NEW Immortals Handbook - Ascension thread

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Hey all! :)

Okay, the old thread was getting unwieldy.

I wanted to bring up an idea I have been contemplating for a week or so and ask everyones opinions. Ascension has been dragging on for too long now (yes I know thats my fault), but I think I have a solution to getting it done much quicker. Basically I am thinking about dividing Ascension into two books. So hear me out...

Immortals Handbook - Ascension (160 pages)...basically the first four chapters.

Immortals Handbook - Ascension Companion (64 pages)...basically the appendices (plus I will probably throw in some new stuff).

Anyone who already preordered Ascension would get both pdfs (don't worry about that).

I think this way I can get Ascension done within weeks (including the art that is) rather than a few months, as it still looks.

Any comments, suggestions? Like I said I want to get some feedback on the idea first, I haven't totally made my mind up as yet.

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First Post
Will Resonance be included in either volume?

When you say 'appendices', you mean the sample builds right?

How much time do you think you have left on the mechanical (i.e. portfolios, resonance, Chpt. 4 Tables, et al) side of the text before you'd print it out for play at your table?

Frankly, I think anything to focus the effort is a good thing. Concentrate on getting the machien running, then elaborate with the deity builds.


First Post
I agree with Pssthpok; we've got people waiting on Ascension who haven't pre-ordered, and they're getting testy. The sample builds can wait, provided you clear up a couple things that don't appear outside them. For example, without Surtr and Algol, I would never have known that [Effect] save DCs are Con-based, or that deities use their full HD for caster level.


First Post
Agreed with the above here, too. Mechanically, I think it's nearly done, but it's clear that you bit off more than you could chew in such things as the number of sample Portfolios, the sheer mass of abilities, and other similar points. The basic, core rules you built everything around seem to be fairly solid at this point; that's what Ascension really should be more than anything else. Just add the Resonance rules into chapter 1, get the "make your own Portfolios" and other portfolio meta-rules back into the beginning of chapter 3, and you're pretty much set. The sample builds aren't worth getting hung up on, nor are a few minor issues with individual Portfolio powers and weaknesses as long as you give general guidelines for how to make the silly things in the first place.

It's like the adage about giving a man a fish so he eats for a day, as opposed to teaching him to fish so he feeds himself for a lifetime. Right now, you're the only fisherman; we want to learn how to fish from you and that's what we understood Ascension to be about. :) So how about finishing the class? Let the examples and exercises wait. Eyes on the prize!

Hi Pssthpok mate! :)

Pssthpok said:
Will Resonance be included in either volume?

Of course. I just got bogged down on a technical issue and decided to progress onto the other chapters, leaving Resonance temporarily on the backburner.

The same sort of issues complicated progress on the Portfolios chapter. If you get stuck on one part, even a name of a power, do you spend time to thrash it out or go on to the next and try and get as much done on the one pass.

Pssthpok said:
When you say 'appendices', you mean the sample builds right?


Pssthpok said:
How much time do you think you have left on the mechanical (i.e. portfolios, resonance, Chpt. 4 Tables, et al) side of the text before you'd print it out for play at your table?

Well I think by the next update (31st) the text (of the 1st 4 Chapters) could be ready, but I am sure there would still be editing issues - spellchecking only covers so much. But between the finished text and the finished art I think I/we would spot most of the errata.

Pssthpok said:
Frankly, I think anything to focus the effort is a good thing. Concentrate on getting the machien running, then elaborate with the deity builds.


I agree; Ascension, in all its awesomeness, is taking a bit of time. Splitting it up might be the right idea, but as others have said, lots of 'minor' details need to be included.

Most of us who have taken a look at Ascension as it has progressed can make some guesswork as to how things work, but only because whenever we had an issue, you provided the answer, U_K.

[Effects] need to be clarified a bit (Atomic effect and Thelemic effect stand out as complicated) , and the portfolios finished. Resonance needs to be written, and the art to be done.

Perhaps it might be best for you to Finish Ascension so that you get a bit more cash in your pocket, since the status of the Bestiary in print is unknown. (Oh, and if you get word on when it hits the shelves, let us know :)) The Immortal's Appendix could be included in the PDF, or separately in the appropriate Immortal's Index books.

That said, a week or two of pure Editing and proofreading and a week of Art-grinding and you sir will be finished.

Happy Birthday WarDragon mate! :)

Hey paradox dude! :)

paradox42 said:
Agreed with the above here, too. Mechanically, I think it's nearly done, but it's clear that you bit off more than you could chew in such things as the number of sample Portfolios, the sheer mass of abilities, and other similar points.

I always do that. I keep adding and changing things and before you know it you are planning 20 books. :eek:

paradox42 said:
The basic, core rules you built everything around seem to be fairly solid at this point; that's what Ascension really should be more than anything else. Just add the Resonance rules into chapter 1, get the "make your own Portfolios" and other portfolio meta-rules back into the beginning of chapter 3, and you're pretty much set. The sample builds aren't worth getting hung up on, nor are a few minor issues with individual Portfolio powers and weaknesses as long as you give general guidelines for how to make the silly things in the first place.


paradox42 said:
It's like the adage about giving a man a fish so he eats for a day, as opposed to teaching him to fish so he feeds himself for a lifetime. Right now, you're the only fisherman; we want to learn how to fish from you and that's what we understood Ascension to be about. :) So how about finishing the class? Let the examples and exercises wait. Eyes on the prize!

Okay. So it seems you guys are all in favour of the idea.

Well, if you do split it up how are you going to allow those of us that have pre-ordered to download the other files through ENWorld? Manually add them to our bookshelves or something? I'm not being condescending (I know it sounds like I am, sorry), just curious is all.

As for whether or not you do split it up, that's largely up to you, though personally if you do I'd like to have some of the less clear rules clarified.


Thanks for the feedback Ltheb and Frukathka! :)

Hi SokenzanMarauder dude! :)

SokenzanMarauder said:
Well, if you do split it up how are you going to allow those of us that have pre-ordered to download the other files through ENWorld? Manually add them to our bookshelves or something? I'm not being condescending (I know it sounds like I am, sorry), just curious is all.

Well I think I should be able to include both pdfs in a zip file, so the updating process would be the same. Does that sound okay?

SokenzanMarauder said:
As for whether or not you do split it up, that's largely up to you, though personally if you do I'd like to have some of the less clear rules clarified.

Well I need to start putting together a list of all the things rules that people want further clarified/revised. That should probably be a thread on its own.

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