D&D 5E [GUIDE] The Sorlock – Guide to the tormented divine soul with Xanathar's Divine Soul(17)+Hexblade(3) [Updated 12/20/21]

In discussing the difference between Sorc 17/War 2 and Sorc 18/War 3, the difference is 1 5th (not 6th) level sorcerer spell. Since 5th- and lower-level spells can be converted to sorcery points, this would appear to lessen the "4 points on short rest" benefit of War 3. Assuming 2 short rests per day, War 3 provides up to 4 points per short rest or 8 per day. War 2 provides up to 2 per short rest (4 per day) plus another 5 per long rest if the 5th-level slot is cannibalized.

Yeah but you also get the benefit of a very good familiar who can flu and provide the help action to your fighter and is more durable than a typical familiar.

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I was wondering what your thoughts on a arti-lock would be. The artillerist seems to lend itself quite well for a multiclass with the warlock (assuming the cannons count as attack from you which I think they should). With a 2 level dip into the warlock you gain 6d6 extra damage from hex+whatever you get from agonising blast. On top of that you can attune 6 magical items so you will likely be able to get multiple that boost your damage on eldritch blast.

Your basic 2 level dip though gets you 4d10+1d8+6d8+6d6+8 (assuming 14 charisma could easily be 16 if you took half elf) totalling 81.5 damage per round. You also get half cover and should have an armour class of 19 without magical items and shield. So still pretty good AC as well. Also spell storing is an unbelievable feature as you can cast faerie fire 10 times per long rest at 11th level.

Also what about a warforged coffee lock as warforged can't gain exhaustion and therefore never have to long rest and can simply eternally short rest to get hundreds of low level spell slots.


I don't know about the first part, but they removed the warforged ability to go without a long rest. It used to say explicitly that they didn't gain exhaustion from lack of rest, now it simply says they don't need to eat, drink, or sleep but since it gives an ability that replaces sleeping I would assume that you have to do that in order to not get exhausted.


I was wondering what your thoughts on a arti-lock would be. The artillerist seems to lend itself quite well for a multiclass with the warlock (assuming the cannons count as attack from you which I think they should). With a 2 level dip into the warlock you gain 6d6 extra damage from hex+whatever you get from agonising blast. On top of that you can attune 6 magical items so you will likely be able to get multiple that boost your damage on eldritch blast.

Your basic 2 level dip though gets you 4d10+1d8+6d8+6d6+8 (assuming 14 charisma could easily be 16 if you took half elf) totalling 81.5 damage per round. You also get half cover and should have an armour class of 19 without magical items and shield. So still pretty good AC as well. Also spell storing is an unbelievable feature as you can cast faerie fire 10 times per long rest at 11th level.
The Hex spell description pretty clearly says it deals extra damage when you hit with an attack. The eldritch cannon is a separate entity and thus does not count, just like Hunters mark and the beast master ranger's pet.
Its not terrible, but it is very MAD.

Question about the Voice of the chain master.

Does this somehow prevent your physical self not being turned into a vegetable while acting through your familiars senses? Can you cast spells through the familliar or is it you (physically) doing it while looking through its eyes?

What is your opinion on a Halfling version of this class. An imp can carry up to 60 lbs and halfling weigh on average 40lbs the invisibility feature extends to anything the imp is carrying so that essentially means unlimited free invisibility you can use straight after your turn assuming that even you casting the spell breaks the invisibility which it may not.

Obviously if this is a viable strategy it leads to 3 or 4 excellent racial choices for this build with the half-elf (especially drow variant) the Aasimar and the halfling. Although I am certain there is likely another combination just as powerful.


What is your opinion on a Halfling version of this class. An imp can carry up to 60 lbs and halfling weigh on average 40lbs the invisibility feature extends to anything the imp is carrying so that essentially means unlimited free invisibility you can use straight after your turn assuming that even you casting the spell breaks the invisibility which it may not.

Obviously if this is a viable strategy it leads to 3 or 4 excellent racial choices for this build with the half-elf (especially drow variant) the Aasimar and the halfling. Although I am certain there is likely another combination just as powerful.

imp has a STR score of 6. So multiply it by 15, which equals 90. Since it is a tiny creature, its carry capacity is halved, so 45lbs.

I want to point out that according to the description of the extra spell you gain as a divine soul sorcerer, you can replace it with any spell so long as it is a cleric spell.

This effectively gives you an extra spell, since why would you ever play a Divine Soul that doesn't use divine spells.


First Post
Voice of the Chain Master
  • You can communicate telepathically with your familiar.
  • You can use all of your familiars sense while you are on the same plane of existence. Without requiring an action.
  • This means you can always see through its eyes, hear conversations, smell, touch.
  • You can also talk through its mouth.


I've been reading your guide and have fell in love with the idea of building a Sorlock, but ran into a potential problem that I don't think has been addressed...if I am wrong, I apologize and need to learn how to read (or have the patience to read every post, heh)

You state here that while using VotCM that using your familiars sense while on the same plane of existence Without requiring an action. This guide is the ONLY place I've found this to be true, everywhere else, unfortunately, states that it's an action to look through your familiars eyes.

And even then, if you're looking through your familiars eyes, you wouldn't be able to act, would you? Wouldn't you be in a hindered state until you chose to end that action?

So I wouldn't be able to case darkness on an object around/on myself and be shrouded in darkness and then see through my familiar's (Imp in this case, since Devil Sight) eyes to cancel out said Darkness and then cast away. Even if I could cast Darkness, use my next action to see through their eyes, as soon as I dropped that, I'd still be at disadvantage with my attacks since I can't see.

Am I figuring that out correctly? But again, great guide, am definitely using it as I build my Sorlock!!


You state here that while using VotCM that using your familiars sense while on the same plane of existence Without requiring an action. This guide is the ONLY place I've found this to be true, everywhere else, unfortunately, states that it's an action to look through your familiars eyes.

It takes an action to use your familiar's senses per the Find Familiar spell, but if you take Voice of the Chain Master as an invocation, this requirement is lifted (text below). In fact, seeing through your familar's senses not only doesn't require an action, it becomes an "always on" ability (unless you are on different planes), and no longer makes you blind and deaf to your own surroundings. Pretty neat, and, IMO, a little-remarked-on perk that causes Pact of the Chain to be an underrated boon.

You can communicate telepathically with your familiar and perceive through your familiar’s senses as long as you are on the same plane of existence. Additionally, while perceiving through your familiar’s senses, you can also speak through your familiar in your own voice, even if your familiar is normally incapable of speech.

Voidrunner's Codex

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