they could take short rests and get 16 additional first level spells for example. With only 3 levels in warlock.

Stopping the warlock's "Spell Slots" for regaining those few slot feels wrong just because Sorcerer's "Flexible Casting " can use it. It is, even dub as abuse, is still legal, and no support countered that to happen as both class feature checks only spell slots and not some class specific spell slot. If we can say, for example, that I will be regaining all the spellslots of that level, now that's abuse, but nothing contradicts that since the build is still a warlock and is entitled of such kind of class feat. Counting replenished spells to a specific numbers of warlock spell slots seems fair enough even though no rules separate spell slot from the others.

Anyway let's talk about some good openers. I am torn between hex, bless and faerie fire. Both are too good to cast. I wonder which one is optimal for a lv 6 4S, 2W Sorlock.
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First Post
The main problem is that cofeelocks can theoretically take 8 short rests during a long rest and convert all those spell slots into sorcery points and into sorcerer slots.
I was saying as long as you don't do this then that rule should not apply to this character


First Post
The main problem is that cofeelocks can theoretically take 8 short rests during a long rest and convert all those spell slots into sorcery points and into sorcerer slots.
I was saying as long as you don't do this then that rule should inot apply to this character

But how would this be helpful, anyways? Upon completing a long rest you would get all your sorcerer and warlock spells back, and your sorcery points. You get the added benefit of sleeping and avoiding exhaustion.


First Post
The main problem is that cofeelocks can theoretically take 8 short rests during a long rest and convert all those spell slots into sorcery points and into sorcerer slots.
I was saying as long as you don't do this then that rule should not apply to this character

Yup, i wasn't. Besides, I'm not taking the Aspect of the Moon yet so clearly it is not yet on that level of abuse. Anyway the work around would be me declaring the spellslot used from Warlock so I can regain at least those that are meant to recover.

Anyway I need again inputs.

I am building a sorlock out of our homebrew where Shadow Magic Sorc archetype was suggested as Dimir and for story purposes not allowed, while the Hexblade from Warlock archetype never appeared to be suggested, hence, being homebrewed not to be included.

Do we have old builds or ideas where we can put together the remaining archetypes left for Sorlock? I wouldn't mind if we add a 3rd class for proficiency. I just want to know how it was done back then even without Xanathar's source. Since I find AC to be golden, that it keeps the concentration unchallenged whenever attacks miss.


Forgive my ignorance if this has been asked before (probably many times); but isn't variant human a good/best choice for race for a Sorlock? If so, what would be the ideal initial feat?

I wouldn't want a Sorlock to be a true melee guy; but in case it happened, I was thinking PAM to use with a quarterstaff to get an "extra attack." Start with DS 1 for Con-save. Hexblade 1 gets Cha-SADness for a decent melee attack (as well as EB). HB 2 gets AB and Armor of Shadows (better than light armor). HB3 gets TomePact and grab Shillelagh. So by lvl 4 I have at-will protection and ranged attack, decent melee, and can use my DS spells for healing, buffing, utility, etc.

Is that worth putting off an ASI for a few?

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