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D&D 5E Mythic Odysseys of Theros

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My issue with mythic creatures is if the warlock/wizard uses chilltouch that stops the creature from regaining HP
Not likely. The specific mythic trait overrules the more general rule of chill touch. However, I agree the could have made it more clear. Personally, I rule that all conditions end and all abilities recharge when the mythic trait is activated, which I believe is the design intent if not specifically stated


)Supernatural Gifts are okay, but a little thin, I'd have liked a few more options, or more guidance on adding more.
I agree they could have used more, but they do give you option to use a feat as a supernatural gift and provide recommendations. I feel, this gives clear guidance on the design space for supernatural gifts and opens up all the UA and 3PP feats to be used as supernatural gifts


The Cutscene for the second phase of the boss fight triggers before Chilltouch can be cast.
The issue is it could already have been cast, however, I think the intent is the specific trait overrules the more general spell mostly because that is the design intent rather then the RAW


Supernatural Gifts are okay, but a little thin, I'd have liked a few more options, or more guidance on adding more.
Well it does say that a Feat at first level is basically the book's take on handling them as well, but yeah I do agree that it would've been nice if there were more options.


I haven't read a lot but so far I really like it and yes, with the Dragonlords free stuff it can be easily expanded with PC options.

What I like so far is that it isn't a typical campaign setting, it's just enough to get you going and own it for yourself while providing some really great guidelines on how to build a campaign to fit the flavor. I like the critters in the book as well and wish we had gotten some more mythic creatures! I was crafting a homebrew setting that was so similar that we've agreed to use this for the campaign that starts on the 11th and I have houseruled, for the character my wife already made, that she was plucked from another by the Gods since she is a half-orc, to be a champion of whatever deity she decides on in Session 0.

My only complaint is the equipment section is so sparse. I can use the DM's Guild to update that a bit but ya know, how exactly does Full Plate work in a greek setting! ;-)

I am going to say this is probably my favorite 5e book with MToF not far behind. Now I am working on integrating some common monsters like Goblin and Kobolds.


I don’t get it... what page are you looking at?
It's when the next phase of the Mythic Monster boss fight happens when the Mythic Trait kicks in. So like when fighting the Hythonia Mythic Monster in the Theros book(pg 252-253) her Mythic Trait kicks in when her HP is reduced to zero for the first, she then sheds her skin and regains her 199 HP.

The Cutscene is when she's shedding her skin.

Voidrunner's Codex

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