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NetFlix's DareDevil - Your thoughts?


Surprisingly well done. It surpassed Agent of Shield, Arrow and Gotham (not too hard to do). It doesn't innovate. A hero is there to restore the status quo, not change it, but the cinematography, the acting and more importantly the writting are great. Having less episodes (13 instead of 23) makes more less filler. At 10 episodes it would have been thighter and better paced.

Is it grimdark like DC's movies? No. It is dark, but there is space for lighter notes and the hero isn't too depressed. His moral dilemma is not about him being a hero, it is about how far he should go.

Not really an origines story in the traditional way. We get a 30 seconds origine scene at the begining of the first episode and some flashbacks during the show, but DD is in action right from the start. Refreshing.

The only negative note is the baddy. A bit too campy for my taste.

I've seen the first couple and quite like what I've seen, so far. Similar style of storytelling to "Arrow", with the actual origin in flash-backs, which leaves most of the time for telling the actual story.

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First Post
It was excellent. The actor for Stick was perfect and Foggy Nelson they got some great depth out of. Because of how good this was I am now looking forward to AKA Jessica Jones a lot more.


First Post
I'm one of the few if only people not impressed. I give it a 6 out of 10.

It's good, and had it come out 10-15 years ago it would have been a 9 out of 10. if it wasn't linked to Avengers and Agents of shield I would give it a 7.5 out of 10. How ever I now have Agents of shield (that started out a bit weak so it's hard to compare since DD only had 13 shows not twenty something) and Arrow (that basicly was in the 3rd show already as good or better then the 13th Daredevil...) and flash that hit the ground running (pun intended).

I would put this as better then Gothem, as good as Constantine, better then 1st half of season 1 shield but not as good as 2md half of shield, much worse then Arrow, and can't hold a flame to flash...

the good-
Kingpin he is maybe the best villain ever... he is defiantly the best version of kingpin ever.
Tropes slaying the partner wasn't comic relief, he had his own arc, the girl wasn't always needing men to come to her rescue (no more often then other men) and I will spoiler this last bit
[sblock]the fbi mattered... in corrupt cop movies/TV shows people always forget that they are an option... or the corrupter owns EVERYONE... it felt nice for them to matter[/sblock]
Stick I loved stick, if anything was wrong it was that he wasn't in it more.
Magic they didn't feel the need to beat you over the head with powers and magic, but they let them into the series.
Secrete Identity no one carries the stupid ball, and it isn't obvius... unless you really know matt...

the bad-
13 hour origin I thought the new mantra was no origin, but this felt very dragged out.
Pacing to be fair, I have never watched a Netflix series so it may just take getting used to, but it didn't feel like 13 1 hour tv episodes, and it didn't feel like a 13hr movie either, the pacing just felt off some how.
too weak By tying onto the MCU it really felt painful to see daredevil get beat up... I'm used to watching Agent May, and Black Widow take down a room full of thugs and or trained agents and then just have mussed up hair, I'm used to watching Agent Ward and Mocking bird do similar but get a few bruises, I'm used to Trip and sky being a little more beat up but still taking 2 or 3 guys on no problem... then we get the super power street level bad*** ninja super hero... and he gets his but kicked by some Russian no name thugs... Tony Stark did better in Iron Man 3 without his armor. When stick calls him a wuss (well worse word) I felt it was kinda true.
[sblock]if they introed the Night nurse after the Hand ninja fight instead of just thugs I would feel better[/sblock]
Inconsistent healing The amount of punishment he could just walk off was weird... he was beat up so bad he had a collapsed lung and maybe a broken rib... no problem he meditates to heal fast :erm::confused: so is this a grim and gritty or a comic book, or is it the WORST of both... hero gets seriesly hurt but just bounces back like he wasn't?
Being a lawyer I was looking forward to seeing him defend people... and what do we get 1 case, and the guy is guilty of sin... I mean they could have taken a parry mason show, re wrote it to be two lawyers, and instead of a private eye they have daredevil find evidence... it would be so easy. I mean his powers make him a walking talking crime sceane tech team...I was bummed that Matt himself being a trial lawyer bearly mattered.

The Ugly
Pointless death [sblock]WHat was the purpose of killing ben? He is a big character, and it didn't make Kingpin more bad or more terrifying or advance the plot really... taking it out really doesn't change much... it felt like shock for shock value[/sblock]
Why does he keep secrets so they hung a lampshade on it in the 10th hour, but really if he didn't plan to be daredevil since being a kid (and they say he wasn't) why did multi years of law school and then internship pass with him lying to his best friend? I mean he doesn't have to tell him everything, but god a simple "I can tell when people are lying because when I lost my sight my other sense got better." or something... I mean it felt so weird that his best friend and partner didn't know ANYTHING about his senses... even as he uses them around him all the time...
No killing...sort of Ok so a main theme in this type of work is "I wont kill" and you have to take some of it with a grain of salt, because it is easy in a fight to accidently kill someone if you hit them too hard. HOWEVER when you throw people off buildings and drop fire extinguishers on them from heights, and LIGHT THEM ON FIRE... it seems like you get lucky more then anything...
WHat would you prefer yellow spandex OK back in the day heroes and villains made fun of the comic book stuff, but then Captain America, Thor and Iron man showed you could have the outfits... so why make fun of the fisk white suit? I mean he doesn't need to wear it, but to call it out as a joke was a little sad... especially when
[Sblock]Dare devil runs through 12 1/2 of 13 hours without his main costume... and I will add by the third time someone told him to get some armor it got old... again the slow 13 hour origin could have been fixed[/sblock]

My idea how it could have been better
[sblock] take the first two episodes and re mix parts of 3 and 4 into them, daredevil doesn't need the night nurse yet and fisk shows up a bit sooner. Then make the 3rd one stick. The fourth one the Hand ninja beats him up, and he needs her help then... then 4 and 5 are 12 and 13, the coustume show up and lock up Fisk. Then let Fisk run things from jail, and Matt get an innocent client for a sub plot... then intro a villain (maybe bullseye) for a bit, then back to Fisk... then the "should I kill him" thing hold more weight when he runs thing from prison, there is no legal way to stop him [/sblock]


Funny, I don't see it as a 13 hour origin story. When we meet Murdock he's already Daredevil, just without the costume. The real origin story, of how he got his training and powers, occupies something less than 5 minutes in the entire season, and is dealt with in flashbacks.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Funny, I don't see it as a 13 hour origin story. When we meet Murdock he's already Daredevil, just without the costume. The real origin story, of how he got his training and powers, occupies something less than 5 minutes in the entire season, and is dealt with in flashbacks.

Oh, it's totally an origin story - for him and for Kingpin (arguably more for Kingpin). He gets the name and the costume at the end. It's not the origin of Matt Murdoch's powers (though that's touched on briefly); it's the origin of the superhero known as Daredevil. Batman origin stories often have him fighting crime without the cowl for a while, too.


Oh, it's totally an origin story - for him and for Kingpin (arguably more for Kingpin). He gets the name and the costume at the end. It's not the origin of Matt Murdoch's powers (though that's touched on briefly); it's the origin of the superhero known as Daredevil. Batman origin stories often have him fighting crime without the cowl for a while, too.

Technically I suppose that it is, but it's not the long and drawn out origin story that we've come to expect from the multiple comic franchises and their various reboots. It's more about a character finding his "brand", than it is about him becoming a hero. For example how many times do we need to see Uncle Ben get killed? Do we really need to see the Fantastic Four go through their transformations again? And those damned pearls. I've lost count of the number of times that I've seen that string of pearls break and scatter all over the alley behind that damned theatre.

Both "Arrow" and "Daredevil" have done it right, by making the actual origin appear in nothing more than brief flashbacks. Of the two I would say that Daredevil did it even better, by making those flashbacks even shorter. The characters are ubiquitous. Their stories generations old. I'm glad that someone finally figured that out and got right down to telling the story.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Technically I suppose that it is, but it's not the long and drawn out origin story that we've come to expect from the multiple comic franchises and their various reboots. It's more about a character finding his "brand", than it is about him becoming a hero.

I don't really see the distinction, technically or not. It comes acrosss very cearly as an origin sory for both hero and villain to me.

For example how many times do we need to see Uncle Ben get killed? Do we really need to see the Fantastic Four go through their transformations again? And those damned pearls. I've lost count of the number of times that I've seen that string of pearls break and scatter all over the alley behind that damned theatre.

Sure. I don't think anybody disagrees that there are origin stories we've seen too often.

There is a dfense to that, though. You may have seen them several times. A 7-year old kid wasn't alive last time it happened.

Both "Arrow" and "Daredevil" have done it right, by making the actual origin appear in nothing more than brief flashbacks. Of the two I would say that Daredevil did it even better, by making those flashbacks even shorter. The characters are ubiquitous. Their stories generations old. I'm glad that someone finally figured that out and got right down to telling the story.

Well, Arrow is still an origin story. He hasn't come out as Green Arrow yet. I assume there's a character name change coming soon.



What, if any, ways are there to watch this legally without joining NetFlix? I'm fine to spend a few dollars per episode, but I don't want to join NetFlix.




I don't really see the distinction, technically or not. It comes acrosss very cearly as an origin sory for both hero and villain to me.

Sure. I don't think anybody disagrees that there are origin stories we've seen too often.

There is a dfense to that, though. You may have seen them several times. A 7-year old kid wasn't alive last time it happened.

Well, Arrow is still an origin story. He hasn't come out as Green Arrow yet. I assume there's a character name change coming soon.

I gave the "technically" statement as a concession, because I don't really see it as an origin story myself at all, so I'll just take that back ;) I see it as being like "Batman: Year One" in which you've already got someone who has chosen to be a hero, righter of wrongs, or punisher of evildoers..., but is refining his process and defining the image he portrays to the public.

Sure, that seven year old hasn't seen the origin story in film before, but the characters are rather pervasive in pop culture. I would argue that origin stories are largely unnecessary except perhaps in the previously stated little flashbacks, as a reminder of what has gone before. You can tell a story about the Greek Gods without retelling the story of Chronos and Gaia. Why do the 'modern myths' need the constant retelling?

And I have my doubts that we'll ever see Oliver Queen become "Green Arrow." After all we're already 3 seasons in, and he's doing what he was going to do. I'm fine with him continuing on as "The Arrow" and we all know who the character is.

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