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NeMoren's Vault III: Return to the dungeon!

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Yeah, Vadania--the scene may be urban but I'll bet there's something primal in the sound. You might be surprised.

I'm not sure about the bear, though.

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Krusk puts on his black turtle neck, and his incredibly small sun glasses.

Krusk hip to that scene.
Poet to congo-bongo.
Krusk go, Daddy-o.
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Alhandra said:
I'd like to be able to let down my hair and unwind a bit,

I don't think you have enough hair to let down Ally, perhaps I could loose mine though.

Dim twilight-like surroundings, mistly dank air, sulfurus smoke, pounding primal rhythms, it's very like the raw forces of creation, how can I not be there.


First Post
Bah, it's time to get drunk!

Bah, Regdars off to get drunk and get some whores, Regdar would invite everyone but Regdars afraid Alhandra would take all the whores.


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To a nunnery, perhaps.

Or to a priest to pray for their souls and make a fresh start of a shattered life, maybe.

But more likely I'd take them to the local physician to have their social diseases taken care of, thanks to you, Regdar.

It must be nice to leave a mark on everyone you meet, huh?
I know MY sense of smell will never be the same.... hey, Jozan - you know a good exorcist? ;)

Jozan of Pelor

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Alhandra said:
...Can you, Jozan?!"

Jozan jumps, startled. He appears to have been craning his neck around, trying to see if Devis's comment about his 'booty' was justified. "Certainly, my dear Alhandra," he replies distractedly.


First Post
P-Kitty here, sneaking onto the computer in the middle of a post-wedding-shower get-together! Man, I'm shameless - and anti-social, and too lazy to log out my host. Do the party thang; I'll be home Sunday night, and have a nice combat update waiting for you Monday morning. Until then, have a great weekend!

- Piratecat



O my my, O Hell yes, PuttyCat got on his Party dress !!

I talked to [COLOR= red]HE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED[/color] and he'll have something for you in your e-mailbox.


Devis' drumming fills the room. Your hearts were already racing along with his beat; now his beat seems to overwhelm the rhythm of the goblinoid drums. You can still hear them sporadically, but their beat falters, misses a stroke here and there. Devis is clearly the superior musician, and it tells on the faces on the goblinoids.

Hennet's hands come alive with crackling energies as he casts. The magical aura doesn't resolve into a bolt of deadly energy, however; instead, it turns to faintly glowing dust, sent speeding across the room by Hennet's breath. The dust streaks across the echoing cavern into the ranks of the goblinoids. Several of them inhale sharply in surprise, but not as surprised as their comrades are when two of the shieldbearers sink to their knees. Within seconds they land on the rough floor, snoring cacophonously.

Ma'Varkith erects a hasty shield of pure mental energy. She gets it up just in time, and she feels a mental assault breaking on it like waves off of a breakwater. Her tattoos flash a luminous gold, lighting her hands slightly as her arrow arcs across the room. It is almost a perfect shot; right between the shieldbearers, it looks at first like a killing blow as it homes in on the blind warrior's forehead. At the last moment, though, something must warn him; blind or not, he throws up a hand, and the arrow sticks in his hand instead.

Jozan had already finished his prayer for aid, and his touch on Alhandra is competent and not sexual in the least. Fiery warmth spreads from his hand, like the sun's heat on dark stone, and she feels her skin knitting together. Never one to waste an opportunity, she fires an arrow, but it is blocked by one of the few standing shieldsmen.

Krusk howls as he backs up and rushes the chasm. Regdar is where he needs to be, and with one powerful arm thrusts Krusk forward. Several of the goblinoids blanch; nothing like the sight of 260 lbs. of screaming, axe-wielding half-orc to give you pause. Krusk clears the chasm with only inches to spare and continues to run straight towards the splintering shield wall.

This looks like a decent technique to Kerwyn. He takes a running start and leaps forward. As he does so, his rhythm is thrown off by the sight of a goblinoid hand reaching upwards once again from the chasm. Kerwyn bumps it with his leg as he sails over. It ruins his landing, causing half of his body to slide downwards into the chasm, but the creature whose hand he bumped growls in despair as his grip is knocked loose once again. Kerwyn finally finds himself half in the dark sinkhole, hanging on to the far side of the lip with both arms. Below him, he can hear the sounds of both water and grunting pain.

Nebin finishes his incantation, and a slightly glowing badger on the other side, It looks almost perfect, other than a lack of sound, but the sounds of the fight drowns out most subtle noises in any case. The badger moves forward towards Nebin's foes.

Finally, Kazak's eyes blaze as a spear of mental energy leaps from his forehead. The armored, blind goblinoid shrieks in pain as it spears into him, shattering whatever defenses he may have had. "No," he gasps, a small amount of blood trickling from his nose. "Kill the dwarf instead." He steps backwards into the darkness, replaced by four additional troops wielding small shields and crossbows, rusty maces hanging at their belts.

One of the injured creatures kicks one of the sleeping warriors and shouts in goblinoid, "They're down! They're dead! The buckled one killed them!" In desperation, they attack. Those that can throw spears or shoot crossbows, while the creatures with the tower shields form up ranks to give the archers covier against Krusk's charge. Miraculously, only one spear strikes Krusk, the rest flying wide. Kazak isn't so lucky; most of the missiles aimed at him bounce off the surrounding rock, but one is a solid hit, impaling him in the shoulder.


My stupid connection went down for a bit, but better late than never. Krusk takes a mere 3 points. Kazak takes 11 points. Kazak, nice job on the mind thrust; you ripped away a nice amount of Int! Now, Krusk is within 15 ft. of the shield wall (such as it is.) There are almost 12 active goblinoids that you can see, and several more on the ground; all of them are backed up behind the haphazard wall of tower and regular shields. The leader, the blind one, has retreated out of sight.
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